"Nancy Drew: The Treasure of the Royal Tower." Walkthrough

Experienced gamers are aware of what the point'n'ckick quest is, but if you do not know this, then there is no problem with this. Indeed, in reality such a genre of games is very easy to determine, the secret is already hidden in the name. You need to point to certain objects, objects and areas on the game screen, as well as click on them to interact with them. Thus, such quests are a set of screens on which there is a certain number of points with which the player can interact. Periodically, this process is diluted with riddles that you have to solve in order to move forward. When such a project has a boring gameplay, a strong and fascinating plot, as well as good and not the easiest puzzles, then it can claim the title of a real masterpiece. Projects of the Nancy Drew series, telling various stories from the life of a teenage detective, have everything you need for a quality point'n'click quest, so it’s safe to say that they deserve close attention, especially Nancy Drew: The Treasure of the Royal Tower . The passage of this episode will be described in this article.


Learning is where you need to start getting acquainted with the game "Nancy Drew: The Treasure of the Royal Tower". Passing then will seem to you noticeably easier. Naturally, the management here is quite typical for such quests, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are also some aspects that are unique. For example, you should definitely familiarize yourself with what kind of interactions you can make during the game. It depends on what shape the game cursor will take when you point it at a particular object. It is also worth knowing about the change of day and night: the projects of the Nancy Drew series are divided not into parts, but into days. In almost every game you are given seven days to complete the investigation, but the division is conditional, so do not rush, in any case, you will have time to complete the investigation in all projects, including Nancy Drew: The Treasure of the Royal Tower. Passage can be complicated and simplified independently.

Difficulty levels

Nancy Drew Royal Tower Treasure Walkthrough

Before you start playing Nancy Drew: The Treasure of the Royal Tower, the passage of which will surely entice you, you should determine at what level of difficulty you will play. It is clear that for the most part the game will not change, but the complexity of some puzzles can vary greatly. Also, tasks for the time will need to be completed faster. In general, the complexity will not affect the process as much as in projects of a different genre, but if you still have difficulty with similar games, it is recommended to set the lowest level. Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water also has a choice of difficulty levels. Only the very first projects of the series were developed with only one level.


nancy drew shadow by the water

The last point that you should take care of before starting the walkthrough is achievements. As in most computer games (including projects in this series, such as, for example, "Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water"), obtaining achievements is not necessary here. However, you will get a lot of pleasure when you are awarded for your efforts. Achievements are given according to the plot, for example, for passing a certain episode (that is, you cannot miss them), as well as in special cases. For example, you may be given an achievement because you faster than the specified time solved a certain riddle or listened to all the conversations in the game. In general, without these achievements, you will somehow pass the game, but their receipt will certainly please you. In some projects of the series, this was very important, for example, in Nancy Drew: The Labyrinth of Lies. Passing this game is much more difficult than in most other cases, so you can see for yourself that achievements will add you joy.

The first day

Nancy Drew Maze of Lies Walkthrough

As in the game "Nancy Drew: Labyrinth of Lies", the passage in this project begins in your own room. This time you find yourself in a hotel, in which you have to unravel another crime. First you need to write a letter, do not forget about the key card, as well as a piece of paper with a code. As in other games in the series, you have to memorize a lot, then to use this knowledge in other places. For example, you should definitely read the menu, as it will come in handy later.

After that, you will have several long dialogues: with the hotel manager, as well as with Lisa. Naturally, you can skip replicas, but it is recommended to work out all the lines of conversations, since any comment of the interlocutor may contain information important for the investigation.

Then you will need to find your box, which is located under the combination lock. Enter the code that you took at the very beginning from the table in the room, and take all things from the box. They will come in handy.

After that, you will need to go to the professor to conduct another conversation, and then one of the most difficult tasks will follow - with electricity switches - which must be solved very carefully. Collect all the useful things, including the key to the library, and then go to the elevator. He’s stuck, but it’s easy for you to get out through the sunroof, finish your business and go to the room. In fact, the gameplay is not much different from the game "Nancy Drew: The Labyrinth of Lies", but the story is told, of course, completely different.

Second day

Nancy Drew Labyrinth of Lies

As already mentioned, this project is very similar to one of the games in the series - "Nancy Drew: The Labyrinth of Lies." Even the day here begins with the fact that you definitely need to check the contents of the chest of drawers in your room. This time from there you need to extract the very menu that you read on the first day. Then you will need to transfer this menu to the professor, and also go to the basement on behalf of. There, pull the lever, pick up the grease fitting and have a few more conversations from which you will find useful information. This will end your morning adventures. There are many important things ahead of you, so go to bed.

At eight in the evening you have to go to the ventilation shaft, get into the library and use the stolen key to gain access to important data, more precisely, to the coordinates. After that, you will have to solve several problems in the library, as a result of which you will find a note inside the globe and much more that will help the investigation.

Then you have to get out of the library, talk with the manager, who agrees to help in the investigation. Go to the first floor and open the manager’s locker using the code that he informed you. Inspect all the objects inside, but go to the medallion last, because as soon as you touch it, you will get it on the head and lose consciousness. It would be nice if someone brought Nancy Drew water after that, but you have to deal with everything yourself.

