Foam insulation: types of materials, technology, reviews

Technological approaches to the installation of insulation coatings are already quite firmly established. Manufacturers produce materials in the form of plates, panels, bulk components, but the most promising is foam filler. In the market, this material is known as a spray heater. Unlike most traditional insulators, it provides almost 100 percent tightness. And at the same time, it is not inferior in terms of strength. Any homemaker can perform foam insulation using a suitable tool. This aspect is very conducive to the popularization of the material, although it has certain disadvantages.

foam insulation

Features of spray thermal insulation

Unlike most insulating materials, foam acquires a complete functional structure only after installation. The basis of the composition is formed by polyurethane, which, in turn, is formed during the mixing of the polyol and isocyanate. The resulting mass through the spray is applied to the work area. The cooling procedure itself takes only a few seconds. On the one hand, this makes the master more efficiently perform work with large volumes of coating, and on the other hand, a high polymerization rate eliminates the delay in subsequent installation activities.

It is important to note another specific feature, which is accompanied by foam insulation based on polyurethane. From the moment of its application to the final hardening of the insulator, a ten-fold increase in mass occurs. In the same period, the adhesive bonding process takes place. It is for the possibility of the organic attachment of the foam to various materials that it is called universal insulation. It is also worth noting the absence of seams and gaps in the formed structure, which ensures waterproofing qualities.

foam for wall insulation

Where is it used?

This type of mounting foam can be used for almost all building structures and surfaces that can be finished with traditional insulating means. This can be a floor covering, facade, roof, walls, ceiling, etc. It is another matter that there are different types of heat insulators, each of which is suitable for a particular area.

Under certain conditions, foam insulation can also be made in technical areas, in storage facilities and in hangars, where high humidity prevails. Car trailers are also treated with sprayed compounds, which ensures not only heat preservation, but also tightness. But, as in the case with other heaters, the most widely used are the basic compounds for interior decoration. Even a layman can spray them.

foam mounting price

Sealection Group Materials

This is the most popular type of polyurethane insulating foam. Such tools are used both in everyday life and in professional construction. The features of the Sealection “family” include the possibility of technical combination with respect to a wide variety of surfaces. For example, foam roof insulation allows you to immediately cover several roof structures, providing the same quality joints. As a result, a monolithic base is formed in the form of an air vapor barrier.

With regard to performance, the compositions of this brand are durable, undemanding in care and harmless. It is environmental cleanliness that has largely determined the popularity of such products among owners of private houses. The safety of the foam is explained by the fact that recycled plastic components with environmentally friendly additives are used in its manufacture. In addition, the material has good thermal conductivity. This is the optimal foam for wall insulation, since the formed insulating layer reliably protects the room from cold bridges.

foam insulation

Heatlok Soy insulation

In this case, we are talking about a rigid two-component foam with a high density. This is a material that has a greenish tint. It has good adhesive qualities, does not have chemicals hazardous from the point of view of ecology and human health, and is also suitable for a wide range of applications. The creation of an optimal microclimate is the main function of this composition.

Compared with the previous representative of the insulating spray, the foam for wall insulation from the Heatlok Soy line helps minimize excessive energy consumption. That is, if the main task of most heat insulators is to prevent heat leakage, then in this case the material acts as a regulator. In rooms with such a substrate for decoration, you can count on maintaining a slight cold in the summer.

Insulator U-200

The combination of several functions for heat insulators has always been a common occurrence. The simplest natural heaters, even without special additives, also contributed to the preservation of silence in the room. If we talk about sprayed compounds, from the point of view of sound insulation, then the most effective tool will be Sealection. If you want to make a bias towards steam and waterproofing, then the best option would be insulation with U-200 foam.

To one degree or another, any polyurethane coating can act as a barrier to the formation and distribution of condensate. Prolonged contact with water or exposure to moisture is not recommended for such products. But the U-200 material is just designed for such purposes.

foam roof insulation

Application Technique

Material is applied using special equipment. Typically, a set of this technical equipment includes an air gun and a compressor. There are also forms of delivery of the insulator, which are equipped with a spray can with spray function - this is the best option for home use. Initially, the mixture is in a liquid state, so during processing it easily covers the most difficult areas. By the way, it is in hard-to-reach places to start work. This can be ventilation passages, places of joints of panels, underground niches and other problem areas.

It is important that the polyurethane foam insulation is carried out under optimal conditions of temperature and humidity. In wet weather and especially in the rain it is not recommended to insulate the facade. On the other hand, in the heat at 50 ° C you should first apply a thin layer, and when it hardens, proceed to the full treatment. After the final polymerization of the material, if necessary, its mass can be adjusted, since in the process of expansion the foam composition often goes beyond the boundaries of the planned warming zone.

Issue price

With all its advantages, this material has retained a rather attractive cost. Even budget foam assembly, the price of which is about 300 rubles per barrel of 0.75 liter capacity, provides a good result in terms of operational properties. There are a lot of premium modifications on the market from major manufacturers that sell products for 500-600 rubles. in the same format. But, as practice shows, the difference between price groups is small. Usually it determines only the appearance and the availability of spraying devices.

If it is planned to carry out large volumes of work, then it is better to contact specialists. Such services will require a separate item of expenditure, but you can count on the high quality with which the mounting foam will be applied. The price of spraying per 1 m2 varies on average from 400 to 600 rubles.

polyurethane foam insulation

Material Reviews

Users note the worthy characteristics of polyurethane as a heater, and the convenience of its use. In particular, many homeowners emphasize that the structure of the insulator itself and its spraying technology minimize the risk of insufficient coating performance. In addition, users claim that the foam insulation is very difficult to clean from surfaces. If material gets on clothes, then, as a rule, they throw it away. Therefore, during the spraying process, treatment areas should be carefully limited.

foam for home insulation


The insulation segment is regularly updated with new offers. Manufacturers are faced with the choice: either to develop more technologically advanced synthetic compounds, or to improve the quality of natural products, which is much more difficult and not always possible. In this context, foam for home insulation can be considered as a universal composition. It does not have the main drawback for which users criticize artificial insulators - this is a high content of toxic substances. This fact in itself can be regarded as a separate virtue. At the same time, sprayed products do not lose in terms of performance and the same artificial analogues, and natural heat insulators.


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