Reviews of books about love: an overview of the best works, authors

At all times, love has been one of the main topics in literature. Writers, poets and thinkers reflected on the nature of this feeling and its impact on our lives. Love is multifaceted in its manifestations, and happy is the one who happened to experience it. Below are reviews of good love books worthy of readers. In them, writers reveal the secrets of a happy relationship between loving people and show the power of love for their life, family, spouse, children and friends.

Osho "About love"

The thinker of osho

Osho is an internationally recognized Indian spiritual leader and mystic. His teaching combines the elements of Buddhism, Taoism, yoga, Greek philosophy and other spiritual movements. Researchers are ambivalent about Osho's work, noting in their works the contradictory views of the thinker. Of particular note are his statements about love and marriage:

Love dies under the rubble of misunderstanding. With understanding, love can live a long, great life.

In the book “On Love”, the author shares with readers his thoughts about this feeling and explains the true meaning of the concepts “happiness”, “sex” and “love”. Osho writes about eternal values, such as mutual respect of partners, unlimited trust and the importance of respecting personal space. Reading a book makes you think about life, rethink your existence and look at relationships with your loved one from a different angle. The book is written in a conversation format. The author’s thoughts are supplemented by parables, anecdotes, and real life stories.

Reviews about Osho's book "On Love" are very mixed. The author promotes "free love" and discusses the benefits of polygamy, which for some critics are unacceptable in the relationship between two loving people. In positive reviews, the depth of Osho's reasoning is noted: "Before you think how to get love, you need to learn how to give. To love is to share." In the modern world, there are many followers of the famous thinker, who left behind a rich heritage.

Jack London "Love of Life"

A worthy place in the list of the best is the story "Love of life."

Love of life

In reviews of books about love, a special place is given to the soulful, masterfully written story of Jack London, "Love for life." It shows the strength of the human spirit, not retreating to anything on the way to achieving the cherished goal. Nikolai Ostrovsky wrote that "the cessation of the struggle is the main tragedy in life." This statement reflects the main meaning of the story, which fans of the writer call one of his best works.

The protagonist, whose name the author deliberately does not name, is sent along the Canadian tundra to the south, and during a dangerous and full hardship and deprivation of travel receives a leg injury. On his way, he encounters obstacles, but does not lose hope and fights for the right to exist - he is driven by a thirst for life, which inspires him with strength:

Even while dying, he did not submit to death.

Reviews of the book “Love of Life” are imbued with enthusiasm and deep respect for the talent of J. London. Critics called the story a hymn to perseverance and human strength. It serves as a strong source of inspiration, which is sometimes so lacking for people drowning in a monotonous daily routine. American literary critic Van Brooks argued that the main virtue of Jack London's books was the description of "rough reality," which contrasted sharply with the "strained and sweetened milk of life illusions" that prevailed in American literature of that period.

Gabriel G. Marquez "Love during the Plague"

Love during cholera

“Love during the plague” is a soulful love story that conquers time and space. In the center of the story is the life and fate of the young man Florentino, whose passionate love was rejected by the beautiful Fermina. She became the wife of a respected doctor and, it would seem, was forever lost to Florentino. But true love knows no barriers. The young man does not lose hope of finding happiness, and over the years his feelings become only stronger.

Passion is the meaning of life. Fidelity is the essence of being itself ...

In their reviews of the book Love during the Plague, critics called it "the most optimistic work" of the writer. Gabriel Garcia Marquez reveals to the readers new facets of his talent. On the pages of the novel, the pain of unrequited love, difficult political circumstances and the emergence of a plague epidemic are easily intertwined with a brilliant sense of humor and mild irony.

Some reviewers prefer to view Love during the Plague as a sentimental story of the lasting power of true feelings. Their opponents point out that this is too simplistic an understanding of the deep plot of the novel. Garcia Marquez himself once said in an interview: "You have to be careful not to fall into my trap." It remains only to get acquainted with the work and give it your own assessment.

Eric Seagal "Love Story"

Love Story - frame from the film

Romantic stories do not lose their relevance and invariably attract the attention of the reading audience. The best reviews of love books also apply to Eric Seagal’s cult novel Love Story, which has become a bestseller. The total circulation of the publication amounted to more than 20 million copies. On the shelves of bookstores, the novel appeared on February 14, 1970 and instantly brought Eric Seagal fame.

The main characters of the novel - Oliver and Jennifer - get acquainted in the library. He is a future lawyer, brought up in a wealthy family. She studies at the Faculty of Music and plays in the orchestra. After the death of her mother, she is raised by her father, with whom she has developed a very warm relationship. Oliver and Jennifer have different interests and views on life, but contrary to circumstances, young people fall in love with each other. Thus begins the story of bright love, which has to go through difficulties and trials.

“You don't know how they fall off a cliff.” Never in your life have you fallen off a cliff.

“He fell when he met you.”

