Documents for a new passport: a list for adults and children

Modern people travel a lot. They travel to different cities and even countries. But for a successful trip, you must have a foreign passport. Without it, a person remains in the status of “travel abroad”. Therefore, further we will consider documents for a new passport in Russia. In addition, we will familiarize ourselves with the procedure for processing the relevant paper in all details. Then it will be possible to cope with the task as soon as possible. And no problems with the operation will arise.

What does a biometric passport look like

Characteristics of a foreign passport

First, find out what a "foreigner" is. This is an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territories of foreign states. Traveling around the world is problematic without it.

A foreign passport of a new sample is a small booklet resembling a civil identification card. It contains the biometric data of the owner. For example, fingerprints. This paper is valid for 10 years, after which it is subject to exchange.

Where do they give out

Where to submit documents for a new passport? There is no definite answer to this question. The mentioned service may be provided by different authorities.

To date, applications and packages of papers accept:

  • single window services;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • My Documents
  • Departments of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • migration services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • passport and visa centers;
  • passport desks.

Accordingly, citizens can independently decide where to carry documents for a new passport. The main thing is to correctly form a package of relevant components.

Important: in Russia, you can apply for “foreigners” via the Internet. For this, a service called "State Services" is used.

Photos of the documents


Before preparing papers for a “abroad”, a citizen must understand that the issuance of the said document for traveling outside the Russian Federation is not free. It requires certain costs. They are called state duties.

The cost of a new type of passport is set depending on the age of the recipients. In 2018, citizens who draw up paper for a child under 14 pay 1,500 rubles, all the rest - 3,500 rubles.

Important: before the start of 2019, when a state fee is paid for an operation through the State Services portal, citizens receive a 30% discount. Therefore, some prefer to pay for the service through the said service.

References for children under 14

The list of documents for a passport in Russia is diverse. As we have already said, people will have to prepare different help packages depending on the situation.

Let's start with the "foreign" for children. This refers to the category of citizens under 14 years of age. In this case, the parents prepare:

  • completed application form;
  • photo of the child (can be done on the spot);
  • minor birth certificate;
  • passport of one of the legal representatives;
  • fee paid receipt.

This is usually enough. If the minor already had a “foreigner”, an expired document will have to be added. Otherwise, serious problems will arise with the design of a new copy of the paper.

Children after 14 years old

The documents required to obtain a new passport are diverse. The next scenario is the receipt of documentation by a child after 14 years. The previously presented package of components will be slightly changed.

Application for passport

Documents for a new passport for a child after 14 years old include:

  • statement of the established form;
  • child's civil passport (preferably with a copy);
  • personal photos of the minor;
  • receipt of paid duty;
  • passport or other document confirming the rights of the parent (for example, birth certificate);
  • old "foreign" (if available).

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. It is advisable to have a certificate with the registration of a minor. Usually, there are no problems with the preparation of binding papers for the manufacture of a “abroad”.

For adults

What package of documents for applying for a new passport will have to be attached to the application by adults? Inquiries are required different. They are much more than in the case of children.

To begin, consider the main package of papers. Among them are:

  • personal photos on documents;
  • application for the issuance of a “foreigner”;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • old passport, if any.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that these are mandatory components. Further, the package of references will vary depending on the situation.

Only men

The list of documents for a new type of passport includes additional information. For example, for men.

Young people must necessarily attach a military ID or a certificate of the established form stating that the applicant did not serve in the army.

Important: in some points of receipt of applications for a passport, they may request a registered certificate. This requirement is considered illegal. Juveniles cannot be asked for "attribution."

Military ID

Military personnel

But what else can be useful to citizens for the implementation of the task? Documents for a new passport include a number of non-standard papers.

For example, for the military. Military personnel (both men and women) must, without fail, at the time of service, bring the commander’s permission to receive the paper under study. Otherwise, the "abroad" will not be issued. Failure will be legal.


Sometimes there are situations in which the “foreigner” is issued by the employer in order to send an employee on a business trip or for an internship. This situation provides for special preparation for the process.

Documents for a foreign passport to a child

The thing is that under such circumstances, people will have to attach the direction of the employer or organization sending the applicant outside of Russia.

Date of issue

After receiving documents for a new passport, the person will have to wait a while. The studied service is provided at different times. Much depends on the circumstances in which the application was submitted.

You can focus on such data:

  • application to the registration authority for registration - 1 month;
  • military personnel and persons holding information on state secrets - 3 months;
  • Filing an application not by registration - 4 months.

In addition, there is an accelerated process of registration of "abroad". In this case, a passport of a foreign type will be issued within a few days. But for the rapid provision of services will have to confirm the existence of certain grounds.

"Government services" and ordering a passport

Help for quick registration

Documents for a new passport of a new type to a pensioner will need exactly the same as a regular adult. Only in addition does he attach a pension certificate to the application.

As already mentioned, citizens can get a “abroad” in an accelerated mode. This may come in handy:

  • medical certificates and directions for operations / urgent procedures outside the Russian Federation;
  • job invitations calling to come to the country as soon as possible;
  • extracts requiring a person from Russia to come to another state (for example, a request to immediately pick up the body of a deceased relative).

In fact, help for a quick request for a "foreigner" is rare. Therefore, in this scenario it is not necessary to focus attention.

When replacing a document

We examined almost all the documents for a new passport. But what else can be useful in the process of obtaining the corresponding service?

Suppose a person needs to replace an existing document. Then the applicant will be required not only the certificates listed above, but also in addition:

  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • certificates of change of name / surname;
  • statements indicating sex change;
  • adoption documentation.

It is worth noting that data on children under 14 years of age do not fit into biometric passports. Therefore, children's inquiries are not required.

Instructions on request

And how to get a "foreign" in Russia? The simplest instruction will help to cope with the task.

Russian passport for a foreign passport

Guidelines for issuing foreign passports looks like this:

  1. Generate a package of documents for receiving the service. We have reviewed the relevant lists.
  2. Fill out the application form. The form can be taken at the registration authority.
  3. Make a fee for the procedure.
  4. Apply to the selected registration authority.
  5. Pick up a ready-made foreign passport at the appointed time, having passed fingerprinting. Persons over 12 years old are exposed to her.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Now we know what kind of help for the "abroad" to prepare in a particular case. The procedure should not be troublesome.


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