Statuses with a sense of fun: saving ourselves from the winter blues

Statuses with a meaning of fun began to appear less often in news feeds of users of social networks. There are many explanations for this - the crisis period in the country, dullness outside the window, colds and more. Let the next selection of statuses become at least small, but a salvation from oppressive states.

Statuses with a sense of fun

  • "Rest is a terrible thing. You cannot leave it and go to rest."
  • "When all the methods of passing the exam do not help, all that remains is to ask the ash."
  • "Tired so much that I want only one thing: to leave with Matroskin in Prostokvashino."
  • "Love animals - love and wake up at 4 in the morning."
  • "There was a time when I played tennis, football, hockey and went fishing. But then my son broke the computer."
  • "There is such a myth as going to bed early."
  • "When I'm too lazy to explain something, I just say I don't know."
  • "It is necessary to set unrealistic goals. Didn’t it? Well, okay, they are unrealistic."
  • The "answer" is me "opens all doors."

statuses with meaning funny

Statuses funny with a meaning about life

  • "A habit comes from childhood: when the lights are turned off in the apartment, the first thing you need to do is look out the window and make sure that it’s not only yours."
  • "When they tell me that smoking is harmful, I reply that I live too. No one has ever returned alive from there."
  • “If you imagine life in the form of a book, then someone will have a novel, someone will have a collection of poems. And only me will have a comic book.”
  • "Break the stereotypes! Start a new life from Friday!"
  • "According to statistics, those who live closest to school come there last."
  • "You also did not understand as a child how a Dragonfly from a fable managed to skip all summer, and laughed? Now this is not so funny ..."
  • "Childhood does not end as long as you fit on a swing."
  • "The scariest words in life - this is a question from my mother:" What's new at school? "

Statuses with a meaning of fun can be sent to a dear person, so that he feels participation and at least a little perk.

funny statuses with meaning

Funny statuses about love

Funny statuses with a meaning about love can cheer up those who, in this regard, are not in the most pleasant period. Or maybe breathe new emotions into the relationship with the help of funny sayings.

  • "How to prove to a man who speaks of his love that he really does not love you?"
  • “It’s better to be jealous. Not to be jealous means that you don’t know everything.”
  • "Why waste time arguing with your loved one if you can cry right away?"
  • "Love draws in like seeds."
  • “Tales usually begin not with the words“ in a certain kingdom ”, but with“ we are only friends! ”
  • "Life hack for guys: when a girl asks if he notices changes in her appearance, you need to answer:" Honey, you're so thin! "
  • "I wanted to watch a sad film and cry, remembering about you, but my mother brought a chocolate bar. Sorry, today is not up to you."
  • "There is a special quest for men - to guess the answer to the question of what he wants for dinner."
  • “At first, the man threatens that he will leave, and then he does not understand: to salt the potatoes before or after readiness and where, in general, have socks gone ?!”

statuses funny with a meaning about life

Statuses with a sense of fun are sometimes the best cure for seasonal spleen and gloom. They remind that life loves smiling and optimistic. Laugh at the problems in spite!


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