Municipal authority: types, formation, powers

The modern state includes several levels of separation of powers: federal, regional, local. In light of this, it is worth noting that the municipal authority is not a representative of the state. Many citizens do not suspect that the aforementioned type of government implies exclusively the power of the people. Let's try to talk about this in more detail.

municipal authority

General Provisions on Local Government

Local government (self-government of municipal bodies) is one of the many forms of exercising people's power in Russia. This type of management organization is found in certain areas called municipalities. The concept, in turn, includes urban and rural settlements in the structure. Such can be settlements, urban-type settlements, cities, villages with a different number of inhabitants, urban neighborhoods, isolated areas, and so on.

It is important to note here that the federal government governs the local, and the municipal authority, in turn, is authorized to independently resolve all internal affairs.

Thanks to the opportunity, the people of a certain territory can independently solve issues of local importance. Moreover, the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees non-interference in the internal affairs of local self-government. In various forms, local government can be implemented. Self-government of municipal bodies has the right to make a decision by holding a referendum, voting, gathering residents, and so on.

local government municipal government

Management Issues

The City Council is the main governing body that is present in any large settlement. For the full implementation of their powers, it is important to know about issues that are within the competence of this body and the whole self-government as a whole:

  1. All decisions regarding the municipal fund. This includes not only maintenance and maintenance, but also the use of each individual site (home, apartment, room).
  2. Kindergartens, secondary schools, vocational schools, hospitals, clinics and other social institutions: all this is under the tutelage of local government. The city council has an obligation to maintain and organize activities in these entities.
  3. Ensuring control over repair work, the efficiency of maintenance and maintenance of utility networks: electricity and gas networks, water supply, sewage systems and so on.
  4. Service is expensive. This item is very often problematic, as funds for such projects are not always enough.
  5. Gardening of territories and their improvement.

city ​​Council

Sources of income

For effective existence, the municipal authority must necessarily have a number of incomes. That is why any territorial entity has a certain property. The most prominent representatives are: land, housing, cultural facilities, hospitals, retail space, local industry and so on.

Accordingly, in order to properly service the above territories, the municipal authorities draw up the local budget. This document has the status of a regulatory act and includes a list of income and expenses.

As sources of funds can be used:

  • Taxes and fees. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of establishing certain types of taxes on the territory of a municipality, for example: transport tax, road tax and so on.
  • Income from rental property or its privatization.
  • Grants - the process of transferring funds from the state to the municipality for certain needs.
  • Profit from the activities of enterprises: household, industrial, commercial.

municipal authorities

Power structure

As mentioned earlier, public authority is divided into two levels: state and municipal. Moreover, the second type does not depend on the first.

At the level of the municipal government, local administration bodies are created that are not part of the federal government. However, in order to most fully consider the organization of government of the state as a whole, it is important to pay attention to the goals, functions, tasks and competence of LSG.

The legislative framework regarding this issue is represented by a wide variety. The key NPA is the Federal Law "On the organization of local self-government." In order to improve his understanding and perception, this document is used to be called Federal Law No. 131.

Municipal bodies exist throughout Russia. There is not a single piece of land where the local government has not found its reflection. Despite a wide range of issues of local importance, the boundaries of the territory of the municipality are established and changed by the laws of the entities in accordance with the requirements of the federal government.

local authority

Directly about LSG bodies

A local authority is an entity that is created to carry out the functions of organizing public authority in the territory defined by law. This formation is created in order to ensure the interests of citizens living in subservient territory, for the economic development of the local region, as well as improving the level of socio-cultural life of the society.

The structure and organization of management formations of local importance

Not a single municipal body can organize management alone, even in a small area. That is why the legislator has provided the following types of formations:

local authority

  • Representative body.
  • Chapter.
  • Administration performing executive and administrative functions.
  • The body that oversees the activities of the administration.
  • Other types of organizations that may be provided for by the local authorities.

Head of the municipality

The most prominent representative of power for residents is the deputy who heads the local territory. He is the highest official and endowed with administrative powers. The normative document regulating the activities of the head of the municipality is considered to be the Charter.

local authorities

However, one cannot say that the official has uncontrolled power. Without fail, the head is obliged to report to the population on the work done. Moreover, thanks to informatization and technology development, each resident of the municipality can get acquainted with the income and expenses that were accrued for the reporting period (it is considered a year). The charter of the municipality also resolves all the nuances and subtleties associated with the activities of the head of administration, for example, in case of early termination of the exercise of powers.


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