Tbilisi Sea - the deepest reservoir in Georgia: description, features, recreation

In Georgia, you can relax no worse than in European resorts, there is a sea. However, many prefer to choose a reservoir, which is located in the capital of this state. It is located in the city of Tbilisi, or rather, in the northeast. Locals call it the Tbilisi Sea (photo can be found in the article). Why are such associations held? What is the peculiarity of this reservoir?

Tbilisi Sea


The reservoir, as mentioned above, is located in the north-eastern part of Tbilisi, next to the national park. This artificial pond was created in 1952. It appeared after the water from the Iori River flooded 3 salt lakes, which, having united, formed the Sea of ​​Tbilisi. The length of the reservoir is 9 km. On average, its width is 3 km. But if you study the depth, it becomes clear why the locals called the pond the sea. In some places, the bottom is 45 m away from the surface of the water. However, the average depth is 26 m.

Despite its size, water levels often fluctuate depending on the season. Replenishment occurs in the summer, autumn and spring. The amplitude of water oscillations reaches 10 m.

The Tbilisi Sea is fed mainly by the resources of the Iori River. Water enters it through the Samgorsky channel. The reservoir itself is part of the irrigation system and is actively used to irrigate nearby lands.

Tbilisi sea

Climatic features

There are always many vacationers here in the summer season, it is easy to explain. By July, the water in the reservoir warms up to + 28 Β° C. Swimming is very comfortable. However, this is not the only advantage. The Tbilisi Sea is located at an altitude of 535 m above sea level, so in the summer there is neither hot nor stuffy here.

In winter, the pond does not freeze. Although, according to official historical information, the lake is subjected to glaciation once every 20-30 years. Such natural anomalies were recorded in 1992 and 2012. There is also information that freezing occurred in the first half of the 60s.


Since its foundation, the Tbilisi Sea has attracted metropolitan residents and visitors as a pleasant place to relax. Therefore, the city administration decided to equip this artificial pond with rides for a wonderful pastime.

To date, the territory of the reservoir is landscaped. Excellent conditions have been created for holidaymakers so that they can enjoy their holidays to the fullest. Many entertainment facilities (cafes, restaurants) have been built and commissioned here , where you can spend time in a family or friendly company.

There are also beaches on the reservoir. It offers vacationers boat trips on scooters and catamarans. Rescuers and employees of the Ministry of Emergencies work around the clock. On this basis, you should not be afraid for safety when visiting the Tbilisi Sea, the beach is always under the supervision of professionals. You can swim here not only for adults, but also for children.

The shores on the free beaches are mainly composed of rocks, so you have to go down the water along rocky paths. But on paid ones there are much more amenities, and they look much more attractive.

In addition, on the territory of the Tbilisi reservoir there are spa centers with massage rooms, fitness, gyms, saunas and others. There is even a yacht club.

Fishing is popular in Georgia, and the Tbilisi Sea is no exception. However, fishing here is paid, but inexpensive. The price is discussed at the local administration.

Tbilisi sea photo

Waterpark and Olympic Village

For a pleasant stay of children and adolescents in the area there is a water park that fully complies with European standards. It is considered the largest regional institution of its kind. In the water park for vacationers, 12 different pools with salt and fresh water are open. Slides have a height of up to 31 m. There are 6 in total. There is also a ship that has a jacuzzi, and on its deck guests are offered delicious cocktails.

In addition to the water park, an Olympic village was built on the Tbilisi reservoir in 2015. It was here that the Youth Olympics were held. A lot of houses have been built in the village that can accommodate up to three thousand athletes. When arranging this area, all moments were taken into account in order to provide guests with maximum comfort during training and for a good rest.

Tbilisi sea beach

Tbilisi Sea: how to get there

With all the advantages available, the capital's reservoir has one significant drawback - urban transport does not go to it. Only the northern part of the sea can be reached from the nearest metro station, to all others only by private car or taxi, which is sometimes economically disadvantageous if you travel every day. Guests of the capital can afford such a pleasure, because they come for 2-3 days. It is noticed that from the center of the capital to this artificial reservoir taxi takes 40 minutes. And you can always agree on the fare.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26650/

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