Resocialization is what? How is the process of resocialization of personality?

The concept that is covered by the word "socialization" includes the process of connecting with society. The whole essence of this phenomenon is the assimilation by a person of values, roles and norms, which are approved by most people. The concept of “socialization” is opposed by two others. Their names are formed by adding prefixes. These are “desocialization” and “resocialization”. The first of these means processes in which a person assimilates antisocial and antisocial values ​​and norms. In this case, a person acquires negative attitudes and stereotypes of behavior. This leads to destabilization and deformation of public relations.

Desocialization mechanism

Why does man choose the antisocial path? At the initial stage, this happens unconsciously. Children and adolescents adopt the behaviors of those adults who lead an asocial lifestyle. At the same time, they satisfy their desire to receive approval from this negative microenvironment. Moreover, according to their concepts, they quickly become adults. In this case, the negative microenvironment over the person is carried out social control. At the same time, adolescents or children receive praise, approval and support if they embark on the path of antisocial behavior. Diligence, mercy and kindness in such an environment are simply ridiculed.

resocialization is
The entire process of desocialization is sometimes carried out spontaneously. However, in some cases it is carried out purposefully. An example of this is the upbringing of criminal behavior among adolescents to engage them in illegal activities. Moreover, the mechanism of punishments and rewards is widely used.

Fix path

Resocialization is applied to a person who has embarked on an antisocial path of behavior by various state institutions of social control. This concept means a certain type of change occurring in a person that allows you to accept a type of behavior that is radically different from the previous one. In this case, the prefix "re-" means the destruction and dismantling of negative values ​​and norms that have been assimilated by the individual. During this process, a person accepts those positive concepts that are approved by society.

Use of the term

The concept of “resocialization” is widely used not only by representatives of social psychology and sociology. Lawyers and educators also mention this term. It relates to social measures that are applied by society to people who have embarked on the criminal path.

desocialization and resocialization
In pedagogy, resocialization is the assimilation of new skills and values, which should replace previous obsolete or insufficiently acquired ones. The whole process is directed to people with different types of deviant behavior. The goal pursued by re-socialization is the restoration of lost social status, as well as the reorientation of negative attitudes. The solution to this problem lies in the positive attitude of the pedagogically oriented environment towards the individual.

the concept of resocialization
“Resocialization of convicts” is a term that lawyers use when solving problems of the criminal-executive policy. It applies to youth. It is noted that in young subjects, the ability for resocialization is higher than in representatives of the older generation. For young people, this term may not mean the process itself, but its result.

Who is resocializing?

The entry of the individual on the path of antisocial development is fixed by institutions that exercise social control. At the same time, they can also take appropriate measures of resocialization. In this process, educational, military and labor collectives, school and family, public organizations, as well as law enforcement agencies in the person of their preventive structures participate. Often, the re-socialization of an individual is carried out without imprisonment. However, when a person commits a socially dangerous act, more stringent measures can be taken against him. In this case, by the verdict of the court, he goes to places of deprivation of liberty. At the same time, resocialization is a certain stage, designed to restore socially useful relations of the individual with society. In the course of this process, asocial roles and behavior should be destroyed, as well as positive examples of social values. Special institutions that carry out the process of resocialization in this case are the following:

- educational labor colonies where minors are kept;

- forced labor colonies;

- prisons.

The main task that these social institutions are called upon to solve is the re-education and correction of convicts, that is, re-socialization.

Severity of the problem

The topic of resocialization is associated not only with those who have committed criminal acts. It applies to other categories of people. Thus, the re-socialization of drug addicts, patients, as well as those who have experienced stress during natural disasters, military operations or accidents, is of great importance to society.

re-socialization of convicts

Such people need not only social assistance. For the normal process of resocialization, psychotherapy, psychocorrection (auto-training, etc.) will be needed. The social adaptation of such people should not be expected unless the emotional tension of the individual is removed.

Resocialization Work

Relief societies and various foundations, the Salvation Army, the Church, etc. are engaged in social rehabilitation in Western Europe. Similar work in Russia is carried out by rehabilitation centers. In this regard, there is a need for accelerated development of such a humanistic psychology, which would be focused on the needs of this social practice.

resocialization of personality

It is worth saying that the need for social adaptation exists in almost every person. At the same time, positive results appear only when removing emotional stress.


In the biography of a person, there are certain life cycles. These are periods that separate important milestones. In each new cycle, there is a change in social roles, a new status is acquired. Often life stages are characterized by a rejection of the old environment and habits, friendly contacts, changes in the usual routine. When moving to a new step, a person enters a new cycle. At the same time, he has to constantly retrain. This process breaks down into two stages, which have special names. When a person is weaned from previous norms, values, rules of behavior and roles, they talk about the desocialization of personality. The next step is training. It allows you to acquire new roles, rules of conduct and values ​​to replace old ones. This process is called resocialization, which can be so deep that it leads to radical changes in lifestyle.

resocialization of drug addicts

An example of this is the Russian emigrant, who, once in America, finds himself in a completely new, diverse and rich culture. Individuals have to abandon old norms and traditions, which happens under the influence of new life experiences.


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