The tallest women in the world - who are they?

Many girls who do not have model growth, following beauty contests, sigh with envy and regret and think: "I am much better than all these beauties, and if I had such growth, I would give them a head start." However, there are many women in the world who would dream of being a little taller. After all, it’s very difficult to pick up clothes in ordinary stores, find the right shoes, and there are also difficulties with choosing furniture, especially with beds. And if a woman has not only high, but very high growth, then this already becomes for her not a simple, but a very big problem.

Tallest women in the world

There are about twenty such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in the world. The tallest women in the world live on different continents, in the northern and southern countries, and perhaps do not even know about each other's existence. They belong to different races. However, in online publications and in some journal articles, their names are united by a common heading - "The tallest women in the world." In this article, we want to give a list of ten names. Unlike other ratings, for example, the most beautiful or the smartest, this one is the most accurate. Indeed, you must admit that growth is an exact value, and each of the ten lines is occupied by a girl with the corresponding parameters.

Rating "The tallest women in the world"

10. In the last - tenth - place is Russian volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova. Her height is 202 cm. She is the owner of the world champion title.

9. The ninth in this rating is the black-skinned beauty from the USA Rita Miniva Besa. Her parameters are only 1 centimeter higher than the growth of Ekaterina Gamova and, of course, are 203 cm.

8. The holder of the highest growth among the Eve models from the United States (205 cm) is in the eighth line of our rating.

tallest woman in the world
7. Brazilian Elisani Silva - the owner of growth of 206 cm - already at the age of 14 reached a two-meter mark. What will be its final growth, while no one knows, because it still continues to grow.

6. Caroline Welz from Germany singles out from the crowd not only gigantic growth, but also the large size of shoes. Her parameters are 206 cm, and her leg is 49 sizes.

5. For Mali Duangdi, high growth is the cause of not only social problems, but also health problems. This girl from Thailand, with a height of 208 cm, if she had not taken the appropriate medicines, would have continued to grow constantly and, possibly, would have headed the rating “The tallest women in the world”. And all because of the pituitary tumor, which causes hormonal imbalance in her body.

4. Polish basketball player Malgozhata Dudek with a height of 213 cm takes the fourth line. She was the highest athlete in the world during her lifetime. Unfortunately, two years ago, she died of a heart attack at the age of 37.

3. A 39-year-old woman from Pakistan (218 cm) opens the top three in the ranking of “Tallest Women in the World”. Due to ridicule about extraordinary growth, she had to emigrate from Pakistan to England. This slender girl with very long limbs and fingers immediately catches the eye in the crowd.

2. Another American, Sandy Allen, with a height of 232 cm takes the penultimate line of the rating. She also suffers from a pituitary tumor. Despite the fact that she decided on an operation, she did not get rid of health problems. Her age was short-lived, she lived for 54 years, the last of which moved in a wheelchair, specially created for her at one of the US plants.

tallest woman photo
1. And now we find out who is the tallest woman in the world? This is Yao Defen from China. Her height by only a centimeter exceeded the standards of the previous girl and is 233 cm. She was born completely tiny. However, when she was 11 years old, she already had a gigantic growth for her age - 188 cm. Again, the cause of gigantism is a tumor. After the removal of this formation, it stopped growing. This tallest woman (photo on the right) has a weight of 180 kg. Due to her non-standard appearance, she got a job in a circus. Now Yao makes a living showing his gigantic growth.


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