Detailed pear pruning scheme in spring

Pear is an excellent fruit plant that will delight you with delicious and healthy fruits every year. The pear pruning scheme in spring is the key to good and regular crops. This tree is valued not only for its excellent taste, but also for the presence of vitamins and dietary properties. Pear fruit will improve digestion and improve kidney function. But for the tree to give a good harvest, you need to carefully care for it.

Why is pruning best in spring?

Summer residents do not recommend pruning pear branches in the fall, as in winter the tree may freeze. The spring pear pruning scheme is to get rid of dry and damaged branches. It is worth starting pruning when the snow has melted, and the thermometer will be about five degrees above zero. It is very important to have time to trim before the moment when the buds begin to bloom on the tree. So you will make the crown more compact, and the fruits will receive more sunlight.

spring pear pruning

Do not cut the pear in the summer. So you break all the life cycles of the tree, and it will receive less nutrients. Proper pruning of pears in the spring is the key to a strong crown and large yields.

Pruning rules

Gardeners recommend pruning annually, starting from the second year after planting. Pear pruning in the spring of 3 years has its very important features.

To begin, shorten the main central branch - the trunk by one fourth of the entire length. From the neighboring branches, form a ring, cutting them at an unequal distance. Leave four to five side branches. They will be the basis of the crown. Bend all the other branches and tie them with a rope to the trunk.

pruning pears in spring 3 years

Pear pruning in the spring of 3 years implies the normalization of second-order branches. Cut them so that they do not cover the new central shoots. If you notice that there are new branches that grow inside the crown, then get rid of them, as they will interfere with the penetration of sunlight.

Set of tools

For a successful pruning procedure, you will need special garden tools. With their help, you will easily and quickly carry out all garden work. To prune young trees, you should buy a pruner and pruning shears. With their help, you can easily cope with young and thin shoots. But for trimming adult trees, you can not do without a delimber and a saw.

Keep the tools in good condition and keep them clean. The blades must be sharp, otherwise you will not be able to carefully cut the branches. This not only looks unaesthetic, but also harms the tree itself.

A few nuances of correct cropping

Wait for suitable weather. Do not trim to minus temperature. Every year you will spend less time on this procedure. This is due to the fact that young shoots are growing slower and slower. Every three to four years, anti-aging pruning is performed from the inside of the crown.

proper pear pruning in spring

All work should be done very carefully, as the pear regains its strength for a long time. If you still cut the branch, then do not leave it just like that. Lubricate the sawn place thoroughly with special paint or garden varnish .

How to prune an adult tree

The pear pruning pattern in spring is slightly different for an adult and a young tree. When forming a crown, do not be afraid to cut off excess branches. So you allow your tree to breathe, and the fruit to receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Now trim the young branches growing parallel to the central trunk. Each shoot can be cut to one third. This will help new branches grow and develop faster. Proper pruning of a pear (photo you can see in the article) will help speed up the fruiting process.

Trimming Types

Pear tree needs different types of pruning. Following the right technology, you will have healthy plants and large yields of delicious fruits. There are several types of pruning that will keep your tree toned:

  1. Formative pruning. With its help, you will correctly form a young tree and prepare it for further fruiting.
  2. Control cropping. It consists in the removal of all dry branches. This type of pruning is very important, as it directs all the forces of the tree to active growth.
  3. Support cropping. It is able to maintain the pear in excellent condition. During it, large branches are cut. This is done so that the plant is not overloaded with fruits.

How to prune an old pear

The pear pruning scheme in spring also applies to old trees. If you do not have the opportunity to plant a young garden, and it is a pity to get rid of old trees, then just trim them correctly. And then they will please you for many more years. However, this procedure is not easy. Prepare tools such as a ladder, a rope and a saw in advance, and it is advisable to find an assistant.

correct pear pruning in spring

First cut the top branches. At the same time, young shoots should not be regretted. Do not be afraid to overdo it. An old tree can be cut in half. Do not worry. You will not spoil the tree, but you will get big and tasty fruits.

Proper pruning of a pear in the spring (a diagram is the key to success) includes pruning the lower branches. Below you can leave up to seven skeletal branches. Try to leave a distance of about one meter between each tier. If this is not possible, then partially cut the middle branches. Leave those that are at right angles to the pillar. Thin the crown thoroughly. Rid the old pear from shoots growing inward.

Productivity Secrets

A pear is a plant that takes a long time to form. Fruiting can occur only after ten years. But to speed up this process, you need to carry out regular pruning. With it, you will get the crop a few years earlier.

Thanks to pruning, the flow of oxygen and sunlight increases, and the tree puts all its strength into the fruits, and not into the growth of new shoots. To do this, regularly peg the germination points on young shoots. Thanks to this procedure, flower buds are laid much earlier.

correct pear pruning photo

If you want your pear to constantly please you with huge crops, take care of it. Do not forget to water it, feed it, and, of course, trim it.


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