Ebony tree: photo, color. The fruit of the ebony. Ebony Wood Products

Ebony wood has purely black wood or with colored stripes. She has no pronounced annual rings. Very heavy and hard, it is perhaps the most valuable of all tree species. Such properties are inherent in some representatives of the Persimmon clan from the Ebony family.

Description and characteristic

Ebony tree (photo posted in the article) is a diffuse-vascular sound deciduous species with a narrow white sapwood (a layer of wood directly adjacent to the bark). It has a core with invisible annual layers of black color with a glossy surface. Its heart-shaped rays are very narrow, so they cannot be seen in any of the sections. Small vessels collected in radial groups are most often filled with black-colored sound substances.

The density of dried ebony wood can vary from 1000 to 1300 kg / m³. The sapwood is rather narrow and sharply contrasted with the dark color of the core. However, Caucasian persimmon, as well as several other types of trees, have one significant difference. It lies in the fact that their sapwood and ripe wood are exactly the same in color.

Ebony photo


I must say that since ancient times, ebony has been fanned by mystical legends and beliefs. For example, the ancient Greek scientist Pausanias wrote that it is barren and does not even have leaves, but consists only of roots that Ethiopians use for healing.

Most ebony growing in the tropics and subtropics are evergreen, but there are deciduous species that are common in temperate climates. Caucasian persimmon also belongs to this genus. The fruit of the ebony is very large and tasty, looking like a tomato. In ancient Chinese scrolls they wrote about him 3 thousand years ago. Persimmon can be eaten raw, as well as make jam, pastille, candied fruit and even wine and liquors from it. In addition, it is considered a good dietary product.

Ebony fruit

African varieties

Such a concept as ebony ebony combines several species that grow in Asia (Sri Lanka, India) and Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria, Zaire, Ghana). Its main feature is the very dark core color of the core.

Cameroon ebony is the most common type of wood that is imported from the continent. It has a deep black color, sometimes with gray veins. The main feature of this wood is its pronounced open pores, due to which it is much less valuable than other finely porous varieties.

Madagascar ebony is a dark brown wood with a density of up to 1000 kg / m³, having almost imperceptible pores, extremely resistant to moisture, it is not afraid of termites.

Asian varieties

Makassar ebony - "colored" wood, the sapwood of which has a yellowish-white color, grows in Indonesia. The black core itself with brown or light yellow stripes has a very dense structure, reaching up to 1300 kg / m³. The dust of this tree, as well as the rest of the ebony, is very toxic. It can cause various allergic reactions in the human body, for example, irritation on the skin or mucous membranes.

Moon ebony - wood, very similar to Makassar, but it comes from the territory of Vietnam and Laos.

Ebony color

Ceylon ebony has the best qualities: solid, with invisible pores, excellent polishing, extremely resistant to moisture and harmful insects. Products from it are very difficult to find, since they are quite rare and are considered the most high-quality and expensive. It was from such wood in the 16-19th centuries that the best craftsmen made their furniture.

Exclusive Varieties

Lunar ebony is a very rare species of mabolo species. Grows in the Philippines and is found exclusively in impenetrable tropical forests of Myanmar. This ebony tree, the color of which has unusual light shades, looks very beautiful. So, immediately after sawing, white wood prevails with dull, greenish stains, but after drying, the color scheme changes to a golden yellow hue with black patterns, stripes and veins. Sometimes, instead of dark, other shades can be observed, for example, blue or chocolate.

By the way, it is strictly forbidden to cut down and export lunar ebony in Myanmar. Quotas for its procurement are very rarely sold, and even then in small quantities. Such strictness is due to the fact that only trees whose age ranges from 400 to 1000 years are intended for cutting. Interestingly, the lunar ebony in appearance is no different from others. Its color will be visible only after cutting.

Ebony ebony

Drying Features

The ebony tree grows quite slowly: it may take centuries before it reaches marketable sizes. It is because of this that the wood becomes so dense (up to 1300 kg / m³) and easily sinks in water. Its mechanical properties are very high: the bending strength of some Indian and African species reaches 190 MPa, and the hardness is 2 times that of oak. In addition, the ebony withstands great shock loads.

Drying such wood is not an easy task. If you disrupt the technology, it will greatly decrease in volume. Therefore, in countries where they are engaged in its harvesting, as in ancient times, they do special preliminary cutting 2 years before cutting. It is made in this way: in a circle at the base of the trunk, sapwood is cut in order to stop the growth of the tree.

After the preparation and sawing of the trunk are finished, finished boards, the ends of which are carefully treated with lime or other material, are stacked. A place for their further storage should be protected from the sun and not have drafts. Only observing all the conditions listed above, you can avoid drying the wood too quickly. Usually this process takes at least six months. If you violate at least one of the rules, the boards may warp and become covered with numerous cracks.

Ebony wood

Production Features

It should be noted right away that the ebony tree lends itself to processing quite hard, so men usually do this. Such painstaking work requires a lot of effort, and even making a small figure can take a very long time. In addition, before you start working with ebony wood, you need to take care of security. As mentioned above, dust and sawdust can cause an allergic reaction, so craftsmen usually wear glasses and a gauze bandage.

Indeed, an ebony tree is very difficult to cut due to its high density, as well as various mineral inclusions that are present in it. These properties adversely affect the cutting edges of tools, which become very dull very quickly. The most difficult workpiece is considered one whose fibers have a wavy structure. In addition, wood of some species is prone to chipping, especially for the Indonesian macassar. However, lathes are handled well. After the product is ready, it is polished and thereby give it a beautiful matte sheen.

Ebony tree

Application in the manufacture of musical instruments

People began to use the ebony for their needs in ancient times. It is worth noting that it was always in price, so it was used mainly for the manufacture of various religious objects, sculptures, and, of course, expensive furniture. In addition, it is believed that ebony wood can neutralize poisons, for this reason it was very often used for the manufacture of dishes.

Ebony is widely used in the manufacture of musical instruments such as flute, oboe and clarinet. Ebony is also great for piano keys and individual parts of the guitar, especially shells and vultures. Professional musicians really appreciate such instruments. So, a polished carapace on a guitar made of ebony does not make unnecessary extraneous sounds even if the mediator accidentally "jumps" off the string.

Ebony wood products

Application in the furniture industry

In the XVII century the ebony tree was used not only in inlay, but also in plywood. But the greatest interest in him began to be shown only after 200 years, when a fashion began to form based on stylization for other cultures, for example, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Indian, etc. Curly chairs with X-shaped legs were in special demand. In ancient Rome they were made of ivory or bronze, and in the century before last - from ebony. It looked light and elegant, but in fact it was a solid and reliable design.

Nowadays, becoming a happy owner of ebony furniture is an unheard of luxury that not many allow themselves. Due to its properties, ebony, whose products are valued all over the world, is considered a very expensive material. Vases and figurines, canes and candlesticks, skillfully carved by talented craftsmen, will become truly valuable and rare acquisitions that can decorate any home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26555/

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