What does the name Ilya mean for a boy: meaning, characteristics and origin

At first glance, giving a name to a child is not such a tricky matter. But if you think deeper about this issue, you can come to the exact opposite conclusion. After all, each name has its own meaning. There is a point of view that it can affect the fate of a person. What does the name Ilya mean in Russian, what is its origin? We will talk about this, as well as about the character traits of people who bear this name, in this article.

Ilya. Meaning of the name

What does the name Ilya mean in translation? Ilya is the Russian version of the biblical name Eliyahu, which is interpreted as Yahweh - my God. It contains the unpronounceable name of God. There is also an interpretation that says that the name Ilya means the strength of the Lord and the power of God. Since Hebrew it is translated as a believer and merciful God. What does the name Ilya from Greek mean? In this language, it means divine, kept by God. That is pretty close to translating from Hebrew.

This name is found in the Bible by the prophet Elijah, who in Islam is known as Ilyas. In Catholicism, Ilya is considered the patron saint and protector of all those who are on the way. In Orthodoxy, the patron saint of the airborne troops, most likely because Elijah ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot. This name is present in almost all languages, however, in each it is modified, but has one source.

What does the name of the hero Ilya Muromets mean?

The full name of this epic hero sounds like Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich. There are also options - Ilya Morovlin, Muromlyan, Murovets, Muravlenin, Ilya-Zmeeborets. What does the name Ilya Muromets mean and who is this person? Ilya Muromets is an epic hero, a hero who is widely known in the old Russian epic, who embodied the generalized popular image of a hero warrior.

Athlete at the Crossroads

The alleged birthplace of Ilya Muromets is the village of Karacharovo, in our time it is a microdistrict in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region in Russia. According to epic tales, Ilya Muromets was the son of a peasant and protected the Russian lands from enemies. Until the age of 33, he was paralyzed and could not walk, but after being visited by the magi, he received healing.

Healing and the command of the Magi

The Magi, who came to the house of Ilya Muromets at the moment when there was no one except him in the house, asked him for water. He answered the magi that he could not give water, since he did not move his arms or legs. They repeatedly asked Ilya to get up and give them water, after which he gets up and brings water. The elders ordered Muromets to drink this water, which he did, having received healing and power unprecedented for man.

After recovery, the magi told Ilya that he should go to the service of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun. The elders also mentioned a heavy stone with an inscription located on the road to Kiev, which Ilya must track down.

Ilya Muromets goes "to the capital city of Kiev", but initially comes to the stone, which the magi told him about. He sees an inscription on it, which says that he must move the stone from its place. Ilya pushes the stone aside and finds beneath it in the pit of a heroic horse, armor and weapons. After that, he continues his journey to Kiev, to Prince Vladimir.

Possible prototypes of Ilya Muromets

Many researchers consider the prototype of Ilya Muromets a historical character who possessed unusual strength for a person, nicknamed Chobotok, who lived in the city of Murom. He became a monk in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and after his death was canonized by Orthodox saints in 1643 as the Monk Iliya of Muromets.

According to this version, Ilya Muromets really lived in the XII century and died in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra around 1188. He is remembered according to the church calendar in December 19th (January 1 according to the old style). In the Russian chronicles, the name of Ilya Muromets is not mentioned.

Nowadays, the relics of Ilya Muromets are in the nearby caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Part of the relics, namely: the phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand, is located in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, in one of the temples.

In 1988, the Interdepartmental Medical Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR exhumed and examined the relics. According to the results of her activities, the following was established: they belong to a man aged 45 to 55 years, who died from a wound in the chest in the heart region, while in his youth he suffered from paralysis of the limbs.

Epics about Ilya Muromets

It is believed that the first mention of Ilya Muromets occurs in 1574 in a letter to the head of the city of Orsha named Filon of Chernobyl, in which he mentioned the hero from epics - Ilya Muravlenin - as a defender of Russian lands. And also at Erich Liasota - under the name Ilya Morovlin.

The figure of Ilya Muromets is found in the Kiev cycle of epic stories:

  • Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber;
  • Ilya Muromets and Idolische Poganoe;
  • Quarrel of Ilya of Muromets and Prince Vladimir;
  • Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets.

Stories in prose about Ilya Muromets, which were recorded as Russian folk tales, also passed on to other peoples, for example, Finns. Their tales of the Russian hero do not speak of epic adventures of Kiev, they also do not know Prince Vladimir. But there are epics associated with the Nightingale the Robber and the Idol.

What does the name Ilya mean for a boy

Since childhood, Ilya has been very responsible, especially with regard to material values. In children with this name, a sense of ownership is hypertrophied. He is very careful about his toys and things. Ilya carefully watches them and does not allow anyone to touch.

Elijah the Prophet

The boy grows upright and frank, tries not to hide his feelings, is sometimes impulsive and harsh. On the other hand, it is very convenient for parents, the child does not have to ask anything, he himself will tell everything and show his behavior.

The question is often asked, what does the name Ilya mean for a boy with regards to studying? - Ilya, when studying at school, is persistent, but only to what he likes. If you fail to arouse the child’s interest in any subject or to study in general, then he will learn poorly. Ilya can easily learn foreign languages, but then again, if they are interesting to him. A child for a short period of time can achieve good results with his interest.

