Chistye Prudy in Moscow: as they were called before, history

Many of us know that there is a special science - toponymy. This science studies the name and therefore is at the intersection of geography, philology and history.

Let us turn to toponymic knowledge today in order to answer the question of Chistye Prudy in Moscow as it was called before. After all, these reservoirs are quite old, so they still had some name.

Let's consider this question in more detail.

Origin history

So, these artificial ponds have been known in the capital for a long time. Nearby were butcher shops and slaughterhouses for livestock. It was in the waters of these ponds that resourceful shopkeepers dumped the waste of their production.

Therefore, the ponds were called "Filthy", because the stench emanating from them was difficult to convey in ordinary words.

Now, any tourist who visits here and wonders: “Are clean ponds in Moscow what they were called before?” - Will be able to learn from the guide such a story. In the 18th century, the stench of these ponds came either to Peter the Great, or to his faithful servant A.D. Menshikov. As a result, either one or the other ordered to clean the water structures with such an unpleasant odor.

New name

So the new name “Chistye Prudy” has taken root, the history of these places is as follows: after cleaning, the ponds became the real property of Moscow. Due to the beautiful landscape and relative seclusion, Muscovites came here to take a walk along the water in summer, and to ride on ice in winter.

Chistye Prudy has become a real resort place, here were held festivities and holidays.

clean ponds in Moscow as they were called before

Cultural significance

Of particular importance in the world of culture were Chistye Prudy in Moscow (as these reservoirs were called before , we already know) in the late Soviet era. This happened because here in the 80s, artists began to gather.

However, these were representatives of the so-called subculture: rockers, metallers, Goths. In addition to them, some representatives of the world of poetry and music appeared.

It was at that time that Igor Talkov’s song about these places gained popularity.

clean ponds story

Today, young people gather here near the monument to the poet Alexander Griboedov, charity events, flash mobs often take place, couples in love walk.

And if you turn to these passers-by with the question: “Are clean ponds in Moscow what they were called before?” - hardly anyone will remember that once it was impossible to be here because of the fetid smell. Now these reservoirs are a peculiar symbol of Moscow, its greatness and power, centuries-old traditions and eternal youth.


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