XM-11 antiseptic - specifications

XM-11 antiseptic has unique technical characteristics, which is why it is in demand among consumers. However, in order to achieve the expected result after its use, it is necessary to know its features and follow the application procedure. Thus, to calculate the required amount of antiseptic for surface treatment of a certain area, it is necessary to know its consumption, it is 50 g / m 2 .

Initially, you should determine the area of ​​the base with which you have to work, and then divide this value by the consumption of antiseptics, which will allow you to determine how much composition you need to purchase to carry out the work. Apply the mixture with a brush, which is previously immersed in the composition. The work will be completed in a shorter time, if you use the technology of spraying under pressure. Antiseptic XM-11 has excellent effectiveness. Thus, after the surface has been treated with the described mixture, its life span is increased, and it will be possible to use it without the need for repairs within 25-50 years.

Area of ​​use

Antiseptic XM-11

If there is a need to protect wood from rotting processes, as well as stop its premature aging, then it is necessary to use the described antiseptic. In addition, such a composition is able to protect the material from the aggressive effects of precipitation, the surface will perfectly cope after processing with any moisture. Quite often, wood products come in contact with soil and water, this applies to elements of cooling towers, supports, bridges, poles, moorings, buildings and structures, power lines, piles, log cabins, etc. In this case, antiseptic treatment is simply necessary.

Packing and cost

Yaroslavl antiseptic hm 11

XM-11 antiseptic is available in several varieties, it can be, for example, dry mixes that are packaged in plastic containers in the form of buckets. Thus, if you purchase a bucket with a capacity of 2.5 kg, you will have to pay 1050 rubles. While packing of 5 kg costs 2080 rubles. There is a more bulk container - 20 kg each, a composition in such an amount will cost 8250 rubles. An antiseptic is also on sale in paper containers, which consist of four strong layers and have a polyethylene liner. Such bags have a capacity of 20 kg and have a cost of 8,200 rubles.

You can also get aqueous solutions of antiseptic composition, which are sold in polymer canisters of various sizes. So, 5 liters of the mixture will cost the consumer 285 rubles. With a volume of 10 liters, the cost increases to 568 rubles. While 20 liters of antiseptic will cost 1120 rubles. The most impressive canister volume of 30 liters costs 1,680 rubles.


antiseptic hm 11 characteristics

The antiseptic XM-11 has two main components, it is not washed out and has no smell, after application the wood acquires a greenish tint. After the composition has been applied to the surface, it can be glued and dyed. However, it still remains protected from external harmful effects, the properties of the antiseptic do not change. Yaroslavl antiseptic XM-11 has the same characteristics. It perfectly protects the wood surface from the effects of biological parasites, as well as the destruction that bacteria, all kinds of fungi and insects can cause. It perfectly repels antiseptics and crustaceans, as well as mollusks.


antiseptic hm 11 specifications

The antiseptic of the described brand is made according to the rules and complies with hygienic and sanitary standards. When buying, you must definitely require a quality certificate.

Technology use

After the acquisition, an antiseptic remains to be prepared. You should begin to do this before using it directly. Preparatory work involves dissolution, if it is a dry composition. It is necessary to use warm water with a temperature of 40-50 Β° C. The material must be added in an amount of 1 kg per 9 liters of water.

To ensure the stability of the solution, acetic acid must be added to it. To use it is necessary that has qualification "ice". This ingredient should be added at the rate of 0.5 ml of acid per liter of solution, if we are talking about 9% table vinegar, then it will need to be added in an amount of 5.5 ml per liter of an antiseptic mixture.

The antiseptic XM-11, the characteristics of which should certainly be studied before use, may have a fine precipitate after preparation, in addition, the presence of some other mechanical impurities is permissible.

Application Recommendations

After the solution is ready, it should be applied to the surface, however, it must first be prepared. The base should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, old paint, chalk, and lime, and there should be no other extraneous layers. The surface of the wood should be covered with an even layer, no need to leave passes, as they can subsequently become vulnerable.

XM-11 antiseptic agent, the technical characteristics of which are described in the article, can be applied not only by the method described above, but also using a roller. Application should be made in 2-3 layers, between which it is imperative to take a break of two hours or more.

There is another way of processing parts, which involves the complete immersion of an element in the composition of an antiseptic. In this state, the wood should be left for 5-10 minutes. Quite often, impregnation is performed under pressure, however, there will be a need to use special equipment, which involves the use of a heating method and a cold bath. Pressure can be vacuum-atmospheric, but this is not a complete list of technologies.

indelible antiseptic hm 11

Ideally, if the non-leachable antiseptic XM-11, when applied, has a temperature of +10 Β° C, but a degree or more is permissible, however, no more than +50 Β° C. Do not work with frozen wood. The composition will be fixed on the wood for 10 days, during this period the surface should be protected from exposure to rain and moisture.

Consumption rate

When wood is impregnated by applying the composition with a brush, spray device, roller, as well as immersion technology, its consumption will be 50 g / m 2 . If you use not a dry composition in your work, but an impregnating solution, then the consumption will be much larger and will be equal to 500 g / m 2 . If pressure is applied when impregnating wood, then the flow rate of the mixture will vary from 5 to 15 kg / m 3 , when using an impregnating composition, the flow rate will be equal to 50-150 kg / m 3 . It is important to consider this before purchasing a wood treatment product, which will avoid unnecessary waste of money.

wood preservative hm 11

Safety precautions

Wood preservative XM-11 is toxic, but does not burn and is not explosive. Such solutions are low-hazard substances. Work must be carried out outdoors or in a ventilated area.


In dry form, the composition must be stored in a well-closed container. Shelf life is not limited. Solutions must be kept in a heated room, while the container must be well closed. The guaranteed shelf life of the product in dissolved form is six months from the date of manufacture.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26644/

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