Eric Seagal received rave reviews about the book from critics and readers. "Love Story" is especially popular among adolescents. The author managed to subtly convey feelings between lovers and raised the eternal problem of fathers and children on the pages of the book. In the wake of the book’s popularity, the film of the same name was awarded with five Golden Globe awards, two David di Donatello awards and an Oscar.

Frederick Begbeder "Love lives three years"

Love lives three years

The book of the French writer Frederic Begbeder is devoted to the consideration of the theory that love lasts three years, and then the former passion for a partner disappears. In the center of the story is the life of Marc Marronier, who has been dating his beloved for almost three years and is afraid of losing her, because he believes that in his life relationships with women do not last more than three years. The unexpected ending of the novel intrigues the reader and makes him take a fresh look at the relationship between a man and a woman.

It is enough to forget about time for love to live forever.

The novel was ambiguously received by the readership, therefore, among the reviews about the book “Love has been living for 3 years” there are both positive and sharply negative reviews. Many readers were rejected by the cynicism of the protagonist and his constant complaints about life. In turn, fans of the book note the relevance of the plot, reflecting the depreciation of feelings in modern society. The fact that the publication of the novel contributed to the popularization of the theory, according to which any attachment is initially doomed, remains unchanged.

Janusz Leon Wisniewski "Loneliness in the network"

Loneliness online

Loneliness on the Web is a piercing love story that has become a worldwide bestseller. The action of the novel takes place in the mid 90-ies of the XX century. The main characters meet on the Internet and begin to communicate closely. They share with each other their dreams, secrets and experiences. After going through many difficulties, the heroes will meet in the capital of romance - Paris. But the main test for them will be their meeting, the outcome of which not one of them could have foreseen.

The Internet is an illusion of communication, an illusion of friendship, an illusion of life ...

The book "Loneliness on the Web" received mixed reviews from literary critics and readers. Many were puzzled and sincerely surprised by the ending of the novel, which is still actively discussed on the forums. But the fact that the book received a lively response remains unchanged. Yanush Vishnevsky received many letters in which people told their love stories, shared thoughts on the topic of communication on the Internet or turned to the writer for advice. Relying on letters from readers, the author released Loneliness on the Web: Triptych, which included the second epilogue of the novel.

Against the background of the book’s popularity in the fall of 2008, Vitold Adamek shot the film of the same name.

Anatoly Nekrasov "Maternal love"

Mother's love

Anatoly Nekrasov in his book raises an important topic - the excess of maternal feelings. In a simple and affordable way, the author explains the system of values ​​of a person, in which the person comes first, then the relationship in a pair, and already this item is followed by care for children. If mutual understanding prevails in a woman’s relationship with her spouse, then the child will fully develop in a favorable atmosphere. Reviews of the book "Maternal Love" introduce the reader to the main idea of ​​the author: an overabundance of love negatively affects the formation of the psyche of the child.

Maternal love that does not know the measure can lead to minor conflicts in the family, alcoholism, drug addiction, and even divorce. Reading a book by Nekrasov will turn the woman's worldview upside down and help her become wiser.

Reviews of Nekrasov’s book “Maternal Love” are mixed. Not all critics share the author’s view on raising children, but one cannot ignore the fact that the book contains useful advice and recommendations, the observance of which can qualitatively change a person’s life.

Gary Chapman "Five Languages ​​of Love"

Five languages ​​of love

Enthusiastic reviews of The Five Languages ​​of Love explain its popularity around the world. In August 2009, she was listed on the New York Times bestseller list. Millions of people have read the book and changed their minds about relationships with a loved one.

The author of the book is Gary Chapman - Ph.D., a specialist with extensive experience. He works with couples, gives lectures and holds seminars on pressing issues of marriage and the family. Gary Chapman lives happily married with his wife and shares with his readers the secret of a harmonious relationship between a woman and a man.

Before proceeding to the review of reviews of the book "Languages ​​of Love", you should briefly familiarize yourself with the theory put forward by the author. According to Chapman’s theory, each person has one primary and one secondary language of love. There are five languages ​​of love: gifts, time, words of support and approval, care, touch. People tend to show their love the way they prefer to receive it, so the best communication between couples can be achieved when you can demonstrate caring for another person in a language of love that he understands.

In their reviews of the book "Languages ​​of Love", experts note that, despite the abstract nature of the model of relations described by Chepnom, it has scientific justification. However, for the final confirmation of the author's theory, large-scale studies will be required.

Barstow Stan "Love ... Love?"

Kingdom of love

Reviews of the book introduce readers to the work of the English writer Stanley Barstow, who wrote realistic novels about the life of the working class. The original title of the book, published in 1960 and brought the author popularity, is A Kind of Loving.

At the center of the story is the story of Vick Brown, a working-class young man living in Yorkshire. He meets the attractive girl Ingrid and falls in love with her. Relations between young people are developing rapidly, unexpectedly Ingrid finds out about his pregnancy. Lovers get married, but over time, their life together turns into everyday bustle and boredom. The main intrigue of the novel: how will the relationship between Vick and Ingrid develop, will they be able to maintain their love after going through trials?

