Museums of Athens - a list, history, interesting facts and reviews

Athens is the cradle of ancient civilization. The capital of Greece attracts tourists from all over the world. Every traveler wants to touch a living story. This city is imbued with the spirit of antiquity and ancient artifacts can be found literally at every step. But in order to find out interesting information, it is better not just to stroll and enjoy the beauties, but to visit one of the museums of Athens. The capital of Greece leads in their number. There are more than 200 museums in the city, each of them has its own theme and is interesting in its own way.

National Museum

One of the richest expositions can please the National Museum of Athens. It is located near the Panepistimio metro station in the old building of the Greek Parliament. The basis of the exposition was items collected by ethnographic society in the 19th century. There are exhibits from the fall of Constantinople to the Second World War.

National Museum of Athens

In the museum, part of the exposition is dedicated to Greek statehood and the establishment of independence. Exhibited objects belonging to famous revolutionaries and political figures, as well as numerous photographs, letters, weapons and documents. In addition, in the halls you can see national costumes from different parts of the country, Byzantine armor and paintings.

Archaeological Museum

The National Archaeological Museum of Athens is the largest in the country. It is located on Patision Street. It exhibited more than twenty thousand exhibits belonging to different eras. Here is the world's richest collection of ceramics and sculptures. The museum presents objects of the prehistoric era, which date back to 7 thousand BC. e. Here you can see bone and ceramics, gold jewelry and weapons.

National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Mycenaean culture is presented in a separate room. The finds found during excavations are interesting: stone seals, weapons and household items made of bronze, gold dishes and jewelry, as well as wall paintings. The Cycladic culture hall presents samples of Bronze Age products: marble figurines, vessels, weapons. This museum has the richest collection of sculptures in the world.

They were discovered in different parts of the country and belong to different historical eras. It is surprising how accurate the ancient masters worked out the details in their works. The museum presents a collection of ceramic products spanning the period from the 11th century BC. e. and before the Roman era. You can see firsthand how skill and technology have improved.

museums of Athens

Samples of the cultural heritage of Ancient Egypt and the Middle East are exhibited here, dating back to the 5th century BC. e to IV in BC e.

The Archaeological Museum of Athens is worth a visit to plunge into the history of one of the oldest states on the planet.

Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis is one of the most famous places in Greece. Ancient buildings are still striking in their grandeur and originality. This is the story itself, frozen in stone. Archaeological excavations and research work have been going on in this place for decades, giving historians new information. The museum was first opened at the end of the 19th century. But in 2007, a new building was built, which opened its doors at the very foot of the Acropolis on 15 Dionysius Areopagit Street.

Acropolis Museum of Athens

In the huge ultramodern building of the Acropolis Museum in Athens, there are artifacts found in these places since the 19th century. Antique statues, cult objects, ancient bas-reliefs - these are just a small part of the exhibits presented here. The floor in the museum is made of glass, as the building is located directly above the foundations of ancient buildings that were erected many centuries ago.

This museum in Athens allows you to dive deep into centuries.

Byzantine Museum

One of the famous and most visited is the Byzantine Museum in Athens. Back in 1914, the history of his collection began. The opening of the museum took place in 1923. It is located in the beautiful villa Ilisia, which was once the residence of the Duchess of Pleasant, Sofia Lebrun.

In the last century, the building underwent reconstruction. The appearance of the building remained unchanged, but three more floors appeared, going deep into the earth. On the lower tier, the Christian Basilica of V and the interior of the Byzantine church of the 11th century were recreated.

More than 25 thousand exhibits related to Byzantine and Christian art are on display. Here you can see paintings, engravings by great artists, samples of ceramic products, original murals. As well as rich sewing, ancient books and, preserved to this day, manuscripts.

Byzantine Museum in Athens

An important part of the exposition of this museum in Athens is the icon. The main attraction of the museum and the shrine of the country is the icon of St. Catherine of Alexandria. No less famous is the image of St. George, one side of which is golden and the other silver.

The address of the Byzantine Museum is 22, Vasilissis Sofias Ave., not far from the Evangelismos metro station.

Museum of Numismatics

Another attraction of Athens is the Museum of Numismatics. A huge collection of ancient coins, medals and precious stones is exhibited here, the analogues of which are not found anywhere in the world. The mansion in which the exhibition is located previously belonged to the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, famous for having found the legendary Troy.

The collection of the museum in Athens dates back to 1834 and has grown many times over this time. One of the halls is dedicated to the former owner of the mansion. There are exhibits dedicated to his life and archaeological searches.

numismatic museum

In the museum you can see coins of various eras, each exhibit is accompanied by a detailed annotation. The tools used to mint coins in ancient times were also exhibited here. You can learn a lot of new and interesting things about numismatics.

Those who wish can take a short course on coinage or try their hand at this difficult matter. Keepers of the craft will share the secrets of craftsmanship and teach a practical lesson.

Tower of the Winds

An amazing monument of ancient architecture is the Tower of the Winds. The building was built in the 1st century BC. e. Until now, it has a working weather station. Since ancient times, the tower has been monitoring the weather, winds and time.

The friezes of the structure are decorated with images of gods who personified in one direction or another. So, the north wind was patronized by the god Boreas, the north-east - Kaykiy, the east - Aphelius, the south-east - Evr, the south - Noth, the south-west - Lips, the west - Zephyr, the north-west - Skyron. Under the images of the deities there is a sundial dial that shows the exact time. And in case of cloudy weather, a water clock is provided.

Athens architecture

The building is in poor condition and requires restoration. This attraction is located near the Roman Agora Square.

Practical information

Almost all Athens museums operate on a single schedule. From Monday to Sunday they are open from 8:00 - 20:00. Good Friday - from 12:00 - 17:00. Weekends: January 1, March 25, May 1, Easter, December 25, 26.

Tourists reviews

During a trip to Athens, many tourists liked the Acropolis Museum. It was hot outside, and it was cool in the spacious halls. The building is huge, modern, the exhibition is amazing. Like many and the National Archaeological Museum. The exposition is thought out and interesting. When visiting, it is better to use the services of a guide who will tell a lot of informative about the exhibits. Particularly impressed by the tourists hall, which exhibited sculptures raised from the seabed.

The list of Athens museums is extensive and diverse. Here everyone will find something fascinating for themselves. Fans of military affairs can go to the Military Museum, and admirers of the fleet - in the Marine. The Benaki Museum is very interesting, in which, in addition to Greek culture, Andean, Islamic and Chinese are represented. Those who are not alien to political ambitions can go to the museum of the ancient Agora, which shows in all its subtleties the development of the political life of Greece in past centuries.

A trip to Athens will be remembered by any traveler for a long time.


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