How to knit footprints with knitting needles

Knitting technology was invented by men. However, women quickly mastered it. And now every needlewoman strives to make an original, stylish and spectacular product. For readers who are interested in how to knit traces with knitting needles, we have prepared the current article. In it, we will reveal all the important points regarding this topic.

Necessary thread and knitting needles

Professional knitters note that it is the main material and tool that determines the success of knitting. After all, if they are of high quality, the work brings sheer pleasure. Therefore, when choosing yarn for footprints, you should pay attention to threads made from natural materials. It is also worth considering a fairly thick and dense yarn. Woolen is better to choose the one that does not prick. Otherwise, wearing the item will be unpleasant. For children, hypoallergenic yarn is the best option.

Masters are advised to choose hosiery knitting needles for tracks. They are sold as a set, five in a set. The material from which they are made is different. However, it is more convenient to work with an iron tool. In addition, when buying, it is important to consider the tip of the knitting needles. It should be well honed so that during the knitting process it does not scratch your hands and catch the thread.

knitting needles

What measurements should be taken

Before starting work, it is important to measure the foot of the person for whom the tracks will be made. And then write down the received values. After all, it is on them that we will calculate the number of loops necessary for the set. For beginners, we explain that for knitting socks, booties, spokes with knitting need to determine the following parameters:

  • foot length - distance from the tip of the thumb to the heel;
  • lifting height - girth of the foot in the widest place;
  • toe length - distance from the tip of the thumb to the base of the ankle.

Additionally, ankle girth can be measured. But this parameter is not required, but rather a control.

How to calculate the number of loops to set

how to dial loops

Professional knitters have an amazing talent for beginners - to determine the number of loops for a particular product by eye. Novice masters need to make calculations. They are quite simple, and then the reader can verify this independently:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a pattern that will be used when knitting tracks with knitting needles.
  2. Then pick up yarn and tools for him. The latter is recommended to choose those that are one and a half times wider than the thread. Or navigate the label on the yarn.
  3. After that, you need to tie a fragment of the pattern measuring about 10 x 10 cm.
  4. Then measure it with a centimeter - A, count the number of loops - B, and write the received parameters to a piece of paper.
  5. Calculate: B / A x lifting height.
  6. As a result, we will find out the number of loops necessary for dialing.

How to calculate the number of rows

Another important parameter will help us to knit slippers-traces with knitting needles that will fit exactly in size. To determine it correctly, you must do the following:

  1. We again measure the prepared fragment - C, count the number of rows in it - D.
  2. After we make the calculations: D / C = E, and after E x the length of the foot.
  3. As a result, we are able to figure out the number of rows that need to be knitted to make the track perfectly sized.
  4. It is also important to determine the point where we have to reduce the loop.
  5. For this: (foot length - toe length) x E.
  6. Thus, we determine how many rows separates us from the moment the toe is knitted.
knitting needles simple

But this is not all the calculations that will allow us to connect the tracks on two knitting needles. Now we need to determine how many loops we need to reduce in each row when knitting the toe. In the end we should have not six loops left. Therefore, we consider:

  1. Lifting height - 6 = excess number of loops. We should reduce them in the process of knitting.
  2. E x toe length = number of rows. It is in them that we will reduce the loops.
  3. Extra loops / number of rows = approximately as many loops need to be reduced in each row.

Knitting Technology

So, all the mathematical calculations are left behind, and now you can safely proceed to the creative stage: knitting tracks with knitting needles. To do this, we collect the previously determined number of loops and knit an even fabric over as many rows as we determined in the previous paragraph. Thus, we knit out the part that seems to border the base of the ankle. After that, we proceed to knit the toe. To do this, we are guided by the calculations made earlier. We knit the fabric, reducing as many loops around the edges as we determined earlier. As a result, six loops should remain on the spoke. We do not close them! We break off the main thread and pass through the remaining loops, after which we tighten, tie and hide from the wrong side.

Product assembly

knitting needles step by step

As you can see, the described technology is quite accessible for beginners. Knitting with needles is so simple that even beginners will be able to put on a whole family! However, for now we only have a canvas of a strange shape. Now you need to sew it. To do this, we use knitting yarn and a hook, or ordinary sewing threads and a needle. We carefully sew the edges of the toe from the wrong side, and then the heels. And we turn the ready track to the front side.

