The best quotes from the books of Elchin Safarli

One of the most popular writers of our time with certainty can be called Elchin Safarli. It was his pen that belonged to such piercing and touching works as “There Without A Back”, “They Promised You”, “Tell Me About the Sea” and others. Today we have prepared for you a short biography of the writer, collected the most interesting quotes, aphorisms and sayings of Elchin Safarli. Enjoy reading!

Safarli Biography

An Azerbaijani writer was born in March 1984 in Baku. He had barely turned 12 years old when he began to publish in newspapers. At sixteen, Elchin entered the International University of Azerbaijan, choosing for himself the specialization "Journalism". He collaborated with Turkish television channels, wrote for the print media. It is worth noting that Safarli lived for many years in Istanbul. This, of course, was reflected in his early work. In 2011, a short film about the writer, “Alone with Everyone,” was released.

"Sweet salt of the Bosphorus"

This book was published in 2010. In it, Safarli delightfully subtly reveals all the facets of the East, showing both its light and dark sides. In reviews, readers say: it's hard to believe that it is a man who writes so touchingly and gently. This is not surprising, just read this quote from Elchin Safarli from the book “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus”:

The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two look at her from different ends of the earth, they certainly meet with glances.

"Sweet salt of the Bosphorus"

Both critics and fans of the work of this amazing writer note: Elchin uses stunning metaphors, writes in simple language - amazingly accurate and vivid. For example, talking about the emotions and feelings of a person in a state of despair, he compares poplar fluff with dust, the sun - with a simple disk. Safarli says: despair is dirty shoes. But it is not eternal, it is at the moment of the most intense sorrow that happiness and love come to a person.

Waiting for personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Despite the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known when exactly. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. It breaks into the fate of man in spite of the life schedule. He visits one early. Another - a little later. Someone is late. Love will certainly reach each of us. An indisputable fact disputed by people without faith in themselves ...

This work of Safarli calls on everyone to find their happiness, to be able to comprehend it. And of course, abandon life in a daily routine. Proof of this is the following quote from the book of Elchin Safarli:

Life can be adjusted. Making changes is easy. Worth to want. Of course, there is no way to do without victims. Have to. Victims are the sediment at the bottom of the mug with gorgeous coffee ... Of course, it’s easier to give up the dream. Living in a meaningless stream. Wait for the green color of the traffic light, standing on the sidewalk. How much time will pass while waiting? It is unknown ... Life is like fluff from a pillow. A thousand opportunities to catch. 999 of them are empty.

What else is the Azerbaijani writer talking about? Like many others, he addresses the topic of love. And it does it incredibly gently:

Our hearts are intertwined with vanilla-ginger threads, covered with a golden brown. Our kisses give a refreshing taste of caraway seeds, making feelings hot. Our touches are tender, like burgundy saffron fibers.

Why should you read this book? We guarantee you a complete immersion in the atmosphere of the East, or rather, in Istanbul - you will find spicy aromas, hot wind, cool night Bosphorus:

I love this city when it is dressed in lemon-sunny fabrics of summer, in pale brown silks of autumn. During these seasons, Istanbul’s magic is exacerbated - it smells like candied fruit, vanilla biscuit, fish kebab ...

"There without back"

Critics call this novel by Azerbaijani writer Elchin Safarli shocking. This is not surprising, because he describes the life of a Russian prostitute, full of loneliness and pain, who, by the will of fate, ended up in Istanbul. There is so much despair, faith, love, and horror in this work:

I am like an animal in a zoo dreaming of freedom - never, never will be ...

This book no longer has the warm melodramatic style that could be seen in the previous book. Proof of this is the following quotation from the book of Elchin Safarli:

I'm alive. She let go of the past and didn’t notice how. The protective reaction of the psyche? If she hadn’t let her go, she would have died under his rubble. Now there is emptiness in me. Feelings dried up, emotions crumbled, resentment cracked.

"There without back"

Despite the type of activity of the main character, the reader does not see a woman who has fallen, but a person who knows what she wants. She wants to get out of the life that she lives, to find her happiness:

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. You can’t replace a family with money, a career, or friends. Family is like an element of a puzzle: you will find the missing piece, and the picture of life will turn out.

Let's say right away: there will be no happy end. Elchin Safarli in this work saves readers from illusions, presents the truth of life - cruel and emotional. Through the mouth of the main character, he says:

Only after living below, you learn how dangerous it is to climb up. Only after being in the dark do you know how bright the sunlight is ...

