Cranes: description, photo, diet, characteristics and characteristics of species

Raven or corvidae birds are a family of birds from the order of passerines. Among the birds of this order, it is precisely the representatives of this family that are distinguished by large sizes and developed intelligence. Which birds belong to the corvids, what are the features of their biology and whether it is worth keeping them in captivity - about all this in this article.

blue jay

Different but very similar

Ravens are passerine vertebrates. Corvian birds (common jay, blue jay, gray crow, common raven, jackdaw, rook and many others) represent a rather large family, which includes 23 genera and more than 120 species of birds. All of them are characterized by a peculiar "raven" appearance - these are large birds (weighing up to 1.5 kg) with a dense body, large head with a large slightly curved beak. All of them are dark in color, although brightly colored elegant corvidae birds are also found (the photo above is the blue shrub jay Aphelocoma coerulescens).

These birds are distributed around the globe almost everywhere. The birds of the corvidae family live in forests, steppes, deserts, mountains. They are not found in Antarctica, in the far north, South America and on the ocean islands of New Zealand.

In Russia, corvidae birds (photo below) are represented by 15 species, the most famous of which are gray (Corvus cornix) and black (Corvus corone) crow, common raven (Corvus corax), rook (Corvus frugilegus), jackdaw (Corvus monedula), magpie ordinary (Pica pica).

corvine russia

Some species features

In the article there is no way to characterize many types of corvids. We describe only a few representatives. We are all familiar.

Common Raven (Corvus corax) - one of the smartest members of the family. A large bird with a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters, weighing up to 1.5 kilograms and body length up to 70 centimeters. The beak is massive, tall and sharp. The tail is wedge-shaped. The color is black with a metallic tint; females do not differ from males.

black raven

Gray (Corvus cornix) and black (Corvus corone) crow - body sizes up to 56 centimeters. Sometimes they are considered as two subspecies of the same species, differing in the color of the feathers - in the former, the head, wings and tail are black, and the body is gray, in the latter they are black with a greenish or purple tint.

Rook (Corvus frugilegus) - birds with a body length of up to 45 centimeters, the color is black with a purple glow, the base of the beak is bare. Migratory birds in the northern part of the range.

Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) - fairly small birds. Body length up to 35 centimeters. The wings and tail are black, and the body is slate gray. The beak is short and stocky. Funny and sociable birds. Because of their cheerful nature, they are most often kept in captivity.

Magpie (Pica pica) - characterized by a characteristic black and white color. Body length up to 50 centimeters. The tail is longer than the body.

common jay

Jay (Garrulus glandarius) is a rare representative of corvidae in Russia with bright plumage. The name of these birds comes from the old Russian word "soy", which means "to shine." The size of a jay with a daw, has a crest on the head, a tan torso combined with a white nuhvostu, bright blue with stripes shoulders and black wings, tail and top of the head. Jays are adept imitators and their singing consists of the sounds of other birds singing.

Raven and crow - not husband and wife

As it has already become clear, these are birds of the same genus, Crows, but of completely different species. And their even resemblance leaves no doubt about that. They never form pairs.

But with their appearance, most of the corvidae birds (photo - a couple of forty at the nest), they enter into a long monogamous relationship. Sexual dimorphism in corvids is not developed, the male is usually somewhat larger than the female. The male and female together build a nest from the branches, fastening them with grass and bark. Together, they hatch and feed the chicks, which usually appear from 4 to 7. Chicks hatch from painted eggs (usually pale green with brown spots) on days 16-22 and do not leave the nest until 10 weeks of age. But even after this, parents often continue to take care of their offspring and train him.

magpie nest

Our neighbours

Sinanthropus - this is what biology calls the species of animals that settle near humans. And among the corvids there are many. This is due primarily to their omnivorous and quick-wittedness. Most corvid birds feed on both plant and animal food. They eat berries and fruits, vegetables and nuts, insects, invertebrates, small mammals, birds and their eggs, do not disdain carrion.