Day three

Nancy Drew Water

When you wake up, you have to figure out what happened. In terms of passions, this episode is very similar to the game "Nancy Drew: The Phantom of the Estate", but still it is very different even in its focus. You need to talk with almost all the familiar characters, trying to explain and understand what is happening.

Now you need to find out who attacked you and why. To do this, you will have to continue collecting evidence. You can do this in the garden, the path to which one of the characters described in the conversation. You need to collect all the possible information, then return to the hotel and go up to the professor. You will be given the task that will need to be solved. If you can handle it, then the professor will agree to talk with you the next day. It suits you well, so you can send Nancy Drew to sleep. The secret, of course, is still far from unraveling, but you get closer with every step.

Day four

nancy drew ghost estates

In the game "Nancy Drew: The Ghost of Thornton" you had to do many tasks at night. There are not many of them here. A conversation with a professor is one of them. The fact is that the conversation will take place at three in the morning, and you need to find out as much useful information as possible. After that, the professor will provide you with the key to his number, and you can completely search the premises, which will give you enough important data. After completing the inspection, you can go to your room and sleep a bit before continuing.

On this day, you just have to talk with Lisa and turn on the cable car. To do this, you have to tinker in the basement, since the task is not as simple as it might seem at first. As a result, you will find yourself in a small alteration from which Dexter arrives in time on time. Well, for one day of adventure is enough, so you can go to your room and go to bed, not forgetting to set an alarm. Here in this vein, you will pass the passage of "Nancy Drew." A shadow of danger will always lie in wait around the corner, but if you show enough reaction and savvy, you don’t even have to go through certain episodes of the game.

Fifth day

Nancy Drew Mystery

Gradually nearing the end of the game, “Nancy Drew” walkthrough. The ghost this time will definitely not be to blame, you can already calmly understand that the whole thing is in a person, but you still have to find out who the criminal is. Therefore, do not waste time and start looking for clues and solving puzzles. Immediately we can say that the fifth day is the most difficult and eventful in terms of such tasks. Here you have to solve several difficult puzzles at once. First, go to the semicircular hall, where under the portrait you can insert all the medallions you have in the hole, memorizing the result in the form of symbols. After that, urgently visit the library where you saw the same portrait. You now have to solve a difficult puzzle using the received characters. The secret door opens to the tower. There you will find another riddle, after solving which you can pick up a diary from a secret cell. It must be read. But you cannot do this yet, because it is written in French. You don’t understand this language, so you won’t be able to immediately find out what is written in it. The Frenchman Jacques could help with this, but he will not want to talk to you, because it was because of you that his medallion disappeared. Therefore, you will have to postpone this task for now and go to bed. In the morning you can already deal with the diary and other evidence.

Sixth day

There are only two days left before the passage of “Nancy Drew” ends. The lock on the last door will be removed, the last riddle is solved, and you will learn all the secrets that this hotel hides. But for now, you still have a lot to do. True, it’s worth mentioning right away that the sixth day will not be as eventful as the previous ones. Instead of Jacques, you need to go to the professor to get a diary translation. Naturally, you won’t be able to do this right away, so you need to agree again the next day.

When you settle all the affairs with the professor, you will need to move on to other problems. In fact, you do not even have to solve any puzzles. You just need to go to your room in order to relax before the most important day of the investigation. But along the way you will meet a group of characters with whom you should also talk, listening carefully to the answers, because now every testimony, every evidence and clue will be worth its weight in gold. After the conversation you will need to go to bed. Why so early? The fact is that the seventh day will be very long for you, especially considering that you have to wake up at three in the morning.

Seventh day

When you wake up, you need to go to the hall to the professor to conduct another conversation. Once you gain access to the room, you can go in and pick up the diary translation, in which you will receive almost all the missing keys. You can also find out a special cipher, which again comes in handy later. Now you need to go back to the tower, in which the contents of the diary will lead you. Naturally, along the way, you will have to solve puzzles again, and again turn off the alarm at the entrance to the library. But you already did this, so you should not have problems.

In the tower, you will find the last mystery, which is an order of magnitude more complicated than all the previous ones. However, you have absolutely everything for its successful solution: medallions, diary text, secret symbol code and ingenuity. Having found the key in the portrait, combine everything together, having formed a way to open the secret door. It is there that the criminal is hiding, from whom you will first have to escape, since the forces are definitely not equal. But you can press the button on the wall, thereby cutting off the path to the attacker. Now nothing depends on you anymore - the police will do everything. You just have to watch the final video, from which you will understand all the details that remained hidden.

Thus, another case is revealed that gives you a lot of pleasure. Naturally, this is not given as easily as described by the text, but despite the fact that the game itself will be in front of your eyes, you can always quickly find out what is happening. As a result, you can still get through the game, since it can not be attributed to the most difficult of the existing ones. And you always have the opportunity to reduce complexity if you do not cope with riddles.

Good luck with your game and new victories in the investigation of crime with Nancy Drew!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26592/

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