Like the book “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus”, this work is literally saturated with the atmosphere of Istanbul. This is proved by such a quote from the book of Elchin Safarli:

“Megacities have become rougher and wider over the years, and are being stifled by progress. But in Istanbul there isn’t such: its appearance is changing, but the atmosphere is the same, have you noticed? ” - and he touches his cheek with his palm, as if checking if it was time to shave. “Noticed. The rhythm of time does not change this city, and the old contrasts remain. ”

"I'll be back"

Another delightfully tender love story awaits readers under the cover of this book. Do you believe in love at first sight? This writer believes. This is confirmed by numerous quotes from "I Will Return" by Elchin Safarli:

Do not be afraid to love! Love conquers and will conquer! The main thing in the struggle for each other is to believe in each other.

A Russian woman and an oriental man met in line, looked at each other and fell in love. She is a resident of Moscow, who does not believe in tears; he lives in Istanbul, where there is the Bosphorus, capable of healing the soul. Both Mirumir and Svetusvet have their own past. Together they are only in the present. And it is not at all clear whether lovers will have a future.

Love has two obstacles - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, doubts of the present.

"I'll be back"

The difference in mentality, the onslaught of circumstances, despair and distance ... "I will return" is a delightful novel in which Safarli shows the way of Russian girls who can go in search of their happiness in the East. And a lot (incredibly much) talks about love:

For happiness, you do not need to buy ugg boots, wind your hair into a funny pyramid or live in decadence with the hope of a happy ending. It is enough to know the taste of the kisses of a loved one and meet blue evenings on the balcony, in an embrace. All philosophies of life rest on love. No doubt ...


Some writer - he forgot who exactly - said that in life there is only one big love, all the love that precedes it is just a test of the pen, and all subsequent ones are catching up ...

Readers note: Safarli describes those life moments that people rarely pay attention to because of fuss and employment. This book is ideal for those who are tired, morally crushed. She wraps up like a cozy blanket. And of course, heal.

"You were promised to me"

Do not pick up this book if you have not experienced the pain of loss. Because at best, you just won’t understand it. And at worst - disappointed in the writer. Elchin Safarli writes very frankly about his condition:

In life, people periodically crumble into pieces, and then gather, and a new picture is obtained. I don’t know what kind of picture I am - I am bit by bit all the time. Sometimes they are larger, and then I feel better, and it seems that some harmonious prudence is about to come. And sometimes they are so small that I don’t understand what to do with these crumbs. Exhausting.

"You were promised to me"

Quotes about love from the book of Elchin Safarli make even inveterate skeptics believe in this feeling: the author describes places, smells, sounds that remind him that he was once the happiest person in the world:

I still continue to speak with you incessantly. Mentally. So we are closer to each other.

It is worth noting that Safarli not only indulges in memories, but also tries to figure out - what is the reason that he lost his love:

I know only one reason for the broken relations, it is not at all connected with the stamp in the passport. Understatement. It all starts with her.

This is only part of the problem. Elchin adds:

Love, sometimes, does not withstand even a short separation. Too fragile, for which neglect is often fatal.

And he says absolutely amazing words:

To release does not mean to forget.

It's amazing that the author is a man, readers say. After all, representatives of the stronger sex very rarely so sincerely and touchingly tell strangers about their feelings ...

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and put our nose on the cheek. After all, life is beautiful when someone's cheek needs your nose.

"... There are no memories without you"

This book is a personal diary of a girl. On its pages the reader will find so much love that he is unlikely to be able to restrain his emotions.

Prior to his appearance, hearing a knock on the door, I was tempted to lock it with extra locks and never open it again. Who knows? But I am afraid of change: it is especially scary when they are for the better. After all, you quickly get used to it, involuntarily. And then, as a rule, you have to wean - sooner or later, painfully. “It’s better I won’t wait at all and get used to something ...” - I decided just when I heard the creak of the door opening. Without preliminary knocking. He had the keys to my heart.

The love in this work is completely different - joyful and sad, desperate and inspiring, bitter and incredibly happy:

If circumstances separated us for a while, he always briefly reported: "You are missing." To which I always answered: “I am in you. And I will be there as you say. ”

"... There are no memories without you"

The author himself asks readers who love at the moment to read this book, trying not to read the content. For those who are single, Elchin Safarli advises you to remember that love can be invisible, but it is still everywhere. And the writer asks not to stop believing in love.

