Do-it-yourself construction of houses from a gas block: features, calculation and recommendations

Modern technologies are aimed at making building materials sufficiently solid and strong, durable and waterproof. In addition, they should have ideal thermal conductivity. With a decrease in the specific gravity of the product, manufacturers increase in size, which helps to reduce the time for building construction.

What material to choose

As for aerated concrete, it has all of the above characteristics and has a perfectly flat surface from the outside. This indicates that it is very convenient to decorate the walls from the gas block, the work can be carried out quite simple and in a short time. If you are also interested in the construction of houses from a gas block, then you should get acquainted with the technology closer, and we will discuss it below.

construction of gas block houses

Foundation preparation

In order to choose the foundation for an aerated concrete house, several aspects must be taken into account, here the characteristics of the soil should be attributed. The variety of the foundation will depend on the constructive mass of the house. Aerated concrete is a fairly lightweight material, so you can save on the base device without compromising its bearing capacity. For this, the type of foundation changes, and you can use its plate variety, abandoning a heavy strip or pile foundation.

The construction of houses from a gas block is most often carried out on a bearing plate, which has a high supporting area and is capable of undergoing structural loads. To deepen such a foundation is not necessary too much. The volume of excavation and labor will be reduced, as well as the total cost of construction. It is necessary to begin work with earthwork and marking the site.

The process is not labor intensive. To do this, prepare a 30-cm trench, on the bottom of which a sand pillow is laid. It should be well compacted, the better it can be done, the more ideal the masonry will be. It is better to use a vibrating plate, which can be rented.

the best gas block for building a house

The next step is the laying of communications, which should include sewerage and a water supply system. Then you can proceed to the formation of a durable and perfectly even concrete screed, which will protect the pillow from damage. The construction of houses from the gas block at the next stage involves the construction of formwork. Side seams must be laid with foam sheets, which will ensure high-quality thermal insulation.

Once the cement screed hardens, you can cover it with a waterproofing layer, paying particular attention to the seams between the insulating material. The top layer can be formed from dense polyethylene. Next, a frame of reinforcement is installed. The distance between the elements can be 40 cm. Now you can start pouring concrete, having stood it until it completely hardens and gains strength. This will take about 2 weeks.

The construction of houses from the gas block provides for compliance with certain rules. They say that moisture from the foundation should evaporate gradually. To do this, the plate is covered with a cloth, and the surface of the structure is periodically moistened. It is important to remember that aerated concrete requires waterproofing. Between the foundation and the main wall you need to lay a layer of the corresponding material.

Installation of blocks

Aerated concrete products must be stacked in a row, fixing them together not with cement mortar, but with special glue. The thickness of the seam should not be 2 cm, but 5 mm. Glue is applied with a notched trowel, but professionals can use another tool.

Aerated concrete can be laid on a cement-sand mortar, however, it will be quite difficult to adjust the products, ensuring smooth walls. It is possible to saw off aerated concrete blocks by size using a grinder with a stone disc or an ordinary saw. It is not recommended to work with an angle grinder indoors, because a large amount of dust will be generated. That is why the master should use a respirator.

calculation of gas blocks for building a house

Armored Belt Laying

Do-it-yourself construction of a house from a gas block involves the formation of an arm belt, since the described material does not have a sufficient level of rigidity and strength. Reinforcement can be done with brickwork on top of the block, which is true for small houses.

If we are talking about a spacious cottage, then the armo-belt should contain reinforcing bars. A two-story building requires an armored belt in front of the second floor, a slab or logs will rest on this design.

DIY building a house from a gas block

The formation of partitions and walls

Choosing the best gas block for building a house, you should pay attention to the one that has a thickness equal to 380 mm. It is these parameters that the bearing wall may possess. However, this does not indicate that all internal partitions should be built from the same aerated concrete blocks.