Actually, at this stage it is safe to say that the product is manufactured. But if you wish, you can somehow decorate it. Traditionally, knitters add flirty pompons, pass a tourniquet along the edge and attach brushes to it. Options are also popular when the most common tracks are complemented by muzzles, ears and a tail. As a result, funny animals flaunt on their feet.

Tracks from the square

The most elementary version of the studied product is also in great demand. In order to tie simple marks with knitting needles for yourself or someone in the family, you need to measure the distance from the tip of the thumb to the heel - the length of the foot. And this is the only parameter that we need. Now select any pattern and calculate the number of loops: we also knit a fragment of the pattern, count the number of loops and divide by the length of the fragment, and then multiply by the length of the foot.

Next, we knit the required number of loops on the knitting needles and knit as many rows as we can with a pattern, face stitch or using threads of different colors, so that we get a square canvas. Having achieved the desired result, close the loop in the usual way. And after we sew with the help of a hook or a sewing needle one side completely and about 2/3 of the second. We try on the resulting product and bend the protruding edge. By analogy, we knit a pair of finished trace. If desired, it can also be supplemented with various details or "turned" into an animal.

knitting needles

Pattern "Drawings"

For tracks, you can choose different patterns. Some knitters even prefer to make lace products. Such things look, of course, spectacularly, but the legs do not warm. Therefore, the first thing we propose to study the pattern for warm shoes. It is very simple to execute and does not require a fixed number of loops, so it is ideal for beginners. The technology of knitting footprints decorated with this pattern consists of the following actions:

  1. We collect the required number of loops.
  2. We knit the elastic band 1 X 1, alternating the wrong and front loops.
  3. We knit the next row according to the figure - facial over facial, wrong over wrong.
  4. In the third row, swap loops. In our case, the wrong ones follow the front ones, and the facial ones follow the wrong ones.
  5. We knit the fourth row according to the drawing.
  6. Thus, in odd rows, the pattern changes, in even rows it matches the pattern.

Speckle Pattern

knitting patterns

Very similar to the previous, but more delicate pattern is also available for beginners. His technologies include such actions:

  1. The number of loops can be any. Therefore, we gain as much as the calculations require.
  2. In the first row we knit 1 x 1 elastic.
  3. In the second, we swap the loops. Over the back we knit the front, over the front - the back.
  4. In the third row, we again change the loop.
  5. That is, the main difference between this pattern and the previous one is that the loops alternate in each new row.

Lace pattern

knitting needles

This drawing is more complex. However, it allows you to make beautiful fishnet tracks. How to knit this option, we will describe further:

  1. The pattern repeat is eight loops and as many rows. In principle, the last parameter is not so important. At the tip of the toe, the drawing will be near, so no one will notice the flaws.
  2. We collect on the loops the number of loops we have not calculated, but a multiple of eight. If this fails, you can decorate the tracks with the edging. That is, several loops at the beginning and end to knit with a facial smoothness.
  3. All calculations are a preparatory stage, we proceed to the main one.
  4. In the first row we knit two loops together, then four front stitches and make a crochet. After another front and again yarn. This is a horizontal pattern repeat. Repeat it until the end of the row.
  5. In the second row we knit one wrong loop, make a crochet, knit another wrong loop and again a crochet. We knit three wrong stitches, and then two together.
  6. In the third - two together, two facial, yarn, facial, yarn, two facial.
  7. In the fourth - three purses, double crochet, purl, double crochet, purl, two together.
  8. In the fifth - two together, double crochet, facial, double crochet, four facial.
  9. In the sixth - three purl, double crochet, purl, crochet, purl, two together.
  10. In the seventh - two together, two facial, yarn, facial, yarn, two facial.
  11. In the eighth - purl, double crochet, purl, double crochet, three purl, two together.

As a result of the described manipulations, a spectacular lace pattern will be obtained that will adorn the tracks, socks or slippers of a romantic person.

So, the main idea of ​​the current article was to encourage the reader to try to learn new technology and to connect original and fashionable home shoes for themselves or family members. Indeed, in fact it is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. At first, you can train on an elementary version of the tracks, and then make more spectacular patterned ones.


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