Gold bracelets for men - a centuries-old tradition and modern fashion

As history shows, gold bracelets for men have always been popular, from the time of ancient times to the present day. Fashion for clothes and lifestyle changed their style, ritual purpose and way of wearing, but invariably left them an important wardrobe item or accessory that has a special meaning.

Gold bracelets for men
For an example we will address to the ancient Greek era. All men at this time wore short-sleeved clothes. In order to protect their hands from arrows and spears of the enemy, the soldiers put on the forearm of the rim, the so-called bracel-ets. Which in translation means "protection for the forearm." Today, gold bracelets for men have lost their military significance, but their name has been preserved.

The magical properties of this item remained unchanged. It is no coincidence that the hands of American Indians, ancient Sumerians and Egyptians, and especially their priests or shamans who lived at different times in territories located far from each other, are necessarily present, as excavations such as amulets show.

Gold bracelets photo
People were even buried in them, believing that they strengthen their bond with the gods. The place on the hands where these amulets were located also mattered. So, in the days of the ancient Romans and Greeks, all military commanders, nobles and priests who wore dresses with short sleeves, always wore gold bracelets in their arms closer to the elbow. Photos of prints and paintings presented in museums of the ancient world, today show us this. Moreover, we see on them that women also loved to decorate their hands with the same beautiful luxuries. Depending on the position in society and the status of the person who wore a gold bracelet, its price was appropriate, because in the cut and processing of the product symbols of power and prestige were displayed. And the weight of such jewelry was sometimes too large.

Gold bracelet price
Nowadays, gold bracelets for men are made solely to wear them on the wrist. Jewelers often combine them with watches. The benefit of modern technology for processing precious metals allows you to get lightweight and comfortable to wear products. It is worth mentioning that the art of jewelry masters today has risen to such a high level that gold bracelets for men are made of excellent quality and beauty.

The modern assortment takes into account the national and religious needs of people. For example, a bracelet designed for an Italian or French man practicing Catholicism is very different in style and design from that intended for a strict adherent of Islam, for whom the symbolism borrowed from the Koran and the corresponding engraving are very important. Hindu peoples and their priests attach particular importance to gold bracelets, therefore jewelry for this category of consumers is made in accordance with Vedic traditions. Such men wear gold bracelets corresponding to their horoscope signs, and they are very kind to them, like the link connecting them with the patron gods. Christians love elegant crosses or images of saints on bracelets. A wide range of jewelry can satisfy each of these consumer groups.


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