Holidays in Switzerland: tips and reviews

Holidays in Switzerland are far from expensive entertainment, because this state is famous for its standard of living. The territory of the country is small, but it has a large number of tourist places that will give travelers unforgettable emotions. The diversity of such recreation and reviews of tourists who shared their experience of staying in the state is written in this material.

vacation switzerland reviews

General information for all

Holidays in Switzerland are incredibly popular among the entire population of Europe. Domestic infrastructure in this direction is developed at the maximum level. This allows you to keep the position of the tourist center, and the geographical location only helps in this matter. The Alps, an important part of wintertime entertainment, play a large role in travelers visiting the state. The mountain range is exploited in many ways to attract people. It houses the highest mountain railway and brewery, which is definitely worth seeing for any person.

tours switzerland holidays

Country of Diversity

Holidays in Switzerland in summer and winter are equally beautiful, but unique in terms of occupations. The beauty of the warm season is difficult to describe in words, because one look at the Alps can take your breath away. Lakes near Geneva and in other regions beckon for a relaxing time with children. Do not forget to visit a variety of attractions. The cultural and historical heritage in the cities is simply enormous; it cannot be appreciated in a few days. In this case, a rented car and trips around the country would be a good option.

The period from the beginning of winter to spring is characterized by opportunities to have a great time at the ski resorts. During these months, the temperature always keeps below zero, and enough snow falls. The summer period is beautiful with views, you can appreciate the full attractiveness of Switzerland, and in winter, magnificent ski resorts are open to all comers. The variety of holidays in Switzerland is unique, because you can go to the country at any time.

Holidays on the lakes of Switzerland

Inspection of the best cities

The first point of inspection of the state on the way of any traveler will be Bern or Geneva. There are many places to see in the capital, including the main Cathedral, and the building of the State Parliament. It is certainly worth a visit and the β€œRose Garden”, which offers a magnificent view of the city and the surrounding countryside. Geneva is famous for its rest on the lakes near the city, but there are several interesting places in the city itself. These include the famous Geneva Fountain, as well as a floral clock that amazes with its size. After that, you should go to the promenade of Mont Blanc, where you should take a walk and enjoy the light breeze.

A further stop on the trip may be the small town of Montreux, where beautiful medieval streets breathe history. Bridges and ancient castles complement this atmosphere and can give unforgettable emotions. It is good to come here in the winter, because there are several famous ski resorts nearby. Even a trip to these points will be unforgettable.

Holidays in Switzerland in the summer on the lakes

Continuation of cultural rest

If vacation tours in Switzerland do not suit the traveler with a program or price, then you can go on your own with a pre-compiled program. It is definitely worth it to include the small but picturesque town of Gruyere. Here you can go on an excursion to the cheese factory and taste excellent varieties of products, as well as admire the interesting design of the castle. The settlement is small, but the streets in it convey the story. It was here that the artist Giger lived, who invented "Aliens", and in front of his house the bar is decorated in a similar style.

No less beautiful is the town of Lucerne, where the Middle Ages seemed not to be a thing of the past. Ancient squares, castles, fountains and other buildings will be an ideal material for a photo. Of particular note is the Ice Hall and the perfectly preserved Jesuit Cathedral. Tourists will just be pleased and just walk along the streets, because you can discover many interesting and new details. It is in such cities that all the splendor of relaxation in this region is felt.

The main directions of shopping

Holidays in Switzerland in the summer on the lakes should not be limited to cruise trips and swimming. Every tourist, being in this country, should set aside time for shopping. There are four directions in all - cheeses, penknives for every taste, handmade watches and chocolate. To buy the first product, you should visit Gruyere and pre-conduct a tasting. Knives of the most famous manufacturers cost from five thousand rubles. They include from 30 functions for different occasions.

The most famous and high-quality watches are produced in regions where people speak French. If there is no desire to go there, then in any city you can go to a special store where production masters do not lose too much to famous brands. Chocolate is best bought in Zurich, which is considered the center of production of these products. Bells can be brought as a souvenir.

Holidays in Switzerland

Unique cuisine

Holidays in Switzerland in the mountains, on lakes or in cultural capitals should be accompanied by appropriate nutrition. The cuisine in the country has become unique thanks to the combination of styles of neighboring countries. There are notes of Italian, German and even French cooking. As the most exquisite products, they offer a variety of cheeses and dishes with their use. If a tourist is resting on the lakes, then fish dishes according to the recipes of local residents can pleasantly surprise.

In Switzerland, it is accepted that every settlement or region is famous for certain dishes. In Zug, this is a cherry-based cake, in Zurich - potato dishes, and in Schaffhausen - a pie with onions as the main ingredient. Visitors should definitely try chocolate desserts that will delight taste buds. The infrastructure in the country is perfectly developed, because along with expensive restaurants there are many pizzerias and cafes where you can have a bite to eat at an affordable price.

Holidays in Switzerland in the mountains

Travel Impressions

It is worth noting that almost all reviews about holidays in Switzerland are saturated with enthusiasm. This state with its variety of activities at all times of the year is able to satisfy the wishes of any person. Lake cruises, travels in the mountains, a huge number of historical centers, holidays in ski resorts - all these activities are the main ones. Some people drew attention to the mentality of the population, which trusts people very much. In some establishments, no one watches buyers at all. A man comes in, takes things and leaves money at the entrance.

For other travelers, it was a revelation of a respectful attitude from local residents, which is felt at every step. The rest may be surprised at caring for cows in the countryside. Alpine pastures stand out for these animals. One view of such a picture causes a feeling of loss of reality. There are simply a huge number of such parts in Switzerland and it is simply impossible to evaluate all of them the first time.

summer holidays in switzerland

A bit of negativity and results

Holidays on the lakes in Switzerland and other activities leave behind positive emotions, but you should always be careful. Isolated cases report that hotels in Geneva can withdraw money from a card without providing a room. Arrangements as a public offer are not appreciated here when it comes to profit from tourists. This suggests that you should always be careful when traveling on your own, that is, without buying tours from different companies. Great attention should be paid to the compilation of the program, because at different times of the year it is best to go to different places. If a person copes with this, then the time spent in Switzerland will become simply unforgettable.

The country with its unique flavor is always open for tourists. So, we can conclude that every person is worth going here. The only obstacle may be money, but their waste will be paid off with positive emotions and memories in full.


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