Gourmet grape variety: description, reviews

The cultivation of grapes is becoming increasingly popular. A variety of varieties is amazing even the most fastidious lover.

Particular attention should be paid to the table variety of Gourmet grapes.

Gourmet Grapes

The variety is a selection of a hybrid form of early ripening, obtained by V. N. Krainov. Gourmet created by crossing two varieties. It has excellent taste and attractive commercial appearance.

Description of Gourmet Grapes will help create a complete picture of the variety. It is great for growing on the site. Even inexperienced gardeners can do it.


The description of Gourmet grapes includes the main characteristics of the vine and the berries themselves.

Gourmet Grapes Description

The main characteristic of grapes is the ripening time. Reaches maturity on the 110-125th day of maturation. Gourmet grape variety allows you to pick berries in the first decade of August.

The berries are quite large, one-sized, on average up to 10 grams. They have a bright pink color with lilac notes. The shape of the berries is round, slightly oblong.

Vines of vineyards reach an average height of 4 meters. The clusters are large, loose or medium density, cylindrical in shape. The average weight of a bunch is 600 grams.

Productivity is quite high and stable, with at least 6 kg from one bush.

Gourmet Varieties

In the selection of Gourmet varieties there are several types of grapes:

  1. Gourmet is also an early variety. Ripening occurs on the 105-120th day. The berries are round in shape, large, light red. The taste is pleasant, nutmeg. It is considered a high-yielding variety. Resistance to damage is average. Frost can withstand up to 26 degrees. Suitable for growing in the middle lane.
  2. Rainbow is a representative of the mid-season class. Berries ripen on the 120-135th day. The berries are oval in red. The variety is resistant to damage. Suitable for growing in warm climates.
  3. Graceful is one of the latest types of Gourmet variety. The variety is early ripe, tall. The ripening period lasts up to 115 days. The berries are light pink in color, oval in shape. It tastes good, very sweet. The clusters are conical, large. The variety is resistant to various diseases. Frost resistance ranges from 23 degrees.

Description of grape variety Gourmet

Everyone can choose the perfect Gourmet grape variety for themselves, having studied its photo and description.


The flowering of grapes begins in early June. All types of Gourmet grapes have female flowers, so they need pollination.

Gourmet grapes reviews

Vineyards require attention. It is necessary to make various fertilizers several times a year. In time and correctly carry out pruning of twigs.

An important role is played by the preparation for wintering.

Growing Features

The grape cuttings are planted at a distance of 3 meters.

In the northern regions, Gourmet grapes are recommended to be grown in greenhouses.

Many people are fond of growing grapes. But not everyone has positive results. Of course, in the southern regions grapes are much easier to grow. Nevertheless, residents of cool regions should not despair. You just need to make more efforts to care for the plant.

The basic rules for successful cultivation are presented in the article with a description and photo of Gourmet grapes.

  1. The right choice of place for landing. The place of residence of the grapes should be sunny. Drafts are not allowed. The presence of walls and fences is only welcome if they do not block the sun. The grapes must be protected from the wind. Do not plant this crop next to trees. Crowns of trees will obscure the vine. Groundwater should be far away from the roots of the bush.
  2. Grapes love heat, so you need to create favorable temperature conditions in all possible ways . During the ripening period, the optimum temperature averages 30 degrees. You can cover the plant with special material in the cool time. Water bottles are also placed around the perimeter. During the day, the water heats up and later gives off heat.
  3. Adequate lighting. A very important point. The distance between the seedlings should be at least a meter, and preferably two. The location of the bushes should be from north to south.
  4. Watering has a special place in the care of vineyards. The plant is sensitive not only to excess moisture, but also to drought. The most crucial moment falls on the first year of maturation. In the summer, grapes need up to 50 liters of water per 1 sq. Km. m. The first year you need 10 liters per bush, the next year 20 liters. After the intensity of irrigation is reduced to 6-8 liters.
  5. Correct pruning. For beginners, it is important to understand the principle of pruning Gourmet grapes. Photo varieties can be seen in the article. Pruning should be done in the fall. Leave 3 shoots formed for the current year. On two shoots leave up to 8 buds. On the third, 3 buds, of which shoots will be formed next year. And the old ones will be deleted. The procedure is repeated from year to year.
  6. The vines are tied vertically and horizontally at an angle of 45 degrees. There are opinions that a horizontal garter promises a plentiful harvest.
  7. Regular preventive measures are the key to preserving the vineyard. Particular attention should be paid to temperatures below 15 degrees. On sale a large selection of ready-made solutions. You can also do with folk methods, without the use of chemicals.
  8. It is not worth it to be too fond of top dressing. It is held in the spring after the bush is opened, two weeks before flowering and during the ripening period of the berries.

Gourmet grapes photo description

By following all the rules for grape care, you can achieve excellent results and collect an impressive harvest.

Pruning and reproduction

Pruning must be done in the fall. It is recommended to leave no more than 35 eyes on the bush. In the ratio of shoots to 24.

Gourmet grape photo

Propagation of grapes can be carried out independently. There are many ways. One of the simplest is reproduction by layering in the summer.

The mother bush must be healthy. At a distance of 20 cm, a hole about 50 cm deep is dug. The earth needs to be reared, to add peat or humus. Remove the lower leaves from the layering and drip. Pour plenty of water. According to weather conditions, regularly moisten the soil.

Over time, the stepsons formed on the layering are removed in order to form a bush.

Diseases and pests

The variety is quite resistant to diseases and pests. Especially high resistance to mildew and gray rot. Oidium resistance is average. Occasionally damaged by anthracnosis.

Oidium is very rare in an adult bush. Most vulnerable young fragile bushes. The manifestation of this disease is characterized by the presence of a gray coating on the leaves and berries of the plant. As a result, further rotting of the berries and drying of the leaves occurs.

Gourmet grape variety

In order to avoid diseases, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • the use of foliar phosphorus and potash fertilizers;
  • periodic use of biological products;
  • enrichment with iron, zinc and manganese after flowering.

Anthracnose is characteristic of the southern regions. It arises as a result of improper care, especially with regard to pruning the vine. The defeat covers the entire plant: branches, trunk and berries. If treatment is not done on time, the grapes will die. You can avoid such problems. You need to learn how to carry out autumn pruning and process the vine with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Also, various pests can cause damage to plants. In particular, these include spider mites, birds and various insects.

Preparing for the winter

Gourmet grapes tolerates frosts up to 23-24 degrees. In cooler areas, the bush needs quality shelter.

Do not cover the grapes immediately after pruning. Frosts up to 5 degrees are not terrible for the vineyard. Hardening of the bushes occurs.

If in the region the temperature does not drop below 16 degrees, grapes can not be covered at all.

Before sheltering the vine you need to bend to the ground and fix it with trellis. Dry litter is placed under the vine. After creating airspace using arcs or other material. With the advent of frost, the structure is covered with a tarp.

Taste qualities

The taste of berries is soft, harmonious and sweet. Muscat notes are felt. The skin is not coarse, thin, and is not felt when eating. A big plus is the lack of seeds in the berries.

Reviews about Gourmet grapes are extremely positive. Gardeners primarily note the high yield of the variety and the taste of berries. Fans also appreciated the resistance to disease and frost.

Grape storage

Timely cut brushes can be stored in a cool room until spring.

Bunches are removed slightly immature and in cloudy weather.

It is important to provide the required humidity of at least 80% and the absence of light.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26531/

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