Let's talk about which animal is not afraid of bee stings

Everyone probably knows how painful the stings of bees are, after which there are swelling and redness, and the moment the winged insect pierces its poisonous sting into the skin can cause shock. Small animals may even die from this attack and poison. Is there anyone in nature who is not afraid of bee stings?

which animal is not afraid of bee stings

Does the beast save size

It seems that very large animals, such as elephants, can overlook the attacks of such tiny creatures. However, scientists made an observation that these giants are very afraid of bees and do not approach the acacia trees on which winged insects build their hives. And being stung, the elephants remember for a lifetime the place where this happened, and can warn their relatives about the potential danger. But what kind of animal is not really afraid of bee stings, so it's a bear.

Big gourmet

Bears are considered omnivores; they can eat berries, nuts, roots, insects, fish, rodents and birds with equal pleasure. If there is little food, predators eat leaves and bark of trees. But the biggest treat for these powerful animals is honey. They smell it by smell, for the sake of it they can climb a tree where the bee's nest is located. With a powerful paw with sharp claws, the predator ruins the hives and eats not only fragrant honey, but also honeycombs and bee larvae. And if the bear found the apiary, it will thoroughly turn it around to satisfy the passion of the sweet tooth.

who are not afraid of bee stings
After such an invasion, the owner of the apiary will not have to doubt which animal is not afraid of bee stings. The war with a shaggy sweet tooth forces the owners of bee farms to pull electric wires around the apiary and spray the hives with lithium chloride, which causes an uninvited guest to gag a reflex.

Protection mechanism

Bees, of course, also defend themselves and attack the bear, try to sting it, but the thick fur of the beast reliably protects it. The stinging apparatus of a bee consists not only of a sting, but also of poisonous glands that secrete substances that cause sharp pain when it penetrates a wound. However, the solid fat layer that the bears accumulate under the skin does not allow poison to enter the body. To accumulate fat, bears eat up to forty kilograms of food per day.

who are not afraid of bee stings
But these strong, invulnerable animals have their own โ€œAchilles' heelโ€, because of which it is no longer so confident to answer the question of which animal is not afraid of bee stings. The gentle nose of the bear is very sensitive to bee attacks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26653/

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