The high point is ... Definition, features and interesting facts

Almost all faced with the need to conduct water supply to their summer cottages. Water that is located very close to the earth's surface can help in this, but they are also a big problem in the construction of your home, namely they create difficulties during the solution of laying the foundation.

A high-rise can occur completely unexpectedly, so it is important to consider all the factors that prevent this phenomenon. In addition to the overhead water, groundwater can also be found on the site, with the help of which it is already possible to extract water not for ordinary household needs, but for drinking use.

What is a trap: definition

How is underground water extracted? There are several definitions of groundwater in the world, and one of them is the high water. Its water cover is closest to the earth's surface among the rest. Their formation occurs through the seepage of water from surfaces, as well as water from the atmosphere. Water lingers at such a distance due to leaks in lenses and formations. Water formation can also occur due to condensation in the rocks.

the tip is

The nature of the formation is mainly seasonal, that is, when it is dry, the overwater disappears, and in full time in rainy weather or when snow melts. By the way, the verkhovodka is also water that forms in places where swamps are progressing, due to the excess of swamp life. The highest prevalence is in the loess rocks.

Where else can the overhead come from

In the modern world, the overhead is the result of a breakthrough in the sewage system or leakage of water from water pipes and other water-related objects (the same pool). Thus, this place may become partially swampy, or a basement or foundation will be flooded near a standing building. Most often, the overhead is fresh water, minerals are practically absent, but if the water is dirty, then the content, for example, of iron will be overestimated. In recent cases, the use of such water for drinking is strictly prohibited.

high water

To prevent the formation of high water, they can often refine the area with the help of planting plants that would delay the melting of snow, or create special lintels that are resistant to water pressure. The construction of special branches to ponds, wells, and rivers is also widespread. If the area with the predominant desert areas needs to be filled with water or a special lens made of water is created, then ditches or small holes are usually created into which atmospheric water is discharged. So a good source of fresh water is formed.

How do subsoil waters affect suburban farming?

As already mentioned, the emergence of the ringleader is seasonal. Nowadays, many people are moving to live outside the bustle of the city, closer to nature, where they will face the problem of groundwater. What it consists of: the construction of the foundation can float if, for example, the construction of the house is in the area where the water is located. It may be absent during the construction period, therefore, together with specialists, it is necessary to assess the situation that may form during the rainy season or during the spring snowfall.

Useful tips for those who find a tip-top in their area and don’t know what to do with it:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the maximum that the water of the high water reaches in different seasons. How to do it? It is necessary to examine the water level in a nearby well or, for example, a well.
  • The easiest way to find out where the tip is formed is to observe in the summertime where in your area the largest number of midges gather, especially in the absence of wind. In the mornings, fog can form in the same places, since you should not forget that the water hatch is underground water, but near its surface.
  • If your site is overgrown with a hygrophilous plant (fern, reeds), then you can be sure one hundred percent, all this because of the presence of a halt in these places.

Drilling process

One of the effective methods for finding water, located next to the surface of the earth, is drilling. It has a reconnaissance character, which means that the moment of the operation is important. That is, such an event should be performed during periods of greatest accumulation of water in the subsoil.

Suppose, after drilling, it turns out that the overhead does not increase in height by more than two and a half meters from the surface layer, then it is possible to design a strip foundation with medium depth. It is important to consider the number of planned floors.

what is a trapeze definition

In the case of a greater flooding of the soil with water (they may already be groundwater) and an increase in the depth of the water surface, the foundation should consist of a monolithic support, similar to an inverted bowl.

How to choose a place for water intake

Very interesting moment of well creation. Vovodok is the closest option for developing a local or personal water supply. First of all, the seeker of such a source needs to be sure of suitable water for use in domestic activities. What you need to check before you install your water supply canal:

  • The vyshvodok should be at a considerable distance from the places where the waste of the toilet, bath rooms or various barns with hazardous chemicals (especially with petroleum products) go. By measurements, you need to determine fifty meters from such structures.
  • Considerable distance from places where they are engaged in agricultural activities (dairy farms, a warehouse where fertilizer substances are stored, and so on).

Plus, to install the parts for supplying water to the house from the overhead well , you need to remember about protection with filters.

Danger to humans

The dangers of groundwater are precisely for construction. Therefore, for all foundations in such an area, it is necessary to do additional waterproofing. Probably, many have heard about the destruction of foundations to such an extent that cracks originating from the very bottom literally divided the house into several parts. The overhead also reduces the stability of the soil itself, at some point the house may just begin to go underground. The dampness in the basement will gradually go along the walls to the upper compartments of the structure, and this is a rather unprofitable factor for health, since the formation of mold will not be stopped.

What is groundwater

The name of the waters going deep from the top is groundwater. Most often, they are a solid water layer and do not have any waterproof layers on top. Groundwater level is determined by drilling and installing a well at the depth where the first manifestations were discovered. Groundwater is very different from artesian in that it is more susceptible to changes in the atmosphere. Forests, steppes and forest-steppe areas may possess predominantly fresh groundwater, but already in dry steppes and semi-deserts the waters will be salty.

A large concentration of groundwater is located in the reclaimed strata of the valleys located within the nearest rivers. Lowlands and ravines spill groundwater, creating natural spring formations that are a source of nutrition for lakes and ponds.

water well

How to lower the water level

If a situation has occurred that requires an urgent decrease in the water level, then two effective methods can be used: digging channels, that is, creating a surface drainage from the flood site, and creating a drainage system.

What drainage can be used:

  • Without the use of pipes - dug ditches must be covered with sand or gravel, even brushwood is used. On top of the ditch is covered with a clay layer, which is compacted so that it does not let in a large amount of water.
    water depth
  • Using pipes. That is, the ditches are filled with special polymer pipes, at a depth of about one and a half meters. Where the channels intersect, they build wells.
  • The use of needle filters is the case when there are special needle filters on the pipes. In these cases, the pipes are connected to a pump, which, using vacuum pumping, draws water from the soil and discharges it into the drainage system.


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