They adapt well to life next to a person, I use the remnants of our life for food. In an urban landscape, flocks of crows that live in landfills are common.

Community and savvy

Most corvid birds live in groups and for long. For example, crows (Corvus corax) in captivity live up to 100 years. And thanks to social cohabitation, it is precisely in the corvids that a rather high intellect is noted, comparable in level with primates. Of course, not everyone in the squad of corvids is so smart.

But there are many examples of solving complex logical problems by jays, gray crows and common crows, magpies, jackdaws and rooks. They are described in the literature, they are studied by ethologists (animal behavior scientists), and from the earliest times, it was representatives of this family that personified wisdom and experience in legends and tales.

corvidae family

Amazing birds

These are empathic (empathic), easily trained, bold, curious and cautious birds. Young birds in a flock of ravens play joint educational games. In addition, the packs have a clear hierarchy, which implies certain responsibilities (watchmen, signalmen, scouts).

Cooperation required these birds to develop a signaling system. Although they are song sparrows, their singing is not developed. It is rather a reproduction of single sounds, which we call "croaking." But interestingly, ravens of different flocks have their own dialects and they do not immediately understand each other. But in their flock they organize entire gatherings, collectively β€œhunt” and play.

raven corvidae

Observant and cruel

Crows easily distinguish a person with a gun and a stick in his hands. They assess danger and conduct surveillance. That is why stuffed animals cannot keep them from attacking the crop for a long time. They distinguish men from women, second they are less afraid and more often they play a trick on them.

Yes they have a sense of humor. Easily imitating the barking of dogs, they scare cats. And house crows even master the elements of our speech and skillfully use the knowledge gained.

They have an inherent craving for beauty for the sake of beauty - how many fairy tales have been written about the magpies and their treasures.

They will fight fiercely, guarding their nest. And they will go to the competition in obtaining or even selecting food.

crow and seagull

Orderlies forests and cities

Unpretentiousness in food allows them to carry out sanitary services in nature and the city. These are the inhabitants of garbage and landfills in the city, they also destroy the corpses of animals. Owing to their addiction to carrion, they have long been considered "prophetic" birds and companions of misfortune. Circling over the battlefield, they involuntarily became the image of death.

But in nature, these birds are characterized by complex eating behavior, in which they are helped by memory, observation and quick wit. They even remember people who feed birds in the parks or stray animals, beds in summer cottages where strawberries grow. Memory allows them to stockpile and empty gardens in time.

Mythological image

You can find the image of corvid birds among the most diverse peoples of the world, which personify rather conflicting qualities. In Ireland, the raven is the companion of the goddess of death and war. But in Australia, the raven stole fire for people from the gods. In China, there is a legend about ten suns, which were represented by crows.

The ancient Greeks considered the raven a harbinger of rain. In the fables of Aesop, they personify stupidity and arrogance.

The Slavs considered the corvids to be β€œunclean”. Their meat was not eaten, they accompanied sorcerers and fortunetellers, and it was believed that they live forever.

Raven was considered greedy and conceited. The plot about a raven who dropped a piece of cheese in response to the praise described in the famous fable of Russian writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844) is found in many cultures of the world.

In modern culture, the image of the raven is smoothed out and loses its sinister significance. But since ancient times, many signs and proverbs related to these birds have come to us and continue to play their role in life. Many of which are explained by the biology and intelligence of their natural prototypes.

raven in captivity


The maintenance of captive corvids does not cause difficulties. The chicks are quickly tamed, recognize the owners, are friends with dogs, cats, horses. But there are nuances in their content. These are mobile and energetic birds - in captivity they must be occupied with games and entertainment. In addition, these large birds require a spacious enclosure, and with free housing maintenance, be prepared for multiple cleaning. They are unpretentious in nutrition and will be satisfied with the contents of your refrigerator.

Corvids live long - so your willingness to share a few decades with your pet should be balanced and informed.


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