Ayder Muzhdabaev: biography and career

Ayder Muzhdabaev was born on March 8, 1972, he is a well-known Russian journalist who began his career in this field in Soviet times. He achieved fame back in those days. He is also a media manager and deputy editor-in-chief in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, is a member of the Union of Crimean Tatars in Moscow and writes mainly on political topics. This is an amazing person, able to achieve the intended goal, stubborn, inquisitive, able to listen.

Ayder Muzhdabaev

He took his first interview with a football player, and it was not easy for him. The sporstman spoke incoherently, swore a lot, there was very little sense in the conversation. As a result, Muzhdabaev sweated great before the interview was ready. He always works in good faith, he never aspired to be a celebrity, to satisfy his ambitions he is quite satisfied with the recognition of his own professionalism by colleagues, and he likes writing more than managing.

Journalist Biography

Ayder Muzhdabaev, whose biography begins in Tambov, by the will of fate, lived a far from boring life. He has something to remember over the past years of work. His father came to Tambov from Uzbekistan to study and met Tatyana Drozhzhina there. Ayder Mujabaev was subsequently born from them in the same city. The famous journalist initially entered the university of chemical engineering, but left him after the second year, realizing that this was not his vocation. At this time, he was already published in a local newspaper, fighting with the local authorities. There he subsequently became deputy editor. Aider accidentally met visiting journalists from Moskovsky Komsomolets who came to write a report. They became friends, and in 1995 Ayder Muzhdabaev became the correspondent of MK, and in 1998 he moved to Moscow, becoming a political correspondent. Then he was for a long time the editor of a department writing about Moscow life. In 2008, the journalist received the post of deputy chief editor.

Ayder Muzhdabaev’s family

Ayder Muzhdabaev photo

Aider’s clan comes from Karasubazar. His great-grandfather Mahmut went missing in the war in 1941, before that he worked as an accountant in a printing house. Great-grandmother Inayet he took as a wife from Alminsky valley. She came from a noble family of wealthy Uzbeks.

Grandma Vasfiye lived near Namangan, where she was exiled. Father Izzet and her brothers Mansur and Rustem transported her from there to Plodovoy, where she died. She has a younger brother, Jafer-aga. He and his wife Zubeir-aga now live in Simferopol. His son, who is Ayder's uncle, is also located there.

Journalist about his work

Ayder Muzhdabaev biography

Ayder Muzhdabaev, whose photo shows off in many print publications, admitted that he does not know what “non-standard interview” means. He himself says this: “I’m not a journalist on secular topics, I don’t go to concerts ... I will never forget meeting with Okudzhava, Gardner, Dzhemilev, Dudaev. With the latter, probably, there was just a non-standard interview at night. His guards tried to politely lead me out of his office, and Dudaev himself spoke and spoke, not paying attention to the gesturing guard. ”

Why Muzhdabaev became a journalist

Ayder Muzhdabaev believes that there are a lot of decent people among journalists, no matter what they say. Everything turned out by itself. He likes to meet interesting people, constantly receive new interviews, participate in the process itself. At the same time, a craving for writing appeared in his youth, it was for this reason that he left the institute. Journalism is his whole life, his favorite work, although often it is not very pleasant and grateful. But he is not going to leave her, and if he had the opportunity to work in the Crimea as a specialty, he would gladly go there. But while this is unattainable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2655/

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