Refusal of Russian citizenship: procedure, package of documents, deadlines for considering an application

Sometimes Russian citizens have to leave for other countries for permanent residence. This is due to the marriage with a foreigner, the application of an interesting job, or for other reasons. But in many countries, citizenship can only be obtained by renouncing citizenship of the Russian Federation. Therefore, citizens must understand how to renounce Russian citizenship. The procedure should be performed in the correct sequence of actions. It is additionally taken into account that it will be rather difficult to restore citizenship, so people will have to put up with some negative legal consequences of the decision.

Options for loss of citizenship

Citizenship of the Russian Federation may be lost for various reasons. These include:

  • independent renunciation of Russian citizenship;
  • loss of citizenship as a result of obtaining a passport of another country.

According to the Constitution, it is impossible to deprive a person of Russian citizenship even for various crimes or violations. But if a person voluntarily makes such a decision, then the country's leadership cannot refuse him the implementation of this process.

consequences of renunciation of Russian citizenship

Failure conditions

Before giving up Russian citizenship, you should make sure that certain mandatory requirements are met for this. The procedure depends on the place of residence of the person. If he is still on the territory of Russia, then he can file an application with other documentation in a general manner, for which a government institution in the country is selected. If a person has already moved to another state, then all actions will have to be implemented through the consulate of the Russian Federation.

Conditions are binding on all citizens. These include:

  • if you plan to move with a minor child, the decision is made by the parents or official guardians;
  • citizens must independently write an application and prepare other documents;
  • there should not be any contraindications.

Therefore, if you plan to emigrate to the United States or any other country, you must first make sure that all the necessary conditions have been met. Otherwise, a negative decision will be received on the application.

When will the process fail?

Renunciation of Russian citizenship is not possible in some situations. These include:

  • a person has any obligations to the country, and such obligations are established by federal law;
  • a person is accused in a criminal case or an indictment has been passed against that citizen;
  • a person does not have the citizenship of any country, and also there are no guarantees in its acquisition.

Most often, problems arise for people with unfulfilled obligations to Russia. Usually they are represented by tax debts, unpaid fines or other debts. Therefore, initially you have to deal with the settlement of these issues, and only then transfer the application and other documents to deprive the right to be called a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If a person is a suspect in a criminal case, then renunciation of Russian citizenship is possible only after the end of the investigation or after the punishment for the crime is incurred.

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Where to go?

The procedure for renouncing Russian citizenship is considered quite simple and standard. The choice of the state institution to be contacted depends on where the Russian citizen is located.

If he lives in Russia, then he will have to carry out all the necessary actions in the Main Directorate for Migration, which is located in each region of the country. You need to contact the office at the place of registration.

If a person has already moved to another state, then the documentation will have to be transferred directly to the Russian consulate. It is this institution that is responsible for citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of another state. If you plan to renounce Russian citizenship in Ukraine, then you need to contact the Consulate General, and its branches are located in Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa and Lviv.

Application Rules

The procedure for renouncing Russian citizenship begins with the correct preparation of the application. His form can be taken directly from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or at the consulate. It can be filled not only in paper but also in electronic form.

Be sure to include the following information in this document:

  • reasons why a person wishes to obtain citizenship of another country;
  • personal information of the applicant submitted by his full name, gender, date of birth, marital status, nationality and religion;
  • education and profession in which a person works;
  • information on places of employment over the past five years;
  • data are provided on all obligations that have not yet been fulfilled to the state;
  • details of military duty, for example, men must indicate whether they served in the army;
  • it is written whether the applicant is currently under investigation;
  • it is indicated whether the person has another citizenship;
  • passport data are being copied;
  • The documents attached to this application are listed.

You can fill out the documentation manually or using a computer. All information should be entered in legible text only. Abbreviations or corrections are not allowed. If a person uses abbreviations, then they must be decrypted. The date of the application is indicated in the presence of the employee receiving the documentation.

It is allowed to transfer documents and applications through a proxy, but this person must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

how to renounce Russian citizenship

What package of documents is needed?

The renunciation of Russian citizenship is possible only upon the transfer of the necessary documentation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the consulate. The exact number of documents may vary slightly depending on the status and location of the applicant. But the following papers are usually needed:

  • Russian passport.
  • Documentation indicating the marital status of the applicant, and it may be provided with a certificate of marriage or divorce, as well as a death certificate of the spouse.
  • If the applicant has children, then they need birth certificates.
  • If previously a person changed his last name, then papers are needed that confirm this fact.
  • Education Documents.
  • A work book certified by an official employer.
  • If the applicant is a pensioner, then a certificate from the PF is required.
  • Certificate from the Federal Tax Service about the absence of tax debts.
  • Men pass military IDs upon availability.
  • Documentation confirming that a person additionally has the citizenship of another country.

Documentation for children is passed on by parents or legal guardians. In this case, you need a photocopy of the birth certificate of the minor, permission from the other parent and consent obtained from the guardianship authorities. If papers are transferred in a foreign language, then you will have to translate them first. The translation must be notarized.

Process cost

Before renouncing Russian citizenship, you will have to pay a state fee. It is equal to 3.5 thousand rubles. Details for payment can be found directly in the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Cash must be transferred before filing. The receipt must be attached to other papers.

renunciation of Russian citizenship

Terms of consideration

Civil servants carefully check all documents received from a person who plans to renounce Russian citizenship. The application processing time is one year.