Name Characteristic

What does the name Ilya mean for a man? - Carriers named Ilya have benevolence and openness. This helps them to meet people very easily, find a common language and make new friends. However, men named Ilya have such a character trait as intemperance and hot temper. If you do not learn to control yourself at such moments, then easily acquired acquaintances and friends will turn their backs on him.

Elijah zodiac sign - Capricorn

The name Ilya also means for a man that he will have great intuition. This combination helps him a lot in life, but Ilya is not very scrupulous about the choice of his environment. Acquaintances and friends may turn out to be his weak point, as they are able to fail him at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, Ilya needs to listen to the views of relatives in the matter of choosing friends and acquaintances, since in this case his intuition often fails.

Besides all that has been said, what does the name Ilya mean? The meaning of the name for a man suggests that in business and other matters Ilya can objectively assess the situation and in most cases make the right and reasonable decisions. However, sometimes he may, due to lack of patience, make a rash decision and leave the matter a few steps before success.

Ilya in personal relationships

What does the name Ilya mean in personal life? Men with the name Ilya are not inclined to show their abilities in creativity, but can be very original in their manifestation, when it comes to romantic relationships. If Ilya is in love, then, to the surprise of his chosen one, he will prove himself in the best way. But do not flatter yourself - after he reaches his goal, all these manifestations will immediately come to naught. If a man named Ilya forces the development of romantic relationships, then, most likely, they will be fleeting.

Ilya and family

But at the same time, Ilya gives the main place to the family in his life, for his creation he is looking for a person who will be very similar to him and will have the same outlook on life. Ilya picks herself a future spouse very carefully, carefully weighing the pros and cons. Ilya is very sensitive and careful to her wife and children, surrounding them with warmth and care. He will be a faithful and reliable husband and loving father.

Talismans for a name Ilya

The following can be said about the talismans for the name Ilya:

Cornflower - Elijah flower
  • As mascots, red and blue are best suited.
  • Of the stones, this is diamond, which means firmness of character and spirit, courage.
  • A bird is considered a totem living creature, namely: a nightingale, which means spiritual purity.
  • Plant-amulet - a cornflower, a flower symbolizing holiness and protecting from misfortune.
Elijah stone - diamond
  • Charm tree - elm, which is a Christian symbol that embodies the nobility and dignity.
  • The planets that are the talisman for Elijah are the Sun and Mars. The sun symbolizes the heat that gives life to all living things, and Mars - warlike.

The name Ilya in Christianity

What does the name Ilya mean in church? In Christianity, the name Ilya is interpreted as the power of the Lord, as well as a believer. In Christianity, he is described as a good-natured, open, delicate, strong-willed person. The guardian angel of the name is Ilya the Prophet, who was a zealous fighter for the purity of faith in the kingdom of Israel and denounced the followers of idolatry and wickedness.

Elijah - a variant of the biblical Eltyahu

In the Christian tradition of the name day, Ilya notes:

  • in January - 1, 25, 27;
  • in February - 3, 13;
  • March 1;
  • in April - 5, 10;
  • August 2;
  • in September - 16, 30;
  • in November - 17, 22;
  • in December - 18, 31.

Ilya the Prophet is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy, in his honor the great holidays dedicated to his life are celebrated.

Energy named after Ilya

Having learned what the name Ilya means, you can determine its energy. It is of a deep nature, having a connection with the epic hero Ilya Muromets and the Orthodox image of St. Elijah the Prophet. This name combines both tremendous power and spiritual purity in thoughts and actions.

Very often Ilya may feel some discomfort when the people around him are too focused on his person, so he is inherent in restraint and caution, which attracts people. However, it is difficult to call it closed, or rather it will be said that in communication he is even with outsiders and with his relatives and friends.

The power of the name gives its owner a certain poise, but at the same time it speaks of the possibility of an emotional impulse or even explosion. Ilya is not inclined to accumulate emotional stress in himself, so the strength of such an explosion will be small and short-lived. On the other hand, after that Ilya’s soul will not have strong feelings and a painful trace. Very often, such an emotional explosion finds its manifestation in the desire for development, for the future, prompting new life tasks and goals in Ilya.

Pragmatism of Elijah

Ilya refers to this type of people who pragmatically build their happy tomorrow, with great patience, gradually bringing it closer with hard work. Men with the name Ilya can be envied with how persistent and persistent they are toward their goal, however, here are their negative sides. So, fully concentrating on achieving future success, Ilya can skip what is important that is happening at present.

Perhaps all of this will make Ilya a very strict and overly principled person, whom not everything suits his life. Maybe he will be sure that this is real, not satisfying his reality makes him work for the future.

This is a real vicious circle, the pragmatics of tomorrow's happiness and successful life give rise to negativity in the present tense, which, in turn, increases hopes for prosperity in the future. This can be compared to trying to reach the edge of the earth or a horizon that is constantly slipping away. At the same time, many men who bear the name of Ilya, who did not succeed in achieving their goals, try to realize it already in their children.

Council Ilya-pragmatist

Owners of this name, by virtue of the foregoing, should take a sober view of the current situation, assessing all the risks, forecasting future successes, while not focusing on them. Otherwise, you can easily fall into a vicious circle, which, apart from disappointments and the collapse of hopes, will bring nothing. Ilya needs to find that fine line, beyond which the present ends and the future begins, and, observing the balance, come to inner peace. It is in this case that all the goals set will be achieved, and Ilya himself will be satisfied with the implementation of his plans and hopes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26538/

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