Installation of ventilated aluminum facade

Installation of aluminum facades of a ventilated type is particularly simple. Such facades have a presentable appearance, and also fit perfectly into the design style of almost any building. Perhaps that is why such a facing option is increasingly resorted to when decorating the external walls of public buildings .

Aluminum facades of buildings simultaneously perform both a decorative and a practical function. Firstly, such facades look extremely attractive, and secondly, they provide excellent thermal insulation for the walls of buildings.

The cost of such a solution is particularly accessible to the bulk of consumers. If desired and the presence of some theoretical knowledge, the installation of ventilated facades can be performed independently.

Design features of ventilated aluminum facades

Ventilated facades quickly gained the interest of domestic consumers mainly due to the simplicity of design and installation. Installation of the aluminum facade occurs by fixing the cladding elements to the metal frame. The frame itself is reliably installed on the facade of the building.

installation of aluminum facade

Between the lining and the frame of the ventilated facades heat-insulating plates are laid. In this case, a prerequisite for maintaining the durability of such structures is the creation of an air gap between the external and internal structural elements.

Installation of aluminum facades of a ventilated nature is carried out using subfacial and facing systems. The subfacial, internal part, is a whole set of brackets, clamps and guide profiles. Porcelain tiles, siding, profiled sheets, facade cassettes, and other materials can be used as external cladding.

Advantages and disadvantages

Typically, the installation of aluminum ventilated facades is carried out if necessary, facing the external walls of capital buildings. These facade systems are widely used for decorating the walls of multi-storey buildings, because in private single-storey houses such a solution looks ridiculous enough. However, aluminum facades for the kitchen can be a good solution, which looks very impressive.

installation of aluminum facades

Creating a cladding of buildings in the form of ventilated aluminum facades has several advantages. The main advantage here is the stability of such systems to frequent temperature changes, as well as the effects of various atmospheric influences.

One front aluminum frame allows you to create spectacular combinations using several materials of different nature. In general, protection against mechanical damage, a variety of color and texture solutions, speed and special ease of installation are precisely those qualities that characterize ventilated facades as well as possible.

Among the obvious shortcomings of aluminum facades, a rather high cost of facing materials can be noted. In addition, careless contact with such structures due to the presence of an abundance of sharp elements can result in personal injury.

Frame installation

installation of aluminum ventilated facades

First of all, the installation of the aluminum facade involves the reliable fastening of metal brackets on the surface of the bearing walls, on which decorative elements are subsequently installed. To ensure effective air circulation in the layer between the insulation and the lining leave a gap. This solution eliminates the possibility of moisture accumulation in the cavity of the structure, which, in turn, helps to increase the life of the facade.


aluminum facades for the kitchen

The heat-insulating layer is mounted directly on the building facade using plastic anchors with a strong steel core. To do this, holes of the corresponding diameter are preliminarily prepared in the walls. The tight fit of the insulation boards to the walls of the facades is ensured by the presence of reliable anchor caps.

Metal cassettes

The installation of the aluminum facade includes the installation of guide profiles on special brackets with rivets. The control screws are attached to the upper rails. At the same time, the lower guides are placed slightly above the design level, which contributes to the convenient hanging of facade cassettes.

Subsequently, the ends of the lower guides are connected to the special holes that are contained in the cassette holders. Finally, the metal cassette holders are fixed with screws.


At the final stage of the cladding, a wide range of materials can be used. Currently, the installation of a ventilated facade made of aluminum composite panels allows the use of natural wood, lining, siding, etc., as an external cladding.

installation of a ventilated facade made of aluminum composite panels

As an example, I would like to consider the use of porcelain stoneware tiles, since this material continues to rapidly gain popularity in the domestic market.

Before mounting the external plates, the end clamps must be assembled. Using paronite or rubber gaskets, they should be firmly fixed to the profile. As soon as the external finishing plate is installed on the end clamps, it is required to be fixed with rotary clamps. Remote elements are bent as tightly as possible to the rotary ones, and then strengthened. This sequence of actions must be repeated until the end of the series.

The installation of the front elements of the next horizontal row should occur, starting with the installation of rotary clamps throughout the entire plane. Next, the installation of facing plates in the above manner continues.

Important Tips

aluminum building facades

Keep in mind the following:

  • when installing a ventilated system, you must strictly follow the requirements of the attached instructions;
  • reduce the cost, terms of facade work and plan all stages allows the development of individual projects for each individual building;
  • in order to get the most solid and durable construction, it is not recommended to save on the formation of the material and technical base necessary to start work;
  • selecting suitable fasteners, it is worth checking once again for their strength, and based on the results, select the appropriate cassettes, cladding, insulation;
  • When planning the installation of an aluminum facade, before buying heat-insulating plates, you should make sure that there are installation instructions.


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