Moscow method of growing seedlings - landless way

Vegetables can be grown in seedlings and seedlings. However, when sowing seeds directly into the soil in the early stages, the probability of frost damage is high. Also, to accelerate the production of vegetable products or when growing pepper and large-fruited tall tomatoes, seedlings can not be dispensed with. To obtain planting material, there are several different ways. It is grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses, as well as at home. This is a rather troublesome business, requiring certain skills and knowledge, as well as material costs.

Moscow method of growing seedlings
In the autumn, the preparation of a special earthen mix, as well as seedlings, is required. There are alternative methods of producing seedlings, which include growing plants without an earthen mixture. One of them is the Moscow method of growing seedlings. It is affordable and simple as well as economical.

Seedling without land: the merits of the method

The key to a plentiful and high-quality crop is a viable planting material. Plants must be strong and perfectly healthy. With the classical method of producing seedlings, the probability of plant disease is high. The most responsible period is the appearance of sprouts in the first weeks of their development. Still immature plants, under adverse conditions of maintenance or in the presence of infection in the earthen mixture or seedling capacity, become ill with a black leg. This dangerous disease can destroy all seedlings. The Moscow method of growing seedlings will help to eliminate such troubles.

Moscow method of growing tomato seedlings
This method significantly reduces the survival period of plants when diving or landing in the open ground. This advantage makes it possible to shift the timing of sowing seeds by several weeks. In this case, the appearance of sprouts will occur during the period when daylight will be longer. And the Moscow method of growing seedlings has other advantages. Full-grown seedlings grow in a limited space, which is important in urban apartments.

Technology features

To obtain seedlings without land you will need paper, plastic film, plastic cups, vegetable seeds and biostimulants. As a paper base, paper towels or toilet paper are used. First, they cut the plastic film into strips, the width of which should not be less than 10 cm. Their length can be different. Lay out strips of film on which to place a piece of paper. It is moisturized. Now begin to sow the seeds.

Moscow method of growing pepper seedlings
They are evenly laid out in several rows. From the edges of the paper is maintained at least a centimeter. After sowing, cover with a second layer of paper, which is moistened. The final layer will be a film. Next, an unusual garden bed is rolled up. So that it does not unfold, fasten with a thread or rubber band. This design is placed in a plastic cup, on which a marker is made about the plant variety. As a container, you can use various improvised materials. For seedlings even cut plastic bottles are fitted. Pour water into the container. The seed roll should be 4 cm recessed.

The Moscow method of growing seedlings allows you to get seed germination within two weeks. Tanks with rolls are placed on the windowsill. Water is periodically changed. After the appearance of the sprouts, a few drops of a growth stimulator are added to the liquid.

Moscow method of growing tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are a popular type of vegetable crop. Gardeners with many years of experience probably have their own collection of favorite tomato varieties, proven over the years . Particularly valuable specimens are necessarily grown in seedlings. However, with the classic version, plants can become sick and die. The Moscow method of growing seedlings will allow not only to grow healthy specimens of precious seedlings, but also to monitor each stage of the development of the sprout. Sowing seeds is carried out according to the above technology. When two leaves appear, seedlings can be peaked in a greenhouse or cups.

Characteristics of growing pepper

A heat-loving plant with a long vegetative period is grown mainly in seedlings. Pepper seeds germinate within seven or twelve days. The grown planting material will hurt and take root poorly if the roots are disturbed during planting in open ground. Therefore, in the conventional method, a separate cup is provided for each plant. This significantly increases the area for placement of seedlings. At home, this is fraught with certain difficulties. The Moscow method of growing pepper seedlings does not require much space and has a more gentle way of planting seedlings, which will save the roots from damage. After two leaves are formed, seedlings can be planted in spring greenhouses or in open ground. To do this, roll up.

Moscow method of growing cabbage seedlings

Cabbage cultivation

Seedling is clearly visible in paper layers. Weak or poorly developed plants are rejected. The seedling is separated from the paper roll tape along with the paper. In this form, it is planted in the ground. Paper tape will not harm the seedling during the period of development and growth.

Not only heat-loving plants, but also cold-resistant plants are grown through seedlings. First of all, it is an early and cauliflower. The planting period of late-ripening and medium varieties of cabbage falls on the first days of June. Seedlings for this period can be grown under the film in the garden or in film greenhouses. For early ripening varieties, the Moscow method of growing cabbage seedlings is suitable. The technology of the landless method is similar to that used in the cultivation of tomatoes or peppers. Ready for beds seedlings has a few real leaves.

Seedlings of flowers

Among garden plants, there are those that are difficult to grow from seeds sown directly into the ground. These are, first of all, flowers having small seed material. An example would be petunia. This moody beauty has very small seeds that are sown superficially. Emerging seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging and quite often are affected by a black leg. The Moscow method of growing petunia seedlings will help to cope with unpleasant moments. In this case, the second method of the landless method of growing seedlings is used. You will need a plastic container. It can be made from a transparent plastic bottle, which is cut along. At the bottom of the container, eight layers of toilet paper or napkins are laid. They are well moisturized. In this case, there should be no excessive moisture.

Moscow method of growing petunias
Small moist petunia seeds are laid out on wet paper. They are lightly pressed for tight contact with the surface of the improvised soil. The container is placed in a plastic bag. To get the greenhouse effect, it is tied. Additional hydration is not required. There will be enough condensate. In two weeks, small sprouts will appear. After this, the root system develops first, and then the leaves of the flower. The Moscow method of growing seedlings will allow you to grow strong petunia seedlings, which are transplanted from the plastic container into the ground.


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