Pear Just Mary: Description. Pear Just Maria: reviews, care

Not many people know about the benefits of eating a fruit like a pear. The fetus is rich in folic acid and iron, which contributes to the synthesis of healthy blood cells. The active ingredients in pear boost immunity and help fight depression. Decoctions from the fruits are recommended for diseases of the urinary system, and the juice relieves swelling and removes salts from the body. The pear contains a large amount of potassium, therefore it is useful for heart rhythm disturbances. This baked fruit is taken with a strong cough. It is also included in the diet of many diets, as it has low energy value and fructose, which replaces sugar in obesity. Pear is used in cosmetology. Masks from it refresh the skin, tighten pores and heal abrasions.

pear just maria

Gift from Belarusian breeders

The Belarusian Institute of Fruit Growing, National Academy of Sciences of NAS, engaged in the cultivation of fruit crops, has created a new variety of winter-resistant pear suitable for growing in the northern part of Russia. By crossing hybrid forms, the pear Just Maria was obtained. Its description will be given later.

Pear is distinguished by the sweetest fruits with tender and juicy pulp. The tree annually brings abundant crops in the early stages and is resistant to many diseases and pests. The height of the pear is no more than three meters. The average weight of the fetus is about 230 grams. The color of the fruit is yellow-green with spotted spots of a pinkish color.

Every year a rich and sweet harvest will delight gardeners with the correctly grown wonderful pear Just Maria. Reviews of experts confirm its unique properties.

pear variety just maria

Selection of seedlings

Pear Just Maria occupies a small area, so it can be planted both in a large garden and in medium-sized areas. When buying a two-year-old tree, know that it will begin to bear fruit earlier. If you want to plant a tree right away , then it is better to purchase a seedling in a flowerpot that preserves the root system before planting. Having bought a pear, remove the dry roots, and moisten healthy ones in a mash of mullein, clay and water in a ratio of 2: 1: 6 to avoid drying out. Unlike other varieties, Just Maria pear, whose seedlings can be bought in a special nursery engaged in cultivating a fruitful crop, will bear its first fruits in the third year.

How to correctly plant a seedling

The root neck of the tree should be above the surface of the earth, otherwise the fruiting of the pear will come soon. Usually, gardeners tie a seedling with a rope to a stick, using the method of figure eight. Before the onset of cold weather, the trunk must be overlaid with spruce branches and covered with a layer of manure, which will protect the seedling from rodents.

pear just maria buy seedlings

The frost resistance of this species is high, which is important for the northern regions. You can plant a pear until mid-October and the onset of frost, and in spring - before the onset of a thaw. The pear likes warm and bright places, so it will be comfortable on the south or southwest side of the site. It is necessary to prepare the pit a month before planting the seedling. Pear Just Maria prefers slightly acidic soil, so it must be diluted with a lime solution containing chalk. This technique will eliminate excess acid and improve the structure of the soil, in which moisture will be better retained. Perform the procedure once every 5 years.

Baby Pear Care

Any fruitful tree, unless, of course, this is a wild game, requires care, including a pear. Variety Just Maria loves water very much, therefore, after planting, the tree should be abundantly watered. In addition, it will help the earth settle and strengthen its roots. About 30 liters of water are irrigated per tree. The soil near the trunk in the summer needs to be loosened, and in the autumn to be dug up. The first loosening should be carried out at the first landing.

To maintain a balance between the underground and ground parts of the young tree in the first year, it is necessary to adjust the shoots, cutting them by one third. This will help maintain the leading position of the trunk and form a crown. In addition, the pear Just Maria, after trimming, does not stretch up, but gives lateral shoots. So that the tree does not suffer from overload, it is necessary to thin it and remove the fruits of inappropriate shape and with defects.

pear just maria description

Feeding and processing

In the second year after planting a seedling, nitrogen fertilizers in the amount of 30 grams are applied to the soil for good growth. After another two years, you can add phosphorus and potash fertilizers of 30 and 20 grams, respectively. A mixture of manure or chicken droppings is also a pear . In dry weather, be sure to water the tree abundantly.

Pear Just Maria, the description of which is given in this article, is more resistant to a disease such as scab, unlike other varieties. Nevertheless, if you want to have a good harvest, it is recommended to process the plants. During the season, the tree is sprayed several times: when the buds swell, when buds appear, before flowering, then after two weeks and before the fruits ripen.

pear just maria pollinators

Pollination methods

For fruitful pollination requires more than one pear. Variety Just Maria belongs to the self-infertile category, so it is better to plant several trees at once. Thanks to studies, it has been revealed that a pear gives a good crop during cross-pollination of different varieties. When choosing mutually pollinating varieties, it is important to observe some requirements:

- the time of fruiting in the varieties should be simultaneous;

- the timing of flowering and discharge of fruits should also coincide;

- pollen should have high activity and germination.

It should be noted that the pear Just Maria, whose pollinators should be resistant to cold and disease, can also serve as a stock for the varieties of weak and medium-resistant. All this must be taken into account when growing it.

Pear Just Mary: Benefits When Choosing

There is rarely a garden in which pears do not grow. Gardeners are trying to get the sweetest and most tender varieties. But not all trees bear the desired fruit. According to gardeners, well-known pear Just Maria. Reviews about this variety can only be heard positive. The advantages, according to gardeners, are:

- early onset of fruiting: a young seedling bears fruit in the third year;

- high productivity;

- Delicious fruits weighing about 230-250 grams;

- small size of the tree, not requiring a wide space;

- resistance to diseases and pests;

- winter hardiness.

pear just maria reviews

Pear Mary just ripens by mid-autumn, but if the fruits are harvested solid, they can persist until the end of the year. When removing, pay attention to the color of the skin near the peduncle: it should turn slightly yellow. It is not terrible that the fruits are still green, they will acquire juiciness and aroma in a month and a half after harvest. They can be stored in the cellar, laid out in boxes.


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