Denisovsky grapes: variety description, reviews, planting features

The Denisovsky grape variety is not a dessert type. This is a wine grape that is valued for high quality wine made from juice. The berries have a very harmonious taste without any raisins.

Grapes Denisovsky

Appearance story

Denisovsky grapes appeared by pollination of Northern Muscat. Initially, breeders planned to get a technical grade that would tolerate the cold. After hard work to breeders VNIIViV them. Potapenko managed to get a new hybrid - Denisovsky grapes, which corresponded to the tasks set, namely to get a high-yielding variety that could tolerate frosts and not give in to fungal diseases. As a result, managed to bring out early grapes that do not require shelter.

Grade description

Denisovsky grapes differs from other varieties in the strong growth of the bush. He has small clusters, weighing about 200 grams, conical in shape. Sometimes there are brushes with wings.

The berries are small, weighing about three grams. Their shape is round. The skin color is dark blue with a pronounced bloom. It is quite dense and strong, which allows you to transport the crop over long distances without losing the quality of the bunch. The pulp has a simple grape sweet taste.

Denisovsky grapes have medium-sized leaves that are slightly dissected and slightly pubescent below.

The selection novelty has several advantages over other varieties, which are presented in the table below.




7-8 g / l

Sugar content,%


Brush shape


Brush weight

200 grams on average


Intense, sweet, harmonious

Color feature

Bisexual, do not need additional pollination

Ripening period

From bud bloom to harvest 120 days (end of August)

Frost resistance

Up to -27 degrees does not need shelter

Grade Features

Denisovsky grapes are unpretentious in leaving. Its berries store sugar well, which is important when using them in winemaking.

The variety has a very interesting taste. It can not be called refined, but it is not considered primitive. The berries are sweet, without sourness, with a pronounced classic grape flavor.

The plant feels great on almost any soil, except too swampy. Also, grapes do not grow on salt marsh, and on other types of soil the plant gives a stable high yield.

Denisovsky grape description

During the development period, the plant develops powerful deep roots. The bush itself is vigorous, therefore, when pruned, about 35 eyes are left on it, and the remaining branches are removed.

Pests and diseases

Denisovsky grapes, the description of which is presented above, is practically not exposed to diseases that affect other varieties. On a five-point scale, the plant has the following indicators:

  • resistance to mildew and other types of rot - 3 points;
  • resistance to oidium - 4 points.

This plant is not attacked by leafworms. Gardeners leave mostly positive reviews about this variety. Denisovsky grapes do not require complicated care. Sometimes on it you can see wasps. To insects bypassed the ripened brush, gardeners recommend covering the berries with a fine mesh.

Denisovsky grapes reviews

Landing Features

This variety is considered one of the most unpretentious. As mentioned above, it can be grown on any type of soil. When choosing a landing site, preference should be given to low salt options. Also, Denisovsky grapes do not like high humidity.

This variety belongs to photophilous plants. For its landing, choose a site with good lighting, without shading. When planting cuttings in the first year of vegetation, the plant builds up powerful shoots.

The bush is distinguished by vigorous growth. Therefore, when landing, he should leave a lot of space for normal development. Gardeners say that the distance between the bushes should not be less than one and a half meters. Between the rows, a distance of three meters is maintained.

Denisovsky grapes are ideal for propagation by the vegetative method. Other grades can be grafted onto cuttings.


There are no peculiarities in grape care. The plant must be watered, sprayed from pests in a timely manner, as well as periodic fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Usually, nitrogenous, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used for grapes. Less commonly, complex mineral fertilizers with a vitamin content are used.

The purpose of the variety

Denisovsky bred as a wine variety. However, its taste makes it possible to use berries for making jams, preserves and compotes. High quality dry and sparkling wines are obtained from grapes. Berries are used to make liquors.

Grapes Denisovsky description of the variety

A properly selected landing site and timely watering will allow you to get a good harvest. The variety is capable of bringing up to 140 centners of delicious berries per hectare of land.

Gardeners say that even a budding winemaker can grow Denisovsky grapes. You just need to make a little effort.


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