How many legs does a cockroach have? Types of cockroaches: names, photos, structure

How many legs does a cockroach have? What is the structure of his limbs? What makes these insects able to move quickly even on vertical and smooth surfaces? And can cockroaches grow new legs for themselves? In addition to the answers to all these interesting questions, in our article you will find a detailed description of the cockroach, including the internal structure and external characteristics of the insect.

Meet: Tarakanovy squad

Type: Arthropods. Class: Insects. Squad: Cockroach. This is the scientific taxonomy of creatures that most people fear and hate. In general, the general dislike of man for cockroaches is quite understandable and justified. After all, these insects spoil books and food products, destroy home plants, carry a number of dangerous diseases (for example, dysentery).

Where in the Russian language the word "cockroach" came from is not exactly known. According to one version, it came from the Chuvash tar aqan ("runaway"). The sounding word (tarqan) is similar in Turkic languages, but it is translated as “dignitary”.

Cockroaches are incredibly mobile insects that are mostly nocturnal. They prefer to settle in well-humid and fairly warm places. They feed mainly on animals and plant residues. There are legends about the phenomenal endurance of these insects. They are really resistant to radiation, but not as much as the same fruit flies, for example.

how many legs are cockroaches

It should be noted that cockroaches are not always perceived by people as hostile. So, in some regions of the planet they are eaten or used as a medicine. In ancient Russia, they did not even think of fighting cockroaches. The presence of these insects in the house was then considered a sign of prosperity and well-being.

Cockroaches: 9 curious facts

  • Tsar Peter the First was panicky afraid of cockroaches.
  • Some representatives of this detachment of insects are used in quite exotic events - cockroach races.
  • Sugar cockroaches are one of the traditional Chinese dishes.
  • A headless cockroach can live up to nine days.
  • If desired, this insect can regrow lost limbs.
  • A female cockroach lays about two million eggs per year.
  • If the cockroach rolls upside down, then it will not have much chance to return to its original position.
  • These amazing insects can hold their breath for 30-40 minutes.
  • Every 15 minutes, cockroaches release gases, which contribute to the global warming of our planet.

Features of the external structure of the insect

Almost all cockroaches known to scientists have approximately the same appearance. The head is equipped with sensory organs - two long and movable antennae. The mouth of the insect is “equipped” with sufficiently powerful jaws, which allows it to chew hard food. The abdomen of the cockroach has an oval, sometimes slightly flattened shape. Most species have wings, but they almost never use them.

cockroach structure

The cockroach’s body is covered with a durable chitinous shell. Several times during its life, an insect sheds its outer shell. During these periods, the cockroach becomes as vulnerable as possible. But over time, thanks to the special hormone bursicon, a new hard cover forms in the insect.

How is a cockroach arranged inside?

The internal structure of the cockroach is also quite interesting. An insect has a brain; it is represented by two large nodes located in the head. The nervous system consists of eleven ganglia - six abdominal (responsible for the activity of the reproductive and excretory systems), three pectoral (regulate the work of the jaw apparatus, movement of the paws and muscles) and two brain.

The role of the heart is played by a small tubular organ located in one of the three cavities of the body of the insect. The blood of the cockroaches is white, it circulates freely throughout the body, but very slowly. That is why these insects are very sensitive to ambient temperature.

Madagascar cockroach

The cockroach breathes with ten holes located on the abdomen. The digestive system is represented by the esophagus, goiter, stomach and primitive intestines. An interesting point: in the buccal chamber of the esophagus there are six additional teeth that help the cockroach to chew thoroughly the food that has got into the mouth. The intestines of the insect are saturated with various bacteria that can even digest inorganic substances.

How many legs does a cockroach have?

Now let's move on to the main issue of our article. So how many legs does a cockroach have? Answer: six, like all other insect representatives. These are three pairs of powerful legs, each of which is covered with spikes and villi. With their help, cockroaches are able to quickly move on vertical surfaces, and even on the ceiling.

The foot itself has a segmented structure and consists of several joints. Scientists have found that cockroaches of advanced age (60-70 weeks) they are very sick, so the "old" insects are difficult to climb up the walls.

Cockroaches are not only fast, but also incredibly nimble and agile insects. They can develop a phenomenal speed for their size - over 5 km / h. Moreover, in one second, cockroaches are able to change their direction of movement several times. That's why they are so hard to catch.

How many legs does the cockroach have in other species? And how many varieties of this insect exist at all? This will be discussed later in our article.

The main types of cockroaches: names and photos

Today, science knows about 7.5 thousand species of these insects. Most of them live in the tropical and subtropical zones of the planet. In the territory of the former USSR, only 55 species of cockroach are found.

The most common species is the so-called Prusak, or red cockroach (Blatella Germanica). It is curious that in Germany and the Czech Republic it is called the “Russian cockroach”. Individuals of this species live for about six months. The female Prusaka stores about 40 eggs in itself and can breed up to 7-8 times per life cycle.

cockroach photo

The second most common species is a black cockroach (Blatella Orientalis). It can most often be found in residential buildings and apartments, but it is extremely rare to climb above the fifth floor. A black cockroach is absolutely unpretentious in food - it can eat something from the dining table or enjoy your waste from the bin.

cockroach black

The following photo shows an American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana). This species is characterized by extremely long antennae and increased mobility. Oddly enough, the birthplace of an American cockroach is Africa. From the “black continent”, it has spread almost all over the world along with products transported by sea vessels.

american cockroach

In apartments, most often (especially) Madagascar hissing cockroaches are opened. And they really hiss! Such a sound in these insects accompanies the breathing process.

One cannot but mention one of the largest representatives of the detachment - Megaloblatta Longipennis. These insects live in South and Central America. First of all, they are interesting in that they know how not only to run, but also to fly.


Cockroaches are quite unusual, and in many ways even unique creations. And if you, having overcome fear and squeamishness, will be able to look at these insects in a new way, then you will be able to discover many interesting and unexpected facts.


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