What do animals of the Arctic eat? What animals live in the Arctic?

The Arctic and Antarctic are areas located around the North and South poles of the Earth, respectively. As you know, our planet has the so-called Earth axis. It is invisible and passes through the upper and lower points of the planet. These very points - this is the Arctic and Antarctic. The wildlife is also unique here.

It is known that the Subarctic and Arctic deserts are inhabited by more than 20,000 different species of plants, fungi, animals, and microorganisms. It is noteworthy that each organism living in such extreme conditions is unique in its own way. In this article, we are interested in the most vibrant inhabitants of the eternal Arctic ice. Let's get to know them better and find out how the animals of the Arctic live and what they eat.

Harsh winter in the Arctic

Life near the extreme poles of the Earth is real survival games. Winter in the so-called Subpolar Region is generally a time of cold, hunger and, of course, darkness. For this reason, many animals of the Arctic and Subarctic for winter travel to regions with a more sparing climate. The fact is that life at high latitudes of the globe fluctuates, like a huge pendulum.

what animals of the Arctic eat

For example, when winter reigns in the northern hemisphere of the planet, it retreats from the Arctic, advancing to the Antarctic. It was there that many marine animals and birds roam at that time. When birds fly north in the summer, winter is coming in Antarctica. Here is such a natural arithmetic. But we are not interested in the climate and the change of seasons in this area, but what animals live in the Arctic. We’ll talk about this.

Arctic Tern

Above, we compared life in the Arctic with the wobble of a giant pendulum. If we continue to speak the language of metaphors, the tip of this very pendulum is inevitably embodied in the annual flights of the uniquely colored Arctic bird - the polar tern. In the so-called northern summer, it nests in the highest latitudes of the Earth’s northern hemisphere, and when winter comes, it moves to the coast of the Antarctic islands. Here are such moving birds.

It is interesting to know what the animals of the Arctic, having wings and plumage, in particular, Arctic tern, feed on? The “menu” of this bird in such harsh conditions of survival is not very diverse. Arctic terns feed on small crustaceans, mollusks and fish, which they so love to catch in Arctic waters. Every autumn and winter, these birds make long flights - with a length of 10,000 km. They cross the equator to settle in the Arctic and not live in the eternal darkness of the polar night. This is a real test for them!

Master of the Arctic

The universally recognized symbol of the North, of course, is the polar bear. Moreover, it is the largest land predator in the world. Adult males can reach 3 m (or more) from the muzzle to the edge of the tail and up to 1.5 m at the withers. Moreover, their weight can exceed a whole ton! The bear, standing on its hind legs, generally becomes a four-meter giant! But such individuals, fortunately, are quite rare here. Usually, males weigh about 400 kg, and females weigh about 200 kg. The smallest polar bears are found in the south of Greenland.

what animals live in the arctic

The life of animals in the Arctic is subject to certain laws of nature. For example, one of the conditions for survival in such extreme conditions is the ability to merge with the environment. That is why many people in the Arctic are light or pure white. By the way, the color of the hair of a polar bear cannot be called exclusively white. Polar bears usually stand out against the background of snow and ice with a certain yellowness of their cover. The fur of these predators is wavy, but close-fitting to the body. Its length is also different. A very long coat covers the back side of the paws of the beast, and a short coat covers its head.

Polar bears are mobile predators. They easily overcome deep snows and icy waters. Speaking about what the animals of the Arctic eat, one cannot but remember the diet of polar bears. These animals live on drifting sea ice, where, in fact, they hunt. They gladly lift up seals, walruses, etc. As soon as the victim sticks his head out of the water, a polar bear immediately stuns it with a healthy paw, then pulls it out of the water onto the ice and enjoys it at pleasure.

Another Arctic inhabitant is sea seals!

What animals still live in the Arctic? Well, for example, sea seals. These mammals, like polar bears, are regulars in the icy Arctic deserts. The most famous harp seal. Its hallmark is a beautiful and specific pattern on the skin. Another type of seals - sea hares - are among the largest in the Arctic. Along with them there are common seals with beautiful and expressive eyes, as well as ringed seals. This species is much smaller than its counterparts, but its representatives perfectly dig holes in the snow. Sea seals feed mainly on fish and shellfish.

living arctic animals

To all penguins a penguin!

Penguins are birds that cannot fly. Among them are their "kings." King Penguin is one of the largest species of these birds in the whole world. Its height reaches 1 m, and weight - 15 kg. King penguins love to gather in numerous flocks on the islands of the Arctic. There they mate, after which they unite in colonies of more than 1000 individuals and grow new offspring. What do the animals of the Arctic, called king penguins, eat? Of course, fish and small clams! By the way, these birds can dive into ice water to a depth of 50 m.

animals of the arctic and subarctic

The eternal companion of the polar bear

It's about the northern fox. This is a small polar fox, at all times being the companion of a polar bear. Unfortunately, these predators are exterminated for their thick and beautiful fur. They are currently under protection. Arctic foxes are animals of the Arctic and tundra (other natural zones located beyond the northern limits of forest vegetation). In addition, these are real wanderers. Like polar bears, they wander around the Arctic: leaving the native tundra for young arctic foxes is the most common thing. In the summer, these handsome men feed on small rodents, and in the winter they pick up the remains of their food for polar bears. Such is the harsh living Arctic!

animal life in the arctic

Arctic animals. Wolverine

It is impossible not to mention the so-called demon of the North, or Wolverine. This predator from the Kunih family is a real glutton and a fierce hunter. Wolverines often attack livestock, and sometimes people, for which they were massacred not so long ago. Currently, these animals are found only in remote corners of Alaska, Canada and Siberia. In the summer, wolverines switch to pasture: they feed on carrion, insect larvae, bird eggs, nuts and fruits. This is explained by the fact that in the summer these predators cannot hunt as professionally as in the winter.

animals of the arctic and tundra

The largest smooth whale of the North

The bowhead whale is a marine mammal. His other name is a whiskered whale. What is interesting about this inhabitant of the northern waters? This is a representative of the smooth whale family. They are named so because of the absence on the throat and belly of all kinds of furrows and stripes. The maximum length of the bowhead whale is 22 m with a weight of 140 tons. It lives in the cold waters of the Northern hemisphere of the Earth. These animals feed exclusively on plankton, consisting of crustaceans and mollusks. It's hard to believe, but an adult male bowhead whale can eat up to 2 tons of food every day!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26725/

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