On sale you can find 10-cm blocks that perfectly undergo the load. To reduce the cost of construction, it is not necessary to choose the density of the D500. With a decrease in the density of the block, the insulating qualities increase. This is due to the size of the cells.

For the construction of walls, blocks with a tongue and groove should be used. They are more convenient to carry with your hands. The dried foundation must be cleaned of dust and contaminants, only then you can start laying roofing material and the formation of the first row. For this, you can use the usual cement-sand mortar, which will dry a little longer than a special glue. This will allow you to adjust the masonry.

which gas block is better for building a house

After you can find the highest angle, you should begin construction. Using a fishing line, you need to identify the upper edge of the arrangement of blocks. The evenness of each block should be checked using the building level. Before starting laying the second row, it is necessary to grind the surface of the previous one. Such processing will ensure the most even layer of adhesive applied. Starting in this case is necessary from the corners. The views are tied together by the method of shifting the products by half. The minimum shift value is 80 mm.

Window arrangement

If the windowsill will have a height equal to four rows, then the openings should be formed after laying the third row. To do this, use a chipper. In the place where the window opening is supposed to be located, it is necessary to trace two parallel lines. In length, they should extend 300 mm beyond the borders of the window. The rods should be placed in the strobes and fixed with a solution. At this stage, we can assume that the wall for installing the window is reinforced.

gas block house construction Price

Which aerated concrete block to choose

Quite often, consumers are wondering which gas block is best for building a house. First of all, it is important to pay attention to thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the higher will be the thermal insulation characteristics. For example, if you have a block of brand D350 in front of you, then its thermal conductivity will be equal to 0.075 W / (m Β· K), as for blocks with a density of D700, their thermal conductivity is 0.25 W / (m Β· K).

In order to achieve the necessary thermal insulation with a gas block brand within the D400-D500, it is necessary to form walls from 35 to 45 cm thick. If you are faced with the question of what are the best gas block parameters for building a house, then it is important to pay attention to strength, as well as density. D300 has the lowest density. The higher the value, the denser the block in front of you.

Choosing products with low density, you get blocks that are subject to mechanical damage. They will be quite easy to process, which speeds up and facilitates masonry. One important parameter is size. The optimal parameter for the bearing walls will be 60 x 30 x 20 cm. The partition may have the same dimensions, but it will differ in thickness, this parameter will be 10 cm.

construction of houses from gas blocks projects prices

Price of houses

Building a house from a gas block, the price of which will be equal to 2,500,000 rubles, may imply the creation of a building of different sizes. In this case, we are talking about 142 m 2 , while the size of the base will be 13 x 9 cm. The price is reduced to 1,070,000 rubles, if we are talking about a house with an area of ​​70 m 2 . The size of the base will be 7 x 6 m.

The construction of houses from gas blocks, projects whose prices are mentioned in the article, can be carried out by you yourself. For example, a house of 155 m 2 with a base size of 15 x 11 m will cost 2,000,000 rubles.

Self-calculation of material

The calculation of gas blocks for building a house involves the use of the following formula: (L x H - S ol) x 1.05 x B = V. In it L is the total length of the walls in meters. The letter H refers to the height of aerated concrete walls in meters. The total area of ​​door and window openings in square meters is denoted by S av. The coefficient, which should be taken into account as a margin for trimming, is 1.05. The thickness of the blocks in meters is indicated by the letter B, as for the calculated volume of aerated concrete in cubic meters, it is indicated by the letter V.


Aerated concrete house involves fixing the waterproofing over the rafters. This should be done with the help of wooden slats. They will play the role of a counter-lattice, on which the roofing material will be fixed at the next stage. Under the waterproofing between the rails, lay the insulation. Mineral wool is usually used for this. As an alternative solution, foam or polystyrene foam can be used.

Thermal insulation must be protected by a vapor barrier, which is attached to the rafters with wooden battens. At the final stage, you can start laying the finish coating. In this case, you need to focus on the budget and personal preferences, and you can use slate, decking or ceramic tiles.


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