Genres of literature - a step towards self-knowledge

Literature is the only inexhaustible source of information and knowledge. Various genres of literature will help to understand the true essence of our world. It is by reading books that one can learn the history of the creation of the world, read fiction stories or novels for inner reassurance of the soul, or enhance a skill.

Childbirth and genres of literature are defined as historically established and developing types of artistic, scientific, journalistic or other works. For example, a monograph, a novel, a report, and so on can be called a genre. Traditionally, this concept usually means types of works of art, but each literary era has its own individual system of genres, which is dedicated to a separate area of ​​communication and spirituality.

Speech genres and literary genres have certain similarities, but the question of their relationship is unresolved. The most reasoned is the point of view that speech genres are a generic concept, if we consider them in relation to the literary.

Genres in the literature have a set of stable properties, moreover, they characterize various aspects of the work itself:




- rhyming system;


This is only part of all those features that must be observed by the author when working on his creation.

The genres of literature can be completely different in terms of "age", so among them there are those that exist throughout the history of our spiritual culture, for example, fables. There are those whose existence is attributed only to a particular era.

A very important fact is that the main features and characteristics of genres evolve. Today you can easily notice that the same genre name for different periods of literary development can express completely different concepts, because it relates to different types of texts. For example, you can ask about the meaning of the concept of "ode" for the time of Lomonosov and the first third of the nineteenth century.

Any specialist can say that genres of literature have not only an external, but also a formal and internal plan. You need to understand that the genre form is very closely related to the genre content, namely the subject of the work itself and the peculiarities of the author's understanding of the chosen topic. After all, any issue can be viewed from several sides, namely, on which side the creator will choose for himself, the features of the content and the genre of the final work will depend.

Forms of the genre can be ready-made, rigid, complete, flexible, open for updating and modification. But there are so-called "canonical genres" that are regulated by normative poetics. This type of work is most characteristic of ancient fiction and works that were written before the eighteenth century. In their further development, literary genres depart from strict rules and lose their “canonical” form and severity. It is precisely because of this that there is a surge in creativity and individualization.

It is also worth noting that literary genres are able to determine even the stylistic features of everyday speech. Such an interesting relationship is very easily traced in such genres as a joke, feuilleton and fable. Based on this, it can be said that in the general system of literature genres there are those that were more authoritative (psychological novels or novels in Russian literature of the nineteenth century). Others, on the contrary, quickly lost their leading positions, and in some cases even disappeared.

We must not forget that it is literary works that are fully capable of ensuring the continuity of the cultural life of every person. Any of us can find the genre that will reflect the individual vision of the modern world and help find answers to all questions of interest.


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