Veterinary preparation "Serena": instructions for use, dosage, appointment and reviews of veterinarians

Most cats and dogs, regardless of age and breed, are prone to motion sickness. To relieve animals from the unpleasant sensations caused by vomiting, and to facilitate the trip, veterinarians advise using special medications. Practice shows that the most effective drug is Serena. It helps to prevent vomiting, stop vomiting and has good preventative properties. Serena is a veterinary preparation for cats and dogs with a strong antiemetic effect.

Dog Nausea

In the Russian market of medicinal analogues of this tool does not exist. The preparation "Serena" is presented and developed by the American company Zoetis Inc. The manufacturer is Pfizer PGM. The quality of the product is confirmed by the positive reviews of pet owners and doctors. Further in the article we will take a closer look at the veterinary drug "Serena" and instructions for its use.

Pharmacological properties

The named drug belongs to antiemetics and is recommended for use in preventive and therapeutic purposes during vomiting in pets. Serena is taken for the treatment of various diseases and infectious pathologies, accompanied by vomiting. The drug is effective in motion sickness syndrome in cats and dogs, chemotherapy, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Release form and composition

On sale, you can find two forms of this drug: injection and tablets. The composition of the injection form includes:

  • active substance maropitant citrate - 10 mg;
  • auxiliary components: sulfobutyl ether, metacresol and water for injection.

The medicine is a light yellow liquid.

Serena antiemetic drug

The composition of the tablets includes:

  • active ingredient - maropitant citrate;
  • excipients - microcrystalline cellulose, stearate, lactose, croscarmellose sodium and E110 (dye).

The medicine is made in the form of round yellow tablets. In veterinary pharmacies, you can find a drug with a dosage of from 100 to 1000 mg. The tablets have a separation groove and the Pfizer logo.

According to the instructions, the veterinary drug "Serena" refers to safe and low-toxic drugs. It is excreted from the body of the pet with feces and urine. With repeated doses, the substance accumulates in the body. Cats and dogs can easily take Serena. It should be noted that the tool has a strong prophylactic and therapeutic effect.

Indications for the appointment of the drug

Dog during the trip

According to the instructions, the veterinary drug "Serena" is designed to stop the vomiting in animals, which are caused by the following reasons:

  • injuries
  • food and toxic poisoning;
  • vomiting due to exposure to anesthesia;
  • nausea and vomiting as a result of cancer;
  • motion sickness while moving cats and dogs in vehicles;
  • with cystitis, subject to a thorough examination.

Instructions for the veterinary drug "Serena"

For preventive purposes, the medicine is used once a day, no more than two days in a row. When using the drug as an antiemetic, the duration of therapy should not be more than five days.

Nausea in a cat


Lilac injections are used by subcutaneous injection of the solution in the area of ​​the withers of the pet. The dosage is determined at the rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of animal weight or 1 ml per 10 kg of pet weight. Therapy lasts for five days, one injection per day. You should know that you can’t skip taking the medicine, otherwise you will have to resume the course again, according to the prescribed treatment regimen.


Pills for cats

Tablets are taken as follows:

  • For the purpose of prevention, the drug is given to animals an hour or two before the trip with a small amount of food. The dosage is determined on the basis of the calculation of 0.008 g of the main component per 1 kg kilogram of pet weight.
  • If necessary, stop vomiting, the dosage is determined at the rate of 0.002 g per 1 kg of animal weight
    Pills for dogs

In order to achieve maximum treatment effectiveness, it is necessary to exclude the following situations:

  • repeated use of the drug before the day after the first dose;
  • use for mixing means of fatty foods (meat, cheese);
  • feeding the pet before taking the medicine (within an hour).

Side effects

According to the instructions for "Lilac", the use of the medicine does not cause any side effects and complications. In some animals, an allergic reaction to the substances that make up the drug may occur. In this case, it is allowed to take antihistamines to treat signs of allergy.

The instructions for the veterinary preparation "Serena" also indicate that you should strictly adhere to the regimen of taking the medicine. The indicated dosage is not recommended to be exceeded. In some cases, after taking the drug in pets, diarrhea and increased salivation may be noted. In such a situation, experts advise to refuse to take the drug "Serena" and choose another antiemetic drug for animals.


Cat in car

Like any medicine for animals, Serena has a number of contraindications. It can not be taken:

  • Pregnant and lactating animals.
  • Cats and dogs with hypersensitivity to the components that make up the composition.
  • Young pets under the age of four months.

Interaction with other medicines

You can take the drug only after consulting a veterinarian. It is not recommended to use the product if the animal suffers from diseases of the heart, liver and blood vessels. The medicine can be taken in conjunction with antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics.

How much and where to buy

Motion sickness syndrome

"Serena" is considered a fairly common drug. It can be purchased at almost any online store or veterinary pharmacy. The medication has a fairly high cost.

The price of a 20 ml bottle starts at 4,000 rubles, and a package with four tablets starts at 1,000 rubles. Given that the medicine is original and has no analogues in the Russian market, the high cost is justified by the effectiveness of the medicine.

Storage conditions

The instructions for the veterinary preparation "Serena" for cats and dogs indicate that the shelf life is three years from the date of manufacture. After opening the package, the medicine can be stored for no more than 48 hours. Place the package with the medication away from sunlight and food, and also in a place inaccessible to animals and children. The drug should be stored in a cool and dry space, at a temperature not exceeding plus 30 degrees. Unused medicine after the expiration date must be disposed of.

Personal Prevention

The drug is not toxic, but after using it, wash your hands well with soap.

Cat in car

When interacting with the medicine, the following recommendations must be followed (they are indicated in the instructions for the veterinary preparation "Serena" for dogs and cats):

  • comply with safety and hygiene rules;
  • do not allow the preparation of a substance with mucous membranes;
  • thoroughly wash hands after finishing work with the medication;
  • in case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water;
  • in case of allergy or if a veterinary drug enters the body, you should immediately consult a doctor, taking along the packaging or instructions for the medicine.

In addition, you should not store empty containers from the drug at home, for personal and household needs, the bottles must be disposed of with household waste.

Veterinarian reviews

Dog in car

On specialized forums you can find many positive reviews about the antiemetic drug for animals "Serena". Experts note the high effectiveness of the drug, in addition, the medication is considered safe.

Owners of animals also speak positively about the medicine. Most of them note that the drug helped very well during the trip. It should be pointed out that for some animals the remedy turned out to be useless, but there are very few such cases. To the negative reviews, we can add that the cost of the drug suits a few. Basically, the owners of cats and dogs consider the price of Serena to be very high.


Judging by the reviews about the veterinary drug, we can conclude that its effect is fully consistent with the declared in the instructions. The medicine helps animals cope with nausea and vomiting. The tool is indispensable when traveling with pets, it helps to maintain good health in the animal throughout the trip. The only disadvantage of the drug is its price.


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