American Embassy in Moscow: History of the Diplomatic Mission

The American Embassy in Moscow is considered one of the most extensive in area and numerous in terms of staff. In 2017, a significant reduction in staff was made, but this should be considered a temporary measure, since bilateral Russian-American relations are distinguished by a peculiar cyclical nature.

american and russian flags

A Brief History of Bilateral Relations

The United States quickly after gaining independence became a very influential power on both continents and actively intervened in the affairs of its neighbors, whether it be British Canada or Mexico. At the same time, the Russian Empire had its possessions on the North American continent, which created all the necessary conditions for close cooperation between the two countries.

After the sale of Alaska by Russia, relations between the two states improved significantly, and during the American Civil War, Russian authorities sided with the northern states in their struggle against the slave-owning south.

Presidents of the USA and Russia

Relations between the USSR and the USA

However, after the October Revolution, a tense period began in bilateral relations, which lasted until 1933, when America nevertheless recognized the Soviet Union. The first head of the American embassy in Moscow in 1933 was William Bullitt, who held this position for three years.

Throughout the following period, until the collapse of the USSR, relations ranged from pragmatic cooperation and friendly interaction to active confrontation and military clashes on the territory of third countries.

New US Embassy Building

How the embassy was built

In most world capitals, American embassies are very impressive complexes that occupy vast areas in the city center and are well-guarded. As for the American embassy in Moscow, the idea of ​​building a large complex first appeared in 1934, when diplomatic relations between the two countries resumed.

Although in 1934 Stalin personally promised the American ambassador a plot of land on the Sparrow Hills, the negotiations were unsuccessful, and the embassy was forced to occupy an existing building in the immediate vicinity of the Kremlin.

In 1953, the mission moved to Tchaikovsky Street, renamed Novinsky Boulevard today. However, it soon became clear that the space provided was insufficient for effective work, and the safety of employees could not be ensured at the proper level. It was decided to start negotiations to expand the area of ​​representation, which ended only by 1972.

As a result, an agreement was reached on the construction of an eight-story building on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow, and detailed instructions indicated areas of responsibility and deadlines that all participants in the process should follow. Along with the construction of the American embassy in Moscow in Washington, the construction of the Russian embassy began. Thus, the most important principle of reciprocity in diplomacy was respected.

U.S. Embassy in Russia

The structure of the American embassy in Moscow

The US Embassy in Russia has a complex ramified structure with a large number of departments and divisions. The important units of the embassy are two US Consulates General - in Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok. The head of the diplomatic mission is Ambassador John Handsman, he has an assistant, Anthony Godfrey.

The embassy structure includes political, economic, administrative and consular departments, as well as press and culture divisions and a security service.

Due to the fact that in 2017 the staff of the embassy was significantly reduced at the request of the Russian side, delays in issuing American tourist visas began to arise. Today, the waiting period for an interview reaches three hundred days. In order to speed up the process of obtaining a visa, American diplomats advise contacting neighboring countries, since the concept of consular districts does not exist for Americans. The most popular among Russians are Tbilisi and Yerevan, for trips to which a visa is not required. Also popular are Riga and Tallinn.

Where to get a visa

For many Russians, an American visa is a long-awaited one, and therefore there are many questions with obtaining it, since this visa is considered one of the most difficult for travelers.

The exact address of the American embassy is: Moscow, Presnensky district, per. Bolshoi Devyatinsky, 8. In the immediate vicinity is the old office building of the diplomatic mission on Novinsky Boulevard. The address of the American embassy in Moscow has remained unchanged for several decades. US ambassadors value the location of the mission very much, as it is in close proximity to Russian government bodies and the main places of diplomatic meetings.

The American Embassy in Russia is engaged in a very wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation, from international security to agriculture.

Before contacting the US Embassy or Consulate General, you should carefully study the information on the website of the diplomatic mission. All the necessary information is available on a very detailed and easy-to-use official mission portal. There you can find out about the size of the consular fee and the waiting time for an interview.


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