Golden topaz stone: properties and photos

It is generally believed that topaz is a gem that is certainly painted in light blue and a very delicate shade. However, in reality it turns out that the palette that this mineral can boast is much larger. On our agenda is golden topaz. What are the features and properties of this stone? How often can it be found in jewelry?


Golden topaz stone is a rare thing, but at the same time very affordable. Experts still can not accurately answer the question of what is the origin of this mineral, as well as where its name came from. According to one version, it is believed that the stone was discovered on the island of Topazionis, and named it accordingly. In Sanskrit, literally "topaz" is translated as "heat", in some sources this word sounds like "fire". It is believed that in addition to the inhabitants of eastern countries, golden topaz was of interest to the Romans. They often used it in the manufacture of body jewelry and inlaid with sacred objects. Topazes will captivate with their non-standard. At first glance it seems that the stone is transparent, it shimmers in the sun, literally mirrors everything that is opposite it. But in fact, its structure is very dense, and it is very difficult even light to pass through it.

Golden topaz

Historical summary

It is not known for certain how golden topazes were mined by our distant ancestors, but they were clearly familiar with this stone. In ancient China, only royal people could wear it. Coats, scarves, hats, and even household items that were stored in their palaces were embroidered with topazes especially for them. Indian monarchs preferred to encrust their crowns with golden topaz, since at that time the stone was a real rarity. As for the more modern history of this mineral, it was again discovered on the territory of the Ural Mountains. The stone immediately received the name among the people - "heavy weight", since its density was and remains very impressive - 8 units on the Mohs scale. Since then, he became the pride of the tsarist dynasty of the Russian Empire and inherited by us.

golden topazes of light shades

Where to looking for?

Looking at the photo of golden topaz, I certainly want to get hold of this gift. But first, let's find out where the miners find it, because the cost will directly depend on it:

  • Sri Lanka is an island on which there are more yellowish crystals than anywhere else.
  • Germany - the town of Schnekkeshtein is famous for such minerals.
  • Ukraine - Volyn region became famous in 1965 due to the fact that they found a huge nugget of yellow-orange color.
  • Russia, namely the Ural Mountains, as well as Transbaikalia. But it is worth noting that in our country, not only golden, but also topazes of other colors are mined.

Still these stones are sometimes found on the island of Madagascar and in Brazil. We also emphasize that these stones are of volcanic origin. This, in particular, makes it possible to recreate the tectonic map of the past.

golden topaz in nature

Mineral Features

Topazes are positioned as fluorosilicates. In nature, they are found in the form of an elongated prism; they have a glossy structure similar to glass. The yellow shade of the stones gives the aluminum, which is in the composition. What other properties do golden topazes possess?

  • The stone has a stepped fracture.
  • It has perfect cleavage.
  • At high temperatures it does not melt, but simply becomes more cloudy.
  • Golden topaz is one of the most durable stones, its hardness is 8 units on the Mohs scale. Only a diamond is denser.
  • The stone does not show absolutely no reaction to strong temperature changes, to chemicals, to high humidity.

In nature, you can find gold topaz in a wide variety of shades. They start from light, translucent, and end with saturated with red and brown tints.

gold topaz ring

How did you use topaz before?

As we already mentioned above, topazes of yellow shades in the antique and medieval period could be used only by august persons. Often this stone served the church, decorating altars, walls, murals, and even the Bible itself. This rare mineral was so elevated that they gradually began to ascribe to it unprecedented magical properties. For example, it was believed that with the help of topaz any poisoning or indigestion could be easily and quickly cured. Later they "understood", or rather came up with, that the stone is very sensitive to various kinds of poisons. As soon as he was lowered into a bowl with a drink or food, he immediately changed color, indicating the presence of poison in food. Nowadays they don’t rely on such tricks, but the stone is still considered healing.

Healing characteristics

Topaz gold shades are considered women's stones. They allow you to get rid of problems with the uterus, with appendages and with minor ailments of the female reproductive system. Many are even convinced that by wearing yellow topaz constantly, you can get rid of infertility. In parallel with all this, the stone helps treat a diseased spine, saves from epilepsy, depression, and nervous breakdowns. It also normalizes the condition of the skin, prevents eczema and other dermatological diseases. People who never part with this precious mineral are sure that it strengthens the immune system.

exquisite jewelry with golden topazes

Modern magic

Well, now let's get acquainted with the magical, but already modern properties of the stone. Golden topaz is positioned as a positive stone. It dispels fear, sets you up for a cheerful and optimistic mood, helps to cope with boredom and a bad mood. Due to the fact that the stone fills the soul with warmth and goodness, a person becomes invulnerable to the evil eye or damage. Golden topaz is also recommended for all lawyers, psychologists and psychics, because it also develops intuition and helps to solve complex logical problems.

It is important to note that this stone is very devoted to its owner. If you believe in his good power and constantly thank for the good luck that he brings, good will multiply. Topaz is able to put thoughts in order, helps to establish profitable relationships and grow financially.

A bit of astrology

Refined golden topaz - the stone is far from universal, but suitable for many. It is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Aries, Gemini and Leo. It also helps people who were born on the 8th or 16th day of the lunar calendar. There is also an opinion that topaz is a godsend for those born in November. But here, most likely, we are talking about the blue shades of the stone, although astrologers claim that the color does not matter. Categorically, the stone does not fit Sagittarius, who were born in December, as well as Taurus and Pisces. In the last two signs, the golden mineral will develop a sense of anger and rage.

gold topaz and diamond earrings

In the generally accepted format, gold topaz is believed to be a male stone that has a strong yang origin. He is the personification of the Sun, but his patron planet is Saturn.

Jewelry and their features

Topazes of any color are considered completely precious stones, but in comparison with emeralds, sapphires and diamonds their cost is slightly lower, therefore they are widely available. However, it is the golden shade of the mineral that is a real rarity, since it is found only in a few corners of the planet. The most expensive subspecies of yellow topaz is the one that is dug up in the east of Brazil. It has a slightly pinkish tint. Topazes mined in Russia and Ukraine are relatively inexpensive; the average resident of the country can afford them.

Amazingly, these pebbles, despite their uniqueness and originality, combine perfectly with any design and frame. They literally merge with gold, only gleaming in the light of the safites. Against the background of silver, they look like a little sun, bewitching and captivating with their beauty. They combine well with topazes of other colors and with stones similar in texture.


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