Which spray gun to choose: HVLP or LVLP? How to distinguish HVLP spray gun from LVLP? LVLP spray guns: reviews

Painting equipment and hand-held spraying machines are usually selected according to the characteristics of power, ergonomics and tank volume. This is quite true, but experts delve deeper into the nuances of device design, which allows them to determine the most suitable model for a particular case. In particular, one of the first they pose the question of which airbrush to choose: HVLP or LVLP? Many inexperienced users can mistakenly opt for the LVLP system only for the reason that it is more modern and such models are more expensive - respectively, they are of better quality. But not everything is so simple, and the unique combination of operational properties of HVLP devices also has strengths.

spray guns lvlp

Key differences between HVLP and LVLP technologies

Both systems are structural mechanisms oriented to regulate the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the spray gun. By manipulating the balance between the volume of exhaust and air consumption, manufacturers improve the operational properties of the apparatus. What is the difference between the two systems?

HVLP models were originally designed to minimize the amount of random paint consumption. Such an expense is typical for all instruments operating on the principle of a spray gun. By reducing the pressure on the working head, this technology allows you to reduce the number of small droplets of the composition that settle outside the zone of the treated area.

At the same time, maintenance of mechanisms that operate with high inlet pressure ratios requires the use of high capacities. And this problem is precisely solved by the spray guns of the LVLP system, in which not only the outlet pressure is minimized, but also the amount of paint consumed. But the air consumption remains as high - thanks to this, LVLP tools can be used in small workshops, construction and industry.

HVLP spray gun reviews

airbrush lvlp reviews

Among the advantages of this technology, the owners note the rational consumption of the paintwork composition. What is important: reduction of unnecessary paint consumption occurs in all models, regardless of power and performance. According to experts, technologists are able to achieve 70 percent preservation of the produced paint particles.

But there are also disadvantages of devices implemented on this principle. The main one is that the force of the air stream remains high, so users also note an intensive consumption of paintwork. By the way, the LVLP spray gun lacks this flaw. Feedback on HVLP technology in this context is negative for the reason that the high atomization power often does not allow you to get the desired quality result. Moreover, this applies not so much to the uniformity of application of the composition as to the regulation of the coating thickness.

Reviews of spray guns with LVLP technology

spray gun hvlp or lvlp

Models of this group favorably reveal such qualities of spray guns as accuracy, balance and softness of application. The strengths of LVLP models include the possibility of saving not only paint, but also energy consumption.

As for the minuses, this option is not suitable for productive volumetric processing of surfaces with dense paint and varnish layers. Therefore, it is often used in delicate operations - for example, for decorative coating of a single element. Actually, for the same reason, LVLP spray guns are designed with the ability to produce detailed composition feed settings. Masters working in the field of paintwork indicate that the multifunctional apparatus of this system allows you to flexibly adjust the nozzle specifically for specific working conditions. Obviously, this affects the final result.

How to distinguish HVLP spray gun from LVLP?

which spray gun to choose hvlp or lvlp

To distinguish between two varieties of spray guns by external signs is also not difficult. Firstly, you can focus on a standardized marking, which is expressed in the form of a color designation. Both the adjusting screws and the air cap of the spray gun receive the appropriate color scheme. In particular, for HVLP models, these components of the structure turn green, and the pneumatic spray gun LVLP is painted in blue.

But also by other signs it is possible to understand which system a particular model belongs to. HVLP devices most often have a more massive structure, can be equipped with plastic parts, etc. In turn, LVLP dictates the rules of minimalism. These are compact devices, almost completely made of metal, with the exception of accessories and fittings.

Price Comparison

When comparing two models by price, it is important to consider one nuance. Both spray guns are quite difficult to combine into each other price categories from the point of view of equal characteristics. But performance is often the main factor in setting prices. That is, both tools, depending on the modification, can be available on the market both for 2-3 thousand rubles, and for 20 thousand.

But LVLP spray guns with a cost of 7 thousand may not correspond at all to the HVLP model of similar cost in terms of technical and operational properties. If you align both instruments with technical specifications, then LVLP will cost many times more.

how to distinguish hvlp spray gun from lvlp

Which option to prefer?

It would be a mistake to think that the LVLP system is more technological, which means that it is worth focusing on it in the first place. This technology optimally manifests itself only in a certain category of paint and varnish operations. As a rule, this applies to accurate coloring with decorative and artistic design, where a large consumption of composition is not required at all.

If it is planned to carry out large-scale tasks within the framework of the production workshop, for example, the question of which spray gun to choose - HVLP or LVLP, is decided differently. In this case, it will be justified to purchase a model with the HVLP system, since in production it may be necessary to combine the volumetric flow rate of the paint material and high performance. Of course, in the case of such a decision, the ability of the tool to economically disperse the composition will be preserved.

lvlp spray guns

Alternative RP Technology

Noteworthy is the RP system, which may well compete with both technologies. Its feature is the regulation of the inlet pressure and the absence of correction of this parameter at the outlet. Devices of this type usually operate with a slight pressure - an average of 2.5 bar. From the point of view of the quality of the result, LVLP spray guns are more profitable than RP guns, and in terms of performance they are ahead of the HVLP models.

Why is the RP system attractive? Firstly, it is universal and can be combined with low-power devices, forming separate segments in the market. Secondly, such a tool is much cheaper - the price tag of some models is up to 1 thousand.


pneumatic spray gun lvlp

It is necessary to determine the principle device, the pros and cons of the paint supply control system at the first stage of selection. But then you should consider a lot of other operational qualities. Among them, one can single out the power potential, the volume of air flow per minute, the type of placement and tank capacity, as well as the mass of the gun. Also spray guns LVLP and HVLP can be pneumatic and electric. The choice by this criterion depends on the conditions of use of the tool. More convenient to use are models connected to the mains. They do not require a permanent connection with the compressor station and can be freely used without special training within the work site.

However, pneumatic devices are indispensable when it comes to working activities in places where there is no access to an outlet. In addition, the lack of an electric engine provides such devices with ease of control and a high degree of ergonomics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26741/

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