DIY compost pit is an easy way to save

As a fertilizer, perfectly suitable for any type of cultivated crops, farmers, gardeners and gardeners everywhere use compost. In fact, it is the product of decay of all organic substances: mowed grass, leaves, weeds, food waste and much more. In the garden or in the garden, on a summer cottage or in a personal plot, a compost pit, made by yourself, makes it possible to get valuable nutrition for any grown plants, vegetables and fruits, and absolutely free of charge. In addition, the territory of the country will always be clean and tidy: with this technology, you can easily solve the issue of disposal. You can put here not only rotten, spoiled or wormy fruits and vegetables, but also the remnants of food.

How to make a compost pit in the country

First you need to choose a suitable location for the future "biofactory". It is desirable that it is not exposed to active sunlight. From them, the humus will dry out.

DIY compost pit

A self- made compost pit does not have to look like a pile of humus covered with earth. This can be any container filled with plant, organic waste mixed with the ground. Although the use of a shallow long ditch for her is the most common option. A compost pit, the scheme of which should assume the absence of a bottom, thereby providing free access to worms, can be of any size. However, its volume should not be less than one cubic meter, otherwise decay simply will not occur.

how to make a compost pit in the country

In the spring and summer, it is advisable to cover the rotting compost with a film, and to cover more with snow in the winter. This will protect microorganisms and earthworms living in it from death , as well as support the optimal composting process.

Full-fledged humus can be obtained only after one or two years. Therefore, it is desirable to have several "biofactories" in the infield. A compost pit, made by hand in the year before last, will give excellent dressing to planted peppers and tomatoes this spring.

Periodic mixing of the rotting mixture - ventilation and aeration of compost - will help with oxygen enrichment and the beginning of a faster and more efficient rotting process. And the variety of organic components and fertilizers present in the mixture will make humus even better.

compost pit circuit
Nevertheless, it is not worth pouring spoiled meat broths, milk into compost, throwing out sour curd or fish bones. This will help attract flies and create a nasty smell. Such waste should be buried in the ground to a depth of ten to fifteen centimeters, somewhere closer to the apple trees, cherries or plums. Then the process of decay will only benefit the trees, and this is also a kind of compost pit.

With your own hands, you can make an unusual design of an ugly rotting heap. A decoration of climbing plants and flowers can become a real highlight of the site. Planting berry bushes along the perimeter of the pit will not only give a beautiful view to the site, but also protect the compost pile from the wind and drafts.


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