The novel was positively received by the readership. According to fans of the writer, Barstow Stan was able to realistically show a masculine look at love and relationships. In front of readers, the feelings of the protagonist gradually underwent changes - from love to acute hostility. The plot of the novel was subsequently taken as the basis for the film "Such Love Here" (1962) directed by John Schlesinger.

In reviews of the book "Love ... Love?" critics note that the novel had some influence on the literary community and was assigned to the so-called lad lit genre, although at the time of writing the novel this term did not exist yet - it was introduced only in 1995. The lad lit genre is traditionally considered to include books written by men and dedicated to describing the lives of young men who lead by no means the most righteous way of life.

Julia Lanske "Rose of love and femininity"

Rose of love and femininity

Julia Lanske is an expert in building relationships with successful men. The book "The Rose of Love and Femininity" is not a classic novel in the format we are used to seeing. This is a real guide to finding happiness and harmony in your personal life. The system developed by Julia Lanske helps women to discover their femininity in order to attract a worthy chosen one and build strong and happy relationships with him.

The author draws the attention of readers to the fact that the book is intended for unmarried girls who are willing to change for the sake of their future chosen one. The publication is not intended for women who want to marry a wealthy man only out of selfish motives, as well as for skeptics and hateful women.

The book provides recommendations by the author on the topic of appearance, manner of communication and behavior in society. Julia Lanske reveals the secrets of external and internal attractiveness on the example of famous couples: Prince William and Kate Middleton, John and Jacqueline Kennedy. All these women had a special charm, which attracted their future spouses. The exercises and texts developed by the author will help readers to reveal their inner beauty. The most important thing is to carefully take Julia's advice and set a clear goal - to change for the better and become attractive in the eyes of men.

Reviews of the book "The Rose of Love and Femininity" are very mixed and contradictory. Some readers say that they managed to qualitatively change their lives. After reading the book and working on themselves, they became more self-confident, internally and externally more attractive to men, managed to meet the chosen one of their dreams and marry him. But there are also negative reviews. Not all readers share the author’s opinion about the image of an ideal woman. Critics write that in the pursuit of an ideal, a girl loses her own uniqueness, which is unacceptable. It is important to listen to your inner voice and not to lose individuality, the only way to find happiness in life.

Alexey Alexandrov "Love against hate"

Love versus hate

Among the reviews of books about love, a special place is occupied by the comments left by those who read the work of Aleksey Aleksandrov "Love against hate." The book was released in 2018 by the Symbolic publishing house. In the center of the story is the story of the life and love of the Serbian holy ruler John-Vladimir and his wife Theodora. The martyr John-Vladimir went down in history as the only saint who managed to unite the four nations. With his holiness, he reconciled the Serbs and Albanians, Greeks and Bulgarians, who were at war with each other for many centuries.

John and Theodora showed the world the rarest kind of holiness - the virgin ascetic life in a married marriage with great love for each other. The couple gave their hearts to the Lord and selflessly served their neighbors. Their love has become for contemporaries and subsequent generations a living testimony of the divine love that flourished between two people in an era of ethnic hatred in the Bulgarian kingdom.

I would like to become a starlight in order to gently and quietly enter your eyes ... I would like to become a quiet wind, to easily touch your face ... I would like to become a living water to refresh you ...

The reviews of the book “Love Against Hate” indicate that reading it helps to strengthen faith in the Lord and helps a person to realize the holiness and mystery of marriage. This book is especially relevant for young men and women who are preparing for an independent adult life away from their parental home. For people who have been married for a long time, the love story of Serbian saints will help to take a different look at family life and renew the feelings for your partner.

The publication of the book “Love Against Hate” was blessed by the servants of the Serbian Orthodox Church: Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro.

Sarah Gio Silent Words of Love

Sarah gio

Reviews of the best-selling love books would be incomplete without mentioning the book Quiet Words of Love by American writer Sarah Gio.

On her birthday, Jane, the owner of a flower shop, receives a letter with strange content. It says that she has a unique gift - to see love. The girl takes a strange message for her brother’s joke and does not take him seriously. But a series of unusual events in life makes her change her mind. What used to seem like a joke to Jane is now becoming the meaning of her life.

The main character faces a crucial task - to recognize six types of love. She must do this before her next birthday. If Jane does not complete the task, then she will never be destined to love. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Despite her gift, the girl is in difficulty, as she never loved and she is not familiar with this feeling.

The novel shows six types of love and six stories. Each of them affects the soul of the reader and does not leave him indifferent to the feelings of the heroes of the novel. Reading a book immerses you in a fabulous Christmas atmosphere filled with magic and kindness.

Life is too short not to be happy.

Reviews of the book "Quiet Words of Love" are very controversial. Among the advantages of the novel, readers note an interesting plot, a detailed description of the feelings and motives of the heroes' actions and the atmosphere of love reigning on the pages of the book. The work will especially appeal to romantics. Of the minuses, one can note the excessive idealization of the heroes and a large number of love lines, which at times distracted all attention from the life of the main character.


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