Armored cable AVBBSHV: decryption, characteristics

In the age of high technology, we are very attached to electrical networks. They encircled the whole globe, not only the operation of household and public devices, but also the central economic objects, including the Internet, depend on them. To ensure their coordinated work, there are many types of different conductive cables. Consider one of them marked AVBBSHV: decryption, technical specifications, scope.

avbbshv cable decryption


The power cable AVBBSHV, the decoding of which is given below, is based on an electric conductor made of aluminum. With a cross section of up to 10 mm 2, it is characterized by a single-wire structure (1 core, “ozh”), over 16 mm 2 - a plexus of 2 or more threads. For the convenience of twisting, an additional zero core can participate in the cable design, it can have a softer cross section and is always painted in blue, and the ground wire in yellow-green. The remaining threads also have a different color for the convenience of distinguishing them and connecting during installation.

Cable structure:

avbbshv decryption

1 - aluminum conductive core of round or sector section;

2 - insulating sheath made of colored / colored PVC;

3 - armor, consisting of 2 layers of steel or galvanized tape;

4 - heat-resistant PVC compound (polyethylene terephthalate film);

5 - outer shell made of PVC plastic.

With a cross section of more than 6 mm 2, the armored reinforcing bands are coated with bitumen or another polymer, additionally insulating the cable and giving it elasticity and plasticity. AVBBShv decryption contains all of the listed structural elements.

How to read the name

Deciphering abbreviations of cable and wire grades always includes a design by which specialists determine the type, primary characteristic of conductive threads. Almost all conductive elements are produced by a variety of factories, however, everyone leaves the name and essence of the one that was originally laid. This order is controlled by GOST 16442-80. When changing certain characteristics in a technological way, the manufacturer indicates the technical specifications according to which these features are fulfilled.

The power cable AVBBSHV decryption of the alphabetic part is as follows:

A - indicates aluminum conductors conducting current.

B - material of phase color insulation - PVC.

BB - the presence of two steel plates, which can be galvanized.

Shv - an external cover from PVC platik.

The decoding of the cable marking of the AVBBSHV wire includes not only the designation of materials, but also technical indicators. For example, 4x10, which means the use of 4 conductive cores of 10 mm 2 in cross section each. The marking 3x10 + 1x6 (ozh) indicates the presence in the body of the wire of 3 aluminum threads of 10 mm 2 and one cross section of 6 mm 2 . There can be many such digital designations.


This cable has the following indicators:

Recommended mounting temperature


Temperature at which a short circuit occurs (4 sec)

160 0 C

Permissible air humidity


The most admissible temperature of long heating during operation

+70 0

Bending Radius

7.5-10 outside diameters

Life time

Min 30 years

Outer diameters and mass of cables depend on specific brands and digital designations: they all have different amounts of materials in their structure. Also, each section value corresponds to the minimum construction length of the wire.

avbbshv cable decryption


The AVBBSHV cable, the decoding of which indicates the presence of reinforcing steel elements and multilayer insulation in the wire, is widely used in the construction of conductive lines for industrial and civil purposes with a voltage of 1; 6; 10 kW and a frequency of up to 50 Hz. Designed for distribution and transmission of electric current in stationary installations.

decoding of abbreviations of cable and wire brands

It is universal: it is suitable for laying in earthen trenches, in flooded areas, rivers and other bodies of water, underground tunnels in high humidity, inside buildings, on overhead lines of power lines. This distribution is ensured by a case reinforced with two armors, which allows the wire to withstand increased tensile and temporary snow loads, wind loads, as well as numerous reliable insulation from PVC polymers of different densities. As a rule, high-capacity cables are used for trunk routes, which, in turn, are additionally protected by a polymer bitumen layer.


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