Caucasian ash-tree: amazing properties

The beauty and richness of nature are immeasurable! A huge number of eye-damaging plants are found all over the world. An ordinary layman probably never heard of the existence of some of them. For example, Caucasian ash-tree - what is it?

Brief explanation

Caucasian ash-tree is only one of the species of this plant. There are still white ash (southern Europe and Siberia), fluffy (Far East), holostolbikovy (Crimea, Ukraine, Moldova). Caucasian, as the name implies, is common in the mountains of the Caucasus, as well as in the Volga and Iran. He loves shrubs and light forests, but can also be found in the steppes. This is a cold-resistant plant, reaching a height of 80-100 centimeters. In the presented photo, Caucasian ash-tree has white flowers, but more often there are lilac or pink, with purple streaks. The leaves are oblong, narrow, while quite large, and pubescent below. Caucasian ash-tree begins to bloom in June.

Caucasian ash-tree

According to the scientific classification, the ash tree belongs to the Rutov family and, in addition to the main one, has two more names: Dictamnus and the Burning Bush (popularly). Strange name? It is taken from the Pentateuch - it is a burning, but not burning plant. In very hot weather, the ash tree wraps itself in a cloud of ether vapor. And if you bring a burning match to the plant, an explosion may occur, but it itself will not suffer. And why is "ash-tree"? Yes, simply because its leaves resemble ash leaves very much.

Ash flowers have an unusual smell. Experts compare it with the aroma of citrus fruits, but there are those who believe that the plant smells of medicine. This statement can also be explained: the whole thing is the allocation of essential oils, as mentioned above.

The ash tree is poisonous. It should not be touched, since this can lead to a 2nd degree burn at best, and even to dermatitis or even allergic shock. This will not pass without a trace: scars or age spots will remain. Therefore, it is better to work with him in protective clothing. For the same reason, it is better not to sniff ash, otherwise there is a risk of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. However, in cool weather, the plant is harmless. The description and photo of the Caucasian ash-tree shows what an unusual, unique plant it is.

How to grow?

Caucasian ash-tree is a perennial plant propagating by division, cuttings and seeds. The latter method is the most popular. In this case, the seeds should be planted in August, and if you are late and do it in the fall, they will sprout only after a year. Collect them should be before ripening, otherwise they will scatter around the site. The distance between the sprouted sprouts should be at least 30-50 centimeters. You need to be prepared for the fact that during the first year of life, ash is growing extremely slowly, but then gaining strength. By this time, it can already be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. After 3 years, with proper care, the plant will begin to bloom.

ash-tree Caucasian photo

Growing it using the vegetative method (dividing or grafting), you should do this in early autumn or spring - then the shoot will take root better. However, experts advise against using such methods - the plant does not tolerate them well.

Regardless of how to propagate ash, you need to choose the sunniest part of the garden for it. It is important to remember that on moist soil this representative of the flora does not grow. There is another little secret: in order to better warm up the soil, large stones should be placed at the foot of the plant. They absorb solar heat well and transmit it to the earth.

Caucasian ash-tree is rather unpretentious. He tolerates drought, but, of course, loves watering more, and he grows so much better. It can do without top dressing and even bloom. If you still fertilize the plant, then humus or additives for flowering plants.

Plant benefits

Caucasian ash-tree has healing properties. So, for example, since a plant, as has been said many times, contains a large amount of essential oils, as well as fatty acids, a variety of medicines are produced from it.

lassens Caucasian photo and description

Ash-tree is used to treat urolithiasis, as well as genital tract infections. From the leaves and stems of the plant make tincture, which is beneficial for gastritis or bloating. It is also good as an anthelmintic drug, as a sleeping pill, to relieve fatigue or for epilepsy. Traditional medicine uses tincture of ash in the fight against Parkinson's disease - it helps reduce trembling limbs. Decoctions from the roots of Caucasian ash are used to treat diabetes and pneumonia, and also as an antiseptic. In this case, you need to remember caution: too large doses will not help, but will harm. In addition, treatment with the ash of pregnant and lactating women is prohibited.

How else to use ash?

This unique plant can be not only medicinal. In some areas (for example, in the Caucasus), it is an excellent seasoning for all kinds of dishes. In Siberia, fresh and dried ash leaves are added to tea. In Europe, aromatic water is made from it. Use a decoction of seeds and externally - for cosmetic purposes and for baldness. Also, ointments are made from it.

Caucasian ash-tree healing properties

Legends are made about the magical properties of ash - allegedly it is able to cure somnambulism and cause ecstasy. Store broths and tinctures from ash are recommended in the refrigerator for no more than two to three days.

Even without meeting this amazing representative of the flora in nature, you can understand from the photo of the Caucasian ash-tree how unusual and good it is. Despite its dangerous nature, I want to rejoice that such plants exist in the world.


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