If there are no significant problems, then usually the decision is made ahead of time. The applicant receives a written decision, and if it is negative, then the reasons for the refusal are given. Therefore, if a person thinks about how to leave for the Czech Republic for permanent residence, then initially he will have to renounce the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

If the application is submitted on the territory of another state, then it is considered only within 6 months. Instead of a fee, a consular fee is payable, the amount of which depends on the country in which the consulate is located.

Features for children

If people plan to emigrate to the United States or another state, then they must take care to arrange all the necessary documents for their minor children. To do this, you do not need to fill out an additional application, since in the first application in the upper corner you need to indicate all the children who will move to another country with the applicant. Additionally, information about the second parent is recorded.

Other papers are added to the set of documents required to complete the process. This includes the direct birth certificate of the baby, as well as written consent from the second parent to move.

If the child is already over 14 years old, then his consent, drawn up in writing and certified by a notary, is also required. If the child does not have a second parent, then supporting documents are needed. They can be represented by a death certificate, a court decision on the basis of which a person was deprived of parental rights, or a decision proving that his father was missing.

certificate from the Federal Tax Service about the absence of debt

Reasons for refusal

If a person is interested in how to leave for the Czech Republic for permanent residence, then he must understand the rules for performing this process. To do this, you will have to fulfill all obligations to the Russian Federation, as well as prepare the necessary documentation. But in certain situations, you may encounter a negative decision. Failure may be due to the following reasons:

  • there are no guarantees that a person will be able to obtain citizenship of another state;
  • there are significant tax debts or other obligatory payments to the Russian state;
  • the applicant is a defendant in a criminal case;
  • a court decision has entered into force, on the basis of which a person is held criminally liable;
  • no fee has been paid.

Since the process of renouncing citizenship of the Russian Federation takes at least 6 months, and usually lasts about a year, for this period of time there is a possibility that the circumstances of a citizen for various reasons can change. Therefore, documents submitted with the application will not contain reliable information. If such events occur, then the person is obliged to transmit relevant information to the consulate or the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, a denial of exit from citizenship will be received.

Another reason for refusal is the presence of fictitious documentation, which is transmitted by a person to a public servant. If, however, information about forged documents becomes known after leaving citizenship, then this process will be officially canceled.

If a person cannot collect all the necessary documents, then he simply will not accept a statement. Therefore, in any case, you will have to concentrate on collecting the necessary documentation.

How to find out the result?

In fact, there is no way by which it was really possible to find out the result of the consideration of the application. There is no such service on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, in order to receive information, you will have to directly contact the state body whose employees accepted the application with other documentation.

Applicants are always notified in writing of the results, for which they are sent a notification. Additionally, you can contact the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who will be able to check the status of the application.

renunciation of Russian citizenship


The person planning this procedure should be aware of the consequences of renouncing Russian citizenship. Citizenship is represented by specific legal relations with a particular state. It provides each person with certain rights and obligations. They are lost from the moment of termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The main consequences of this decision include:

  • a person cannot participate in elections;
  • if he retains the right to live in Russia, for example, if he has his own real estate, then he can vote in municipal elections;
  • if a person plans to periodically for a long time live in Russia, then he will have to apply for a residence permit in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • if the procedure is carried out at the consulate, then the person receives a certificate confirming that he has renounced the citizenship of Russia, so you can come to the country only on the basis of the requirements specified in the international agreement;
  • in some cases, you will have to apply for a visa to visit the Russian Federation.

According to the law, renunciation of citizenship is an exclusively voluntary decision of a Russian. The law does not provide for the possibility of loss of citizenship. This is only possible if a person becomes a citizen of a country in which dual citizenship is prohibited.

Other nuances of the process

The renunciation of Russian citizenship is accompanied by certain features and even difficulties that any person should know about. These nuances include:

  • the procedure is not accompanied by the need to pay taxes, but you will have to pay a state duty;
  • it is impossible to complete the process through a notary's office, therefore, in any case, a citizen will have to independently carry out all the necessary actions;
  • even after the loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation, a person is not deprived of the right to receive a pension, therefore, he can count on this payment based on his experience and accumulated points;
  • In addition, other types of income from the Russian state can be received, for example, benefits for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, additional payments for professional activities and other old-age payments;
  • to receive the above funds, it is necessary that a person resides in Russia, since it is almost impossible to arrange a transfer to another country;
  • for free stay in the Russian Federation will have to apply for a visa or residence permit.

Therefore, before submitting an application and other documents, you need to consider all the nuances and consequences of such a decision.

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Is it possible to restore my citizenship to Russia?

Sometimes, after renouncing citizenship, a person realizes that he has made a mistake. Often people are disappointed in life in other countries, so they want to return to their homeland. The restoration of citizenship is considered a fairly simple process, since a simplified scheme is used.

Registration does not have to spend a lot of time and effort. To restore his status, a person must live in Russia for at least three years. He must confirm this with official documents. He should have a place for permanent registration. To implement this process, you need to contact the migration service at the place of registration. Only after the restoration of its citizenship to the Russian Federation can you use all the benefits offered by the state.


For various reasons, anyone can renounce citizenship of the Russian Federation. The procedure can be performed in Russia or even in another state. To complete the process, you need to prepare quite a lot of documents and correctly draw up a statement. Additionally, you will have to pay a state duty equal to 3.5 thousand rubles.

For some reason, government officials may refuse to implement the process, so you should first make sure that there are no obstacles. If necessary, a person can restore their citizenship to Russia.


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