What to do if a pigeon chick is left without parents?

As small children, already able to express their thoughts, we asked many questions to adults. Therefore, we were called Pocher. Why the sky is blue? Why is the sun shining? Why is the grass green? But there are also such issues that, for one reason or another, worry even adults. For example, what does a pigeon chick look like?

pigeon chick
Walking along the street, rushing to work, along the way we meet hundreds of flying city dwellers. They stomp underfoot, and then ridiculously run away from the pursuer, not guessing just to turn to the side. And it seems that pigeons are either teleported from other dimensions, or are born immediately large from a huge female, which is hidden somewhere in the forest. The dove chick is akin to the Bigfoot , the Loch Ness monster and aliens. He never catches the eye. But, of course, pigeon chicks exist, like the cubs of any other birds.

Perhaps this news is shocking to many, but as a rule, pigeons make their nest in attics, roofs, balconies. This is due to their natural instincts. In the natural environment, pigeons grow their offspring on rocky terrain: in the mountains, caves. Since there are no such picturesque natural places in the city, pigeons are taken to the attic like Raskolnikov. The pigeon chick, the photo of which is presented on the right, reaches the mass of an adult bird within two months.

pigeon chick photo

The natural world is merciless to the weak and helpless. Sometimes situations arise when the question arises of how to feed a pigeon chick that has settled on your balcony. The chances of surviving a dovecot without parental care are practically nil, so he will have to take care of him for several months so that he can take care of himself on the streets of the city.

In the first week of his life, a pigeon's chick eats milk, which is produced by both parents. Golubanka, when there is no opportunity to eat milk from parents, you can feed boiled chicken yolk. Further, the blueberry can be given grain grinded in a coffee grinder. You can feed the bird through a nipple worn on a syringe. To enrich food with minerals, it is also necessary to use eggshells in the pigeon diet.

how to feed a pigeon chick
After a week, various grains soaked in water can be added to the diet. Also at this time, the pet must be watered. But do not forget that you should first feed the blueberry, and then drink, otherwise you risk leaving it hungry. At this time, food can already be put in its beak. On the twenty-first day, the pigeon chick is already able to eat bread and grated carrots. It’s easy to develop a pecking instinct for a dove, just leave food and water next to it.

An ambiguous attitude of man towards pigeons was formed. Someone sees them as “birds of the world”, and someone, on the contrary, “flying rats”. Someone feeds them bread crumbs and seeds, and someone chases them with sticks. There is no consensus on the benefits or dangers of pigeons in the city among residents. But still, it is worth understanding that, like any other creature, a dove deserves life in its habitat. Do not remain indifferent if you saw a small helpless chick - help him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26482/

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