Air disinfector: technical specifications and principle of operation

Creating a favorable microclimate in the house is possible only if special climatic equipment is used. Along with temperature control systems, there are entire groups of devices whose action is aimed at cleaning and moisturizing the air. There are also special devices for ozonation, washing and filtering. In this context, an air disinfectant can be considered as the most effective option for achieving optimal hygienic microclimate parameters in the room. As a rule, such equipment is oriented to home use; therefore, manufacturers also consider design and ergonomic qualities in models.

Key Specifications

air disinfectant

The main operating parameter of such equipment is power. On average, it is 10-15 watts, which allows you to serve premises up to 20 m2. Also, the power potential of the installation affects the performance, which is expressed in the volume of air purified per hour. For example, a 15 W air disinfector provides a capacity of approximately 120 m3 / h. However, this value may also depend on the volume of the receiver. For medium-sized rooms, it is enough to provide a capacity of 2-2.5 liters. As for the dimensions and mass, these indicators vary greatly and depend on the principle of operation, design and construction features. If we talk about standard versions, the mass of the device rarely exceeds 10 kg, and the dimensions usually correspond to the parameters of a small mobile air conditioner.

Varieties of disinfectants

home air disinfector

There are several classifications by which this product is segmented. From the consumer point of view, the main sign of the separation of models is the purpose. For domestic needs, a home air disinfector is designed, which has convenient controls, small size and modest performance.

Another type is represented by medical models. It is worth noting that the very origin of the device was due precisely to the needs of healthcare, and later on home analogs appeared. The main difference between these devices is the effectiveness of the cleaning function. In the traditional version, the medical air disinfector is designed to achieve the maximum preventive effect. To ensure this effect helps ultraviolet radiation, which is unsafe from the point of view of home use, but is allowed in specialized institutions.

The principle of operation of ultraviolet models

decontaminator air purifier

The operation of the device is ensured by special bactericidal lamps that scatter ultraviolet currents. As a result of irradiation, optimal air condition parameters are achieved. In this case, irradiation can have different characteristics, the main of which is the wavelength - in the corridor from 205 to 315 nm. For example, lamps with radiation at 254 nm are capable of destroying about 91% of microorganisms in the air. The peak bactericidal efficacy of the emitters is 265 nm. When buying a device, please note that an ultraviolet air disinfectant is usually sold without a lamp. It is precisely because of the wide range of radiation characteristics that there are no installations working only with lamps of the same scattering length. Sources of ultraviolet waves should be purchased separately, taking into account the parameters of the base and compatibility with the operating characteristics of the installation.

The principle of operation of the photocatalytic disinfectant

medical air disinfector

Devices of this type are mainly intended for use in residential premises. This is a relatively new device that is highly environmentally friendly and safe for users. Compared to purifiers based on UV radiation, the photocatalytic air disinfectant operates on the principles of oxidation of substances on the surfaces of the catalyst. In this case, ultraviolet radiation is also used, then in the so-called soft spectrum. The reaction takes place safely at room temperature, while toxic elements do not accumulate on the filters.

Additional option

air disinfector thion

Climatic equipment in modern versions is usually equipped with electronic systems. This is a useful addition that will allow you to configure work parameters at a distance or using automatic modes. But, in addition to ergonomics, it is important to take into account the direct functions of the device, including the possibilities of ionization, moisturizing and ozonation. A multifunctional air disinfector-cleaner can also provide protection against fine dust. Particular attention should be paid to filtration technologies. The latest models are often equipped with HEPA filters, water and photocatalytic cleaning elements. Especially to get rid of unpleasant odors, smoke and gas, ozonation systems are also used. With regard to direct disinfection, it is photocatalytic filtration components that best cope with this function.


ultraviolet air disinfectant

Almost every manufacturer of air conditioning systems contains a separate series of air purifiers in the model line. But there are also specialized manufacturers that produce disinfectants for domestic use. Among them, EcoBox and Daikin models can be distinguished, which are presented in modifications for both large rooms and small-sized apartments. There are also a lot of successful and inexpensive models in the Air Comfort line. Among domestic products, the β€œTion” air disinfectant in the B120 modification is the most popular. A feature of this model is the wide range of room ventilation options, as well as the function of heating the air, which is especially true in winter.

How to choose the best option?

Before buying a disinfectant, it is important to determine the installation location, calculate the service area and temporary operating modes. Productivity should be correlated with air volumes. The fact is that installing a large-sized device in a small room is disadvantageous from the point of energy conservation. Although, according to users, in some cases, excess of power relative to optimal requests significantly reduces the time to perform basic functions. It has already been noted that the emitter lamp is purchased separately, so separate requirements should be made for it. If an air disinfectant for a house is selected, the duration of its continuous operation can be short - from several minutes to an hour. However, when servicing office and industrial premises, the lamp must maintain an operating mode for 7-8 hours.


home air disinfector

Modern apartments and private houses are often burdened with an excessive amount of household appliances. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle and devices for creating a favorable microclimate has added a wide range of climate systems to traditional appliances. At the same time, they do not always justify their purchase, since for the same cleaning quality ventilation is sufficient. Nevertheless, the air disinfectant stands out against the general background of such devices in that it is focused on solving specific problems in achieving the best sanitary and hygienic indicators. An alternative that naturally removes dangerous bacteriological elements simply does not exist. Another thing is that the device itself may pose some threat to a healthy microclimate, but with the right choice, it can be avoided.


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