Samoyed: owner reviews about the dog breed

The characteristics of the Samoyed breed and reviews of its happy owners will help create a general idea of ​​these dogs. To make a choice in favor of any of the breeds, you need to carefully study its description, see pets live, chat with breeders and owners.

The little Samoyed puppy is always a cute creature that asks to play on the hands. As you grow older, traits of character and exterior, learning abilities become more pronounced. By studying the pedigree of the selected litter, you can learn about the exhibition and sports achievements of the ancestors, the health of the bloodline.

History of the breed and its purpose

Dogs of this breed have existed for several thousand years. Representatives of the northern peoples of Russia actively used them as sled dogs, hunters, watchmen and nannies for children. Samoyed dogs helped graze deer.

Walking with a Samoyed

Four-legged were allowed to be in a yurt. Little children played with them, and the dogs looked after them. They say that people could sleep with them in an embrace to warm themselves.

The population of Samoyeds in Russia was almost lost, but people managed to bring representatives of this species to Europe. Thanks to the successful work of breeders, the breed has survived to this day in the best possible way. The first dogs were brought to Russia in 1989 from Denmark and subsequently breeding was built on their basis.

The name "Samoyed" comes from the name of the tribe "Samoyeds", who lived in the northern part of Russia. Samoyeds - the old name of the Nenets, which came from the phrase "saam jedna" ("Sami Land").


An elegant medium-sized dog with a pure white or biscuit color. The coat is thick, plentiful, forms “pants” on the back of the thigh and a collar on the neck. The structure of the coat is double: a thick and soft undercoat plus a long stiff awn. This cover protects the dog from moisture, cold, wind and overheating.

Samoyed's ears are small, upright, triangular in shape with rounded tips. Thick hair grows inside the ear, preventing cold air from entering.

A striking feature in the appearance of the Samoyed is the famous smile, which is described by the owners of Samoyeds in the reviews. This impression is created from the raised corners of the dog’s lips and the kind, cheerful look of the slanted eyes of brown color.

The tail of the Samoyed is covered with long hair and curls up on its back. Sometimes he throws himself on his back and hangs on his side. In a calm state it can be lowered to the level of the hock joint.

The limbs are muscular and straight. The movements are energetic, free. A thick coat grows between the fingers, which, like felt boots, protects the paw pads from cold and damage. The dog gives the impression of a tireless and powerful, perky and playful, able to work in a harness in severe weather conditions.

Nature and behavior

The Samoyed dog is a representative of a group of primitive breeds and belongs to the northern sled dogs. This suggests that the Samoyed has typical character traits inherent in this group.

Samoyed smile

Dogs of this breed have friendliness towards people and animals, as evidenced by reviews of the nature of the Samoyed. Aggression is not allowed by the breed standard. This dog will not become a "bodyguard", but may indicate a bark to an outsider.

Samoyed is affectionate, obedient, cheerful and playful. The dog is active and energetic, but without too much fussiness. Sometimes shows willfulness and obstinacy, but without fanaticism. Samoyed remains playful throughout life.

What to do with the dog?

Natural endurance, quick wit and contact make the representative of the breed suitable for various sports and training. In their reviews of Samoyeds, owners note abilities for domestic obedience.

Dogs work well in harnessing and are able to cover long distances in severe weather conditions. True, their speed is low, but the team of Samoyeds looks great against the backdrop of snow cover.

Samoyed team

Among other sports, owners prefer:

  • frisbee;
  • freestyle;
  • agility;
  • vaciross and skidjoring;
  • flyball;

Samoyed Care

Reviews of Samoyeds suggest that these dogs are unpretentious and undemanding in maintenance. Wool of the "wild" type is easily cleaned of dirt and sand, does not fall into worms. These dogs do not need overalls, because the hairline protects them from both heat and cold.

Samoyed does not need haircuts; the wool grows to its optimum length and creates a finished silhouette. If desired, you can trim the hair around the paw to give it a neat rounded shape.

Grooming of a Samoyed comes down to regularly combing out old wool and bathing as necessary. Shedding occurs twice a year or more if the dog is in heat.

Exhibition grooming involves particularly thorough brushing; drying it with a hairdryer and compressor while combing. To prepare for the exhibition, professional cosmetics are used, which are selected empirically.

A healthy dog ​​does not need to clean the ears and eyes. You can brush your teeth if necessary (if the four-legged one eats dry food). To do this, use a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs.

Claws are cut once every 1-3 weeks, as they grow. In animals that regularly exercise, the claws grind on their own.


Judging by the reviews of the owners of Samoyeds, it is more comfortable for dogs to be in a private house than in an apartment. This is due to the fact that at your site you can often let your pet go outside. Many keep them in insulated enclosures, subject to regular walks and communication with the four-legged.

Walking with a Samoyed dog should be active, with elements of training, play and free movement. Minimum exercise - a double walk for at least an hour each. Walks in the forest or in the field are welcome, especially in the company of other dogs.

Outdoor activities with Samoyeds

Important! When going out for a walk with the dog, the owner must put on the dog a collar and leash (in the city). The presence of the addressee will help return the pet in case of loss.

Nutrition for the Samoyed is selected individually: premium dry food (super premium) or natural nutrition. Leftovers from the table, cereals and boiled bones destroy the health of the pet.

How and where to choose a puppy?

The main rule when looking for a puppy is to take your time and evaluate your capabilities. There are a large number of nurseries breeding this breed in Russia and abroad. Approximate order of puppy search:

  • study in detail information about the breed;
  • attend dog shows (if possible, specialty);
  • look for information about nurseries;
  • determine for yourself which dogs of the kennel are most liked by type;
  • find reviews about Samoyeds of the selected nursery;
  • contact the breeder and arrange a meeting or delivery of the selected puppy.
    Samoyed puppies

The nursery must be officially registered. Puppies born outside the kennel are registered through the club. All individuals must have a stamp that is indicated in the metric. Some breeders implant the chip (at the request of the owner).

Package of required documents for the puppy:

  • Metrics.

This document is exchanged by the owner of the puppy for a pedigree. The metric shows the data of the breeder, the date of birth of the puppy, the mark of the kennel, the name of the dog and the names of its parents.

  • Veterinary passport.

It should contain information about anthelmintic measures taken and routine vaccinations. A puppy without a single vaccination is not transferred to the new owners.

The contract of sale is not mandatory, but it is desirable to issue it, coordinating with the breeder the conditions of detention and transaction.

Reviews about the Samoyed breed

Samoyed dog perfectly adapts to the rhythm of the owner's life. These pussies adore children and fun games. There are not many walks for Samoyeds - they are ready to walk in any weather with a good mood.

Most often, there are positive reviews about Samoyeds - strong and kind dogs. They note good health, cheerful disposition, friendliness. Of the negative sides, the amount of wool in the house and the periodic bark are distinguished.

Samoyed and baby

Samoyed fits the categories of "companion dog" and "dog-athlete." But before you rush to buy a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of the breed, so that the dog in the future will bring more joy than grief.


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