Bath stoves "Three": reviews, photos

The Troika furnaces have been sold on the domestic market for quite some time, however, they have not received such wide distribution among consumers, as, for example, Thermofor brand products, which can be heard everywhere today. This is probably due to the lack of advertising, which does not mean that these products are of low quality. On the contrary, in life, they proved themselves very well. Among their positive features should be highlighted durability and work efficiency. You can verify this by reading the customer reviews presented below or by purchasing this equipment.

general description

ovens three

Units "Troika" have a simple at first glance look, but they have high power, and also allow additionally revetment of the surface with brick. The latter circumstance allows you to fit the unit into almost any interior. Another advantage of such furnaces is that they are manufactured at a factory in Russia, which indicates their adaptability to a harsh climate, which cannot be said about some heating devices of foreign manufacture. Most often, low-alloy steel is used in the manufacturing process of the described furnaces, which is a feature of Troika products.

Positive and negative reviews

Three oven for a bath

If you are interested in Troika furnaces, then you should familiarize yourself with the reviews in more detail, from them you can understand that in winter these models melt for about 3 hours, in summer this time will be reduced. As buyers emphasize, a large amount of fuel for bathing procedures is not required, while the heat during operation of the device is held in the room for about 10 hours. This equipment is inexpensive, but it does the job for two.

Users note some disadvantages, among them a huge weight, which sometimes reaches 380 kg. This sometimes leads to difficulties in transportation and installation. Thus, in order to raise the unit, the strength of 4 people will be necessary. Some owners of country houses and country houses also note that they do not really like the need to brick the front surface of the stove. But the manufacturer, when designing products, counted on just that. Finally, the walls have a large thickness, this entails a later release of heat. In this regard, these designs cannot be compared with bare thin-walled products, which are common today.

Design Features Reviews

bath stoves three

β€œTroika” furnaces have certain characteristics, the hallmark of the model range are the thick walls of the furnace. The upper element reaches 10 millimeters in thickness, while the side walls are characterized by 8 millimeters in thickness. Due to the use of low alloy steel in the production process, the device has a long service life. Users really like that the fuel channel has a remote type, which is why the furnace can be removed from the dressing room. In this case, the thickness of the walls will not play any role.

If you looked at Troika furnaces and thought about the fact that some designs of other manufacturers are very limited in the amount of loaded stones, then you should know that this does not apply to these models. The described equipment may include heating stones, the mass of which reaches 250 kilograms. For comparison, in models of other manufacturers, this figure varies from 50 to 80 kilograms.

Reviews on tank volume and chimney

ovens three reviews

Troika sauna stoves can have a tank with different volumes, which depends on the specific model. If we consider options number 1 and 5, they are equipped with a 72-liter tank, while the furnace number 2 has an 80-liter tank. The location of these elements is quite convenient, they are located on the front side, which facilitates maintenance. This is especially true for those baths that do not have a water supply. In addition, according to users, these devices can be installed in pairs that have low ceilings. Where it is impossible to establish models in which the tank is located on a chimney.

Owners of country houses note that if necessary, you can remove and rinse the tank at any time, which cannot be called a positive feature. The Troika furnaces, reviews of which are mostly positive, have large diameter chimneys. Consequently, there will be no problems with traction, no matter what the weather is like on the street. To clean such elements is quite simple, anyone can handle this. For this purpose, the heat generator is equipped with a treatment device, which is located in the side. Doors are made of cast iron, which, as users emphasize, makes them resistant to high temperatures.

Special Solutions

bath stove three reviews

The Troika furnaces, photos of which you can see in the article, are sometimes equipped with a heat exchanger. Such devices allow heating not only the steam room, but also adjoining rooms , such as washing, as well as a dressing room. If you are limited in budget and the steam room has a small area, then on sale you can find models that have small dimensions and are equipped with a convector. This is a model number 7, the size of which is 50x50 centimeters. This option is installed in small steam rooms, for which the manufacturer refused an external firebox, adding a 60-liter water tank to the device , which is located on the pipe.

Reviews about the Troika brand brick ovens

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The Troika furnace for a bath, as mentioned above, can be used for bricking the front surface. Users choose such designs most often when compared with other models of the manufacturer. They are on sale in 6 trim levels, one of them has a capacity of 20 kilowatts and weighs 210 kilograms. This is a model number 6M2. The permissible steam room for such equipment can vary from 8 to 16 cubic meters, while the dimensions of the device are 70x31x135 centimeters. Consumers like this model for the reason that its cost is low and amounts to 30.900 rubles.

The more serious model number 6 has a capacity of 35 kilowatts, its weight is 330 kilograms, and the permissible volume of a steam room can vary from 20 to 30 cubic meters. The cost of this model is average and amounts to 40,000 rubles. It is preferred by those users who do not want to purchase models at a higher price, while low-power options do not suit them.

The maximum power of this line in the model No. 5P. Its weight is 380 kilograms, the permissible volume of a steam room can vary from 30 to 40 cubic meters. According to users, the high cost of 68.500 rubles. fully justifies itself with quality characteristics and attractive design.

Mesh stove reviews

bath stoves three reviews

Sauna stoves β€œTroika”, reviews of which will allow you to make the right choice, are presented for sale also in the form of models with a grid. It is covered with stones and acts as a screen that protects a person from hard infrared radiation of a metal. According to users, furnaces in this category are represented by two models. They are distinguished by the possibility of quick installation and do not require maintenance during operation. This is especially attractive to the modern buyer. Both models, according to consumers, look aesthetically pleasing, characterized by high heat capacity, cool slowly, but they warm up quickly enough.


If you decide to purchase a Troika sauna stove for yourself, it is recommended that you read the reviews of consumers who are fortunate enough to use this equipment. Perhaps this will allow you to make a choice in the direction of a particular model, which is suitable specifically for your steam room.


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