Breed Chow-Chow: description of appearance, character and photo of the dog

The Chow-Chow breed is a watch dog popular in Russia. The animal has an exotic appearance. Its gait and build are like a bear with a lion's mane. This beautiful "plush" dog has a rather stubborn character. It belongs to Spitz, its origin is associated with primitive dogs.

breed of chow chow

The breed is considered decorative, but many are sure that such an animal can be an excellent guard. You need to study the origin of Chow Chow, a description of the breed, character. This will help to understand whether it is worth getting such a dog.


Thanks to the study of DNA and analysis, scientists were able to identify that the Chow-Chow breed is one of the first, primitive, evolving from a wolf. The homeland of these animals is the dry steppe territories of China and Mongolia, where they were known over 2 thousand years ago.

dog breed chow chow

Purebred dogs were kept by Buddhist monks who not only bred the breed, but also created the pedigrees of these creatures. To renew the blood, an exchange of producers between monasteries was carried out. Modern dogs appeared thanks to the results of many years of British breeding. According to research, it became clear that the breed has the lowest ability to learn and execute commands. Nevertheless, such dogs are popular all over the world, including in Russia.

Breed standards

Before choosing a Chow-Chow dog, the breed standard will allow you to get acquainted with the appearance of the animal. It was developed by the international dog training organization FCI. The Federation has established over 300 breeds, of which Chow Chow has been singled out. According to the reviews of fans, it is clear that such dogs are loved in many homes. They require care and proper living conditions, because of which they will develop perfectly.

The standards indicate the characteristics of animals. Description allows you to find out the size, weight, height, length, color of coat and body proportions. It also indicates the position and shape of the ears, tail, nature and temperament of the breed.


  • A wide and flat skull, with filling under the eye sockets, and the transition to the forehead is not sharp.
  • The front part has a wide and large nose, the color of which is determined by the shade of the coat.
  • The muzzle is of medium length, it is wide.
  • Lips and palate are black.
  • The teeth look even.
  • The eyes of the animal are oval, have a medium size.
  • The ears are small, widely set.
  • The neck has a good volume, not short, slightly curved.


  • The back is short, strong, straight.
  • The chest has not barrel-shaped ribs.
  • The tail is set high, lies tightly on the back.


  • Front - straight, medium size;
  • Hind - muscular, with hocks pointing down;
  • Paws - small in size, round in shape.

As can be seen from the description, special features are inherent in Chow Chow. The breed characteristic is unique. The height of the male is 48-56 cm, female - 46-51 cm in the shoulder girdle. The dog has a compact and strong appearance, a balanced body, with a tail lying tightly on its back. The Chow Chow breed is known for its special stilted gait and purple tongue. Some show pigmentation on the nose, red or pink tongue. There may also be hanging ears.

Long haired look

The breed of dogs Chow Chow is of several types. Each of them has its own characteristics. One of them is a long-haired variety. Such a dog has a thick, straight hair. The cover is hard and elastic. The undercoat is soft and thick. In the neck and withers, the coat is long, which forms a mane. On the forearm are lush tows. The back of the hips looks like “pants.” The tail section is magnificent.

chow chow breed description

The disadvantages include rare, soft, wavy hair, weak undercoat. The defect is a short, wavy coat, a weak undercoat. In the area of ​​the neck and withers is decorating wool.

Shorthair look

This Chow Chow breed is characterized by an exterior with short and snug coat. Dogs have a pronounced undercoat. The hair is longer in the neck and withers, behind the limbs and in the tail.

Defects are manifested in a long, not tight-fitting coat. Animals have pronounced beautifying hair. Their artificial shortening, due to which the real shape of the animal changes, is punished.


The Chow Chow dog breed has a sharp mind, independent disposition and dignity, which makes the animal look alienated. Adults are insightful and restrained. Their deep-set eyes make lateral vision limited, so the dog must be approached from the front. The breed is calm, with a faithful and proud temperament. She is active, with a hypertrophied sense of dignity.

chow chow breed description character

If you evade the standards, then, according to breeders, Chow Chow has a peculiar character. Dogs are calm, and sometimes phlegmatic, need training. Tolerance to other animals must be brought up from birth. Usually in a family, the dog itself chooses the owner - the leader, and has a friendly attitude towards the rest. Chow Chow kids are patient, but they cannot bear even small children's bullying. The corresponding loads favorably affect the complaisance of the animal, so many people choose the Chow Chow breed. Reviews of fans indicate that with proper care, dogs will be the best guards at home. Growing them turns out experienced and beginners. It is necessary to invest a lot of time and effort in order for the animal to develop normally.


Dogs do not like cycling, overcoming high barriers, jumping, which is associated with the structure of the hind limbs. They are hidden and they do not have good depreciation. But still, walks should be long, mobile, about 3 hours a day.

Due to the long coat, the dog often overheats, so walks should be done in the early morning or afternoon, when there is no heat. Then you need to examine the animal, whether there are thorns, burdocks, plant debris, ectoparasites. Paws after the street are washed and dried with a cloth.

Care Features

Compared to other dogs, Chow Chow has unique features. Description of the breed, character made it clear. Animal care is also different. They have a rich coat of wool, which includes a long and thick undercoat. The animal needs constant care. Mandatory combing is required using an iron comb with long cloves. A massage brush is also suitable for this.

breed chow chow photo

The features of the breed include increased salivation in small dogs, which is why the collar area is constantly wetted. Hygiene is followed by regular procedures and dry shampoo. It is necessary to wash the dog if necessary, when combing and elimination of tangles is performed.

Global-Vet shampoo with panthenol and aloe vera is perfect for regular care. You can use quality dry shampoos. Before this, ears should be protected from water with cotton swabs. After washing, the hair is dried with a hairdryer and then combed.


After the bathing procedure, you need to cut the hair near the fingers and paws. It is also required inside the auricle, which simplifies the cleaning process. For the coat to become rounded, it must be trimmed at the tips of the ears.

Regularly need to cut your nails, as well as perform hygienic cleaning of your ears, nose and eyes. Grooming exhibition animals must be trusted by specialists.


The breed of Chow Chow has its own health characteristics. The photo shows that this animal is very strong and beautiful. But he has hereditary dysplasia of the hip joints, an inversion of the eyelid and sensitivity to high temperature. Dogs molt 2 times a year. Life expectancy is about 10 years.

Proper care and nutrition of the animal is necessary. Only then will it grow and develop normally. The owner of such a dog needs to pay a lot of attention to her. Chow Chow will be the best friend if you treat her carefully.


In order to raise healthy and beautiful dogs, they must be properly fed. Meals should be balanced at all times. The diet should include everything that is required for the normal development of the pet:

  • Meat: beef, poultry.
  • Offal: heart, liver, stomachs.
  • Dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Cereals: risk, buckwheat, barley.
  • Vegetables: bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, bananas.
  • Berries
  • Nuts.

Optionally, you can feed your pet with high-quality finished feed. The daily norm of food is divided into 2-3 parts. Puppies should be fed 5-6 times a day. If the dog has not eaten food, it should not be stored; it is better to dispose of it. The animal must always have access to clean water.

Buy recommendations

Many have already loved the Chow Chow dog breed. A photo of this animal shows that the pet looks like a toy. But at the same time, he must be carefully treated, and then he will become his best friend. The acquisition of a dog is considered a responsible procedure. Purebred and healthy puppies with pronounced pedigree traits are not uncommon in big cities if nurseries are present. You should not buy an animal with it and from newspaper ads.

dog breed chow chow photo

It is advisable to use the recommendation of the owners of puppies from the breeder if they liked the pedigree signs and the health of the dog. It is better to purchase it in cynological clubs and nurseries. It should be borne in mind that a healthy puppy will not have a cheap price, and the average price of a vaccinated dog is about 15-20 thousand rubles.


Chow Chow dogs can be trained, but it will take a lot of effort. The puppy learns the main commands: "Come to me!", "Fu!", "Sit." Show animals respond to the phrase "Teeth." The development of such teams facilitates cohabitation with the dog, and will also help save his life.

No need to call an animal that ran across the road, you should command "Sit!" and go to the pet. It is forbidden to scold and beat him, as he will be offended, and will not perform training classes. It is enough for the dog to know the basic commands.

Pros and cons

The advantages include the average size of the pet, excellent decorative properties. The dog is suitable for suburban and street keeping. In addition, she can serve as a guard. The pet does not require complicated care and active walks. If you properly care, as well as be attentive to the animal, then it will perfectly get along with the whole family. If the pet grew up with other individuals, then he does not show aggression to them. The breed is suspicious of strangers.

chow chow breed characterization

Cons consider stubbornness and independence of the dog. Also, they are poorly subordinate to the teams. For exhibition representatives, careful hair care is required. Chow Chow is the best friend of purposeful individuals with a persistent character. The dog cannot be used for guard duty, but it is able to protect the territory. Her training is very difficult. Animals are masterful, they do not need guardianship. Pets are not suitable for weak-minded and active people, small children. If you handle them correctly, as well as perform quality care, then such an animal will become a faithful friend.


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