Cupid (cucumbers): description and reviews

Cucumbers Amur F1 is the most popular product of the Dutch company Bejo Zaden. This hybrid highly productive form is able to impress even experienced gardeners with its early maturity, excellent taste and beautiful presentation. Cupid - cucumbers, which are successfully cultivated not only experienced but also beginner gardeners. The hybrid is grown most often in polycarbonate or glass greenhouses, but is also able to bear fruit abundantly in open ground.

cupid cucumber reviews

Cucumber Amur F1: description

Parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) plant, which has a predominantly female flowering type, weakly-climbing, vigorous, indeterminate. It differs in uniform ripening of the crop. Due to the very weak branching, bushes can be grown without formation.

The leaf is green, medium in size, slightly wrinkled, the edge is either very weak or absent.

Cucumbers Amur description of the fetus has the following: Zelenets oval-fusiform, slightly wrinkled, finely tuberous with white spines, shortened, about 12-14 cm long. Weight is about 90-110 gr.

The skin is dark green with faint light stripes. Pubescence is frequent. In greenhouses, a plant is planted per 1 square meter with 3 bushes, in open ground - about 4-5. Amur (cucumbers) gives the main crop in the first month of fruiting. Harvesting is carried out 2-3 times a week. Fruits are mainly for salad purposes, but are also suitable for canning or pickling.

The total yield is an average of 25-30 kg / m².

cucumber cupid f1 description

Cucumber Cupid: reviews

According to reviews of gardeners, this variety is characterized by early maturity, abundant and prolonged fruiting and the simultaneous ripening of several fruits at once. In addition, it has several advantages:

  • excellent taste and aroma of fruits (zelenets dense, crunchy, without voids);
  • high-quality appearance;
  • the plant is resistant to powdery mildew, root rot and olive spot (cladosporiosis);
  • has good transportability and storage duration;
  • has branch self-regulation;
  • up to five bundle ovaries are formed on each node.

Cupid - cucumbers with predominantly female flowers. This early-ripe hybrid, popular among gardeners, after germination enters fruiting in 35-38 days.

Sowing seeds

Amur (cucumbers) can be grown in two ways - seedling and seedling. Seeds are soaked and germinated a few days before planting in the soil. Landing in the soil is carried out in early or mid-May (depending on soil warming).

When sowing, it is necessary to pay attention to some recommendations of experienced gardeners and specialists:

  • Sowing seeds is necessary in fertile, deeply dug up soil and fertilized with the main nutrient elements, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Sprinkle with a soil mixture on top.
  • It is better to cover the beds with a film to protect from night cold, preserve soil moisture and get more friendly shoots.

After the cucumbers have risen, the film from the ridges is removed and thinning out.

cupid cucumbers

Seedling method of growing

Cucumber Amur F1, the description of which is given above, by seedling is grown as follows:

  • In open ground, seeds are sown three or four weeks before the intended planting of the plant.
  • When growing seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse, seeds are planted at the rate of 20 pieces per square meter of planting area.
  • If seedlings are grown indoors or in a greenhouse, the minimum volume of planting pots or seedling cassettes should be approximately 400 ml, and a minimum height of 12 cm, due to certain biological characteristics of the root system of plants;
  • A special garden mix for vegetable crops has proven itself well. Its composition is optimally balanced to obtain strong high-quality seedlings. You can buy it at specialized retail outlets.
  • When growing cucumber seedlings, constant monitoring of soil moisture should be carried out and the temperature regime must be strictly observed.

In the event that more than one seed was sown in each seedling container or pots and all sprouted, then after germination only one of them, the most powerful and strong, should be left, and the remaining seedlings should be cut at ground level.

It should be remembered that seedlings can be planted in open ground when there is a risk of frost or if the soil on the beds has not warmed up to 16-17 ° C, it is impossible. The period of adaptation of seedlings in a permanent place, as well as the further productivity of plants will completely depend on the exact observance of all regime norms and proper care.

Amur Cucumbers Description


Amur F1 cucumbers need care, which is similar to the technology for growing other varieties and hybrids of this plant. The basic rules of care are watering with warm water, systematic top dressing, loosening the soil and mulching, as well as removing weeds. Good results and increased yield are obtained by trellis cultivation.


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