My love for him bordered on gratitude. In non-stop mode, I wanted to say "thank you." Because he taught me to laugh again, started my soul mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, eternal summer, tenderness is poured in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.

"If you only knew"

Are you experiencing a difficult period? Be sure to start reading this Safarli book - it will capture you from the first pages (and this despite the fact that it does not have any twisted plot, non-standard and unexpected turns). She is like a conversation with a good psychologist: she will help to transfer all the pain that was in the past, let her go, recover ...

Unhappy love is like ... a sore throat. It is completely compatible with life, it’s just unpleasant, but it’s impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful - even your breath catches. Therefore, it is better to sit down and write down. With each letter, the sore becomes ill. True, one cannot immediately feel this - the effect comes a bit later.

The author helps to remember the past, which is deep inside, to live it and begin to breathe again. Readers admit: in the main character they see themselves, in her feelings find their love and pain ...

When you shout “I hate” in tears, it means that inside you shout “I love” even louder.

"If you only knew"

From somewhere Safarli knows well how exactly a woman experiences separation from her beloved person. He says:

I have not seen you for a long time. I changed the phone number, deleted all your contacts. She learned to restrain herself when unsolicited tears betray anguish, and hide her hands in her pockets when they themselves clench their fists in rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is fun and does not resemble our songs with you. I also work a lot. Everything seems to be good, but all this ... a game.

And after honestly adds:

When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace him with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst, with books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but insignificant self-deception.

Let's be honest - this whole little book can be safely disassembled into quotes. Choosing the best is simply impossible! Judge for yourself what these words are worth:

I tried to come to an agreement with my heart, explain to him: they say, stop torturing me - well, it didn’t work, well, it didn’t agree with whom it doesn’t happen. Let him go! Do not harass me, stop reminding me of him. It hurts after all. Finally, understand that because it is always inside, it does not become easier for me - I need it nearby. Determine yourself at last: then you want to forget it, then you always remember. Long requests, I almost prayed on my knees, but this competition of my own life with life without him continued.

Or these:

There is no point in true love. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely everything is possible. But whatever the reasons, true love still lives on in the heart.

You can call all the quotes from the book of Elchin Safarli the best. And the book itself can be called a cure for pain. After her there is a desire to live, rejoice and believe - of course, in love!

“When I get back, be home”

Everyone who has ever opened books written by Elchin Safarli knows how simple they are. The author talks about feelings, the main of which is the feeling of loss. Someone (beloved or beloved, a loved one) will certainly leave, leave, die. What does the hero have to do? Get lost in pain, suffer, make futile attempts to fix something, learn to accept reality. The novel “When I Return, Be At Home” is a collection of more than 50 soulful letters that a man named Hans writes to his daughter, Dost. The main problem is that Dost will never read these letters, because she died. Hans cannot reconcile himself to this loss, and therefore continues to speak with his own person:

Dost, you probably have deja vu. Jean explains these outbursts with reincarnation: the immortal soul in a new incarnation recalls what she felt in the previous body. "So the universe tells us that we should not be afraid of earthly death, life is eternal."

“When I get back, be home”

This story is unhurried and measured, it is about how important it is to be able to enjoy every day of your own life. And of course, stop depending on the pain of loss, because the past cannot be changed.

Keep silent when everyone speaks, speak when your words are about love, even through tears. Learn to forgive those around you, so you will find a way to forgive yourself. Do not scamper, but do not forget where your ship is sailing. Maybe he lost his course? ..

Through the mouths of heroes, Elchin Safarli recalls:

Every morning - an opportunity to see, learn new things. The beginning and continuation of an incredible adventure. Every new day, despite the difficulties, can be made unforgettable. And this is breathtaking.

And the writer reveals to his readers the main secret:

Despair is called the last and main tool of the devil, he uses it against the most persistent, when the previous methods - pride, jealousy, hatred - are powerless.

Well, and, of course, this book is also full of love! Elchin Safarli says:

Love is the only stable feeling in a changing world. When you love, any test is surmountable.

Of course, in order to appreciate the whole talent of Elchin Safarli, to get acquainted with his heroes and experiences, quotes alone are not enough. Therefore, we recommend that you definitely read all of his books!


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