Soviet tales. List of the best Soviet fairy tales for children

Generations of modern mothers and grandmothers in childhood read these tales of Soviet writers. The list cannot contain all your favorite books, so it can be perceived as a list of the best authors of that era.

soviet tales list

“The Adventures of Dunno,” N. N. Nosov

We begin to list Soviet fairy tales. The list is headed by the Nosov trilogy on the adventure of tiny little men. Little Fidget Dunno is experiencing amazing adventures in the company of her friends. He visits the Green and Sunny city and even sets off for the moon!

“Clutch, Low shoes and Moss Beard”, E. Raud

This book of the Estonian writer also tells about the adventures of small men - the Naxitrall. They look a bit like gnomes but don’t wear beards. The first hero wears a thick sleeve both in winter and in summer, the second has socks of his boots cut off, and the third with a beard from real moss. Together, friends save the city from cats, help out a wounded viper and help the owner find a family medallion.

Soviet fairy tales for children list

“The Adventures of Alice”, K. Bulychev

For many adults, Soviet fairy tales instilled a love of fiction. The list of the best books continues the cycle of Cyrus Bulychev's “The Adventures of Alice”. This extraordinary girl travels in space, travels in time and meets various monsters and pirates. Her honesty, kindness and courage will teach young readers a lot.

“In the country of unlearned lessons”, L. B. Geraskina

This story about a negligent student Viktor Perestukin inspired many Soviet children to improve academic performance. And she certainly very clearly told about the need to know the rules of punctuation. Even if you saw the cartoon of the same name, do not refuse to read the book.

“Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, V. Gubarev

We continue to list Soviet fairy tales for children. The list is complemented by the story of the girl Ola, who falls into a magical land, where everything is vice versa. There, she gets acquainted with her reflection, which embodies the worst features of a schoolgirl. Adventures in Through the Looking Glass allowed us to look at the lazy and capricious heroine from the side.

“Ural Tales”, P. P. Bazhov

From childhood, modern parents remember the most beautiful Ural tales of Bazhov, which became a real classic of Russian literature. This collection includes well-known tales about a stone flower, a malachite box, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Fire-Poskakushka, the Silver Hoof.

children's tales soviet list

"Tales of the Little Mashenka", S. Mogilevskaya

What do Soviet fairy tales teach? The list continues with a collection of fairy tales about the little girl Masha. Magical stories constantly happen to her. She becomes very tiny, meets talking animals, visits Baba Yaga and finds herself in amazing countries. And from each of her journeys, the girl learns useful lessons - how important it is to be kind and responsive, to obey the elders and help them.

“Stories and Tales”, V.V. Bianchi

And today, small tales and stories of Bianchi are the best works of nature for children. These sketches will teach kids to solve the mysteries of the forest, tell about the secrets of animals, birds, plants.

“Wormwood Tales”, J. Koval

These little magical stories occur in the small village of Polynovka. The main character is a little girl Lyolya, her mother and friends. The book takes us to the bright childhood of Loli, the daughter of a rural teacher. The reader looks at the world through her eyes, at the same time childishly naive and surprisingly insightful.

"Uncle Styopa", S. Mikhalkov

We all know the lines from the poems of Sergei Mikhalkov, “What about you?”, “Kittens”, “About the girl who ate badly.” They embed themselves in memory, they are recited by the smallest. But the favorite hero of the children is Uncle Styopa, about whom three works were written. The kind giant policeman instantly wins the hearts of all the kids.

“Charging for the tail”, G. B. Oster

Oster's works are original and dramatically different from other children's stories because of a kind of humor. Books from the series "Bad Advice" are very famous, but the collections of fairy tales "Kitten named Woof" and "Charging for the tail" are popular largely due to cartoons. It will be interesting for any child not only to watch, but also to read funny stories about a monkey, an elephant, a boa constrictor and a parrot.

Moidodyr, K. I. Chukovsky

Korney Chukovsky wrote many of the best Soviet fairy tales. The list is supplemented by one of his most famous works - Moidodyr. This well-known story about a boy who didn’t want to wash himself was loved by more than one generation.

The Wizard of the Emerald City, A. M. Volkov

A series of books entitled "The Wizard of the Emerald City", which was born after the revision of the work of an American writer, was loved by millions of Soviet boys and girls. This is a story about Ally's adventures in a magical land, as well as about her friends Leo, Scarecrow and Lumberjack.

best soviet tales list

“Deniskins Stories”, V. Dragunsky

Tales of the adventures of the boy Denis Korablev and his friends did not let Soviet children get bored. And at least they taught that everything secret becomes apparent. The restless hero poured tasteless porridge from the window, changed the dump truck for a firefly, released a ball and sang louder than anyone else at a music lesson.

“Tales of the Hedgehog and Teddy Bear”, S. Kozlov

We continue to list Soviet tales. The list goes on with a series of stories about the Hedgehog and his friend Teddy Bear. These touching and naive tales not only teach good, but also make you think. The gentle atmosphere of the book is very different from the fervent cartoons, based on the adventures of friends "Autumn Ships", "Tryam, Hello."

“Flower-seven-flower”, V. Kataev

The tale of Valentin Kataev about the girl Zhenya, who received a magic flower with seven colorful petals as a gift, teaches children that toys and sweets are not the main thing. With the help of a simple spell, the girl could fulfill any of her wishes, but she needed to use almost all the petals to make out truly important things. This kind story has become for many one of my favorites.

tales of Soviet writers list

The Twelve Months, S. Ya. Marshak

All year, months follow their course. But one day, on New Year's Eve, the girl, whom the evil stepmother sent at night to the forest, meets them together in a clearing by the fire. So begins the play of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, on which the cartoon of the same name was shot. Both adults and children love to watch it today.

“Tales in Pictures”, V. Suteev

Many Soviet fairy tales were turned into cartoons. The list is completed by the book of Vladimir Suteev. In his work, history cannot be separated from illustrations, because their author is not only a writer, but also an artist. On the pages of Suteev’s books, beloved Soviet cartoons come to life.


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