Handwriting authenticity

Fixation on the letter of certain movements characteristic of a particular person - this is the handwriting. Graphologists, examining it, believe that they can tell a lot about the characteristics of a person’s personality by the nature of writing letters. People who are not involved in such an analysis can also determine the identity of the text from the same characteristic strokes if they have already encountered such a spelling. But in both cases, a skillful fake is unlikely to be discerned. Meanwhile, something similar to an intricate detective story happens in life.

False documents, falsified privatization, sale of apartments, inheritance disputes - sometimes require careful examination, i.e. studying and defining the truth. The main method is a comparative analysis of disputed documents and confirmed originals. Other procedures include determining the timing of preparation, decryption of information in a document that has been damaged. Changes in the studied papers, inserts into the text, especially dates and amounts, are also studied carefully.

Signature analysis in such cases helps to establish authorship of creative and scientific works, it is used in civil and criminal law, where it is especially necessary when considering fakes of legal documents handwriting examination for example, mortgages and fraud investigations. Signature comparison occupies a special place in this study. Initially, the general and particular features of writing are studied. The signature may not always look the same on the same person, sometimes it is intentionally distorted. Next, stability and materiality of the attributes are studied. The following are of identification value: the slope when executing the signature in its middle part, the stroke pattern, the shape of the initial and final strokes, the placement of movement points, the connection of letters, etc. There is also a technical examination of the signature, which establishes the possibility of falsifying the signature with the help of copying technology, stroke, drawing. Note that this work is much more meticulous and complex than, for example, linguistic expertise .

For the examination of handwriting, handwritten notes, signatures of different years, diaries, letters, notebooks, signatures on receipts are involved. These samples are called free. If handwriting and signature samples were obtained as a result of inspections and court proceedings - statements, explanatory letters, signatures in the protocol - these are conditionally free documents. There are experimental samples obtained under conditions as close as possible to the conditions of those signatures that are being analyzed. They are usually dictated during the course of the proceedings. In addition to the investigation, detective bureaus and law firms conduct such an examination.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26517/

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