How to look expensive and well-groomed: simple rules

Regardless of social status, every woman wants to see a glossy and dignified look at her first glance at her. Image, indeed, if it does not solve everything, then a lot: from admission to a representative position (if you have the appropriate knowledge, of course) to personal life with a solid contender for this role. Therefore, the question of how to look expensive and well-groomed cannot be called idle. There are several rules under which you will achieve the desired result.

how to look expensive and well-groomed

Healthy lifestyle

Let's start with the good news: having a perfect figure is not necessary. You are beautiful in any natural body! Remember this. Now the news is “bad”: a healthy lifestyle should become the norm for you. No matter how beaten it may sound, but lack of sleep and improper nutrition, together with a thick layer of foundation, even the most expensive one, any of your efforts will be reduced to zero. Critically evaluate your habits and get rid of bad ones. Otherwise, how to look expensive and well-groomed, you have to forget.

how to look expensive and stylish

Take a sharp look at the condition of your teeth, skin, hair and nails. Make an appointment with the dentist, if there is such a need, make it a rule to start the day and end with a contrast shower, wash your hair daily.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without significant costs?

A visit to the dental office in our time is an expensive event, but you cannot do without it. The work of a specialist cannot be replaced with your recipes. But in all that relates to hair grooming, you can limit yourself to home procedures. Masks, balms, rinsing with an infusion of herbs - choose the appropriate care methods for your curls and use them regularly.

In no case do not dye your hair if you do not have gray hair. Natural color is not just in fashion, it is an indicator of taste and understanding of how to look expensive and stylish. If coloring is necessary, choose natural shades of good dyes. Do not strive to stand out in brightness, however, as well as a complex hairstyle. Simple styling, regular haircut - the best solution to the question of how to look expensive and well-groomed.

Makeup, manicure

look expensive

The less makeup on your face, the better. Mascara, eye shadow and lipstick to match - all you need. Everyday makeup is necessary in order to only emphasize your merits, and not change them beyond recognition. Recall the rule: naturalness is the main thing.

Important! Manicure and pedicure should always be. Stop the choice of varnish in neutral, non-inviting shades. They will look most harmoniously in your new look.

The smell of your perfume should not be knocked down, an unobtrusive aroma will be in place.


For those who want to look expensive, the right choice of clothing is important. Pay attention to how stylish and well-groomed women dress . You will not see clothes of screaming neon colors on them. Colors - restrained, matching the tone of the shoe.

If you are able to accept these rules and put them into practice, you will become the first to be seen among the motley mass of people who want to hold their eyes longer and who they want to communicate with.


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