What are friezes in games? Elimination of periodic friezes

When you play computer games, sometimes you may experience certain troubles - characters get stuck in textures, the game slows down, glitches and lags appear. All this can have both various reasons and different solutions. Therefore, do not despair if you have a problem in a game - it is quite possible you can solve it yourself. We should also talk about friezes, as this term appeared relatively recently, but, in fact, the problem has existed for a long time. What are friezes in games? Why do they happen? How to solve a similar problem and how serious is it? These issues will be considered later.

What it is?

what are friezes in games

Many players today are wondering what friezes are in games. This term has recently come to the Russian-speaking gaming community, so for many it is new and incomprehensible. But in fact, everything is much simpler, because the Freezers call the problem that has always existed, just now it has become more modern and has become a specific one. Many gamers have come across the fact that computer games hang a little - this can happen for many reasons. And friezes are hangs characteristic of online games, which is why this term has become so popular now that the era of MMORPGs and other massively multiplayer mass games has come. Freezes are when games freeze for a certain amount of time, most often no more than a couple of seconds, and then continue from another moment, and not from the one on which they stopped. This is what friezes are in games. But it cannot be said that the issue has been completely resolved - there are still many aspects worth considering.

Friezes and suspensions - what is the difference?

how to remove friezes in games

Players with experience may ask: "And what is the difference between the usual freezing and the newfangled frieze, what are friezes in games and how do they differ from what they were before?" To answer these questions, you can compare the suspension in the usual single player and frieze in multiplayer. So, if you have a hang in a single player game, then you can’t do anything for a while - just look at the picture on which the game hangs. But when the suspension disappears, the game returns exactly at that moment that you have been contemplating all this time. In online games, everything is different, because they are played by hundreds and thousands of players at the same time. The game world lives its own life, and if you have a freeze, the world does not stop. And when the frieze disappears, you may be in a quandary. For example, you could attack the enemy, and at that moment a frieze happened. For you, the game freezes, but for the enemy you freeze, and he can calmly attack you without receiving any resistance. That's why these problems are so unpleasant, and you should definitely learn how to remove friezes in games.


friezes in world of tanks

The first thing you should take a look at is the configuration of your computer. If you want to learn how to remove friezes in games, then you should not immediately look for the perpetrators on the side - the problem may lie in you, and more specifically in your computer. Compare the configuration of your PC with the system requirements of the game - it is possible you did not pay attention to them, and this plays a very important role. First of all, look at the processor, RAM and video card - their indicators must be higher than those indicated for the game. If they do not meet the requirements, then the problem is clear - just your computer is not suitable for the selected game. If the configuration meets the minimum requirements, then you may have to delve into the settings and reduce them to a minimum. For example, friezes in World of Tanks are very often cleaned in this way. Naturally, you will get less pleasure from the visual component, but you will not have problems with the game itself.

Computer overheating

friezes in games

But this method does not always help. Even the friezes in World of Tanks, the game mentioned above, may have other reasons. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other things. Very often, the image on the screen can freeze due to the video card, or rather - due to its overheating. So you should install special software that measures the temperature of the components of the computer, and if the video card has a high temperature, then you should think about how to improve the cooling system. Buy a good cooler, change thermal paste - do everything so that the temperature drops to normal, and then test the gameplay. If the reason was this, then friezes in games will disappear.

Swap file extension

Another reason for problems may be hiding in the page file, which many users are not even aware of. Freezes in games may occur due to the fact that this file is not large enough. But what is he like? In fact, this is the virtual space that remains on the computer to use it for the needs of running programs, including computer games. If it is not large enough, then freezes can occur, as well as other problems. Naturally, it can be increased in the settings of your operating system, but first you need to check whether it really is in it. If the swap file is not used to the full, then there is no point in expanding it - you need to look for other reasons that friezes appear in "Tanks", "DotA" or other games.

Space availability

friezes in tanks

Many users fill their hard drive to the eyeballs with various information and software. However, this can cause numerous problems, including friezes in games. The computer uses the free space on the hard drive, especially on the C drive, and if you decide to fill it up completely, a system message should appear that contains a warning that your disk runs out of free space, and this may lead to crashes in computer work. So an important tip: before you play, "unload" a little your PC. And also always make sure that you have at least 40-50 percent free space on drive C, since then your computer will work at optimal speeds. And this will help eliminate the friezes in DotA, VoB, World of Tanks, and other multiplayer games.

Disabling programs

friezes in DotA

Another reason why you may have friezes and other problems is the abundance of activated programs. All of them use RAM, and if too many of them are turned on, then your computer may not be able to cope with this. As a result, you get friezes, brakes, glitches and other troubles. Therefore, before turning on the game, try to disable those programs that you do not need to increase the performance of your computer.


So, you got an idea of ​​what friezes are, why they can be unpleasant and even dangerous for your computer, as well as the reasons why they can occur. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for their appearance, but there are as many solutions. Therefore, if you have any problems, then do not worry too much - most likely, you can quickly find a solution and bring it to life, then to continue to enjoy your favorite games. Friezes are not the worst thing that can happen, but it is much better to prevent their appearance than then try to eliminate